SS 2: First Night (Others)

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Frisk expected she'd become leader but to have all of her friends as part of her team wasn't at all what she expected. She hoped Chara and Asriel would be part of her team, but at least the two of them were together and she ended up with a team full of people she knew well and got along with, even if they could be loud at times. Speaking of Asriel and Chara, the two turned out to be her neighbors! In fact everyone who she fought alongside with during the initiation were all nearby, the only exception was the room right across from her own that belonged to some people she had yet to meet.

Although unluckily for her, the one person who was part of her team was Mettaton, the person who almost always records and everyone seemed to not want to broadcast their bodies to his audience, despite the pleas they were probably making to him. So they did the only thing they could think of, even if Frisk wasn't too comfortable with it but it beat the alternative.

Mettaton: "Come on darlings, you all know I wouldn't film you even with your consent, that would just be too weird! Is locking me in the washroom really necessary?"

Mettaton pleaded from the washroom, his soul kept firmly in place by Undyne's green magic and preventing him from knocking on the door for that dramatic moment as he falls against the door and cries, earning him sympathy points from his audience that while amused by him being locked up were probably getting bored of watching him stand in place and call out to his teammates that were changing in peace.

Undyne had thought about throwing that metal box out the window, his body could handle the fall and if not, he had the jets but of course the kid wouldn't like that, it was a miracle she decided to let her locked him in the bathroom instead of out in the hallway. That idea crossed her mind, but she knew that he would probably try and get someone to help him out in some way, maybe even one of his fans, this was for the best and he'll just have to live with it.

Mew-Mew was a blushing mess since she was in the same room as Undyne while she changed into her sleeping attire, although she knew that Undyne was in a relationship so she politely stared away from the fish monster. Her heart was pounding though and she kept thinking about just taking a single peak but each and single time she fought it off and refused to violate Undyne's trust like that, she only wanted the best after all for her!


Eleanor was quite surprised to become the leader but with all things considered, it wasn't that surprisingly, sure Papyrus was a good fighter and friendly person but he was not the smartest person around and instead followed her lead when she claimed a relic. While Sans seemed smart, he didn't really do much fighting and he always slept and was generally a lazy person, so he probably wouldn't be too good at leading either. That left only her father and while she could communicate him, the others could not so it really only left her with the burden of leadership. One could say she was born for this anyways, funnily enough she ran to avoid leading mother's delusional cult yet she ended up leading anyways, granted they're not delusional or a cult.

Though she quickly realized she was the only girl on an otherwise all boy team and now she was in the washroom changing out of her diving suit in the first time since she put it on almost 2 weeks ago now. To say it smelt was an understatement but it was nothing a simple wash couldn't fix and she turned her attention to the new set of clothing Ozpin had made arrangements to give her and begun to get dressed in the new sleeping attire.

Delta didn't need to change and while Papyrus and Sans were great help to the two of them, Papyrus even saving his life, he didn't want to risk any of them trying to peek on his daughter so he stood in front of the doorway looking down at the two skeletons, Papyrus only standing in front of him with a smile on his face and also keeping guard confusingly enough while Sans only laid in his bed.

Papyrus wasn't entirely sure why the two of them were standing guard at the door to the washroom, he was sure that Metal-Lamb had locked the door and neither him nor Sans would dare try and enter, that would just be so rude! But if Metal-Delta decided to guard than he would not let his teammate down and he would stand guard as he did back in Snowdin! Ooo! Maybe he could create some traps down as well!

Sans however didn't really care about the whole guarding business and only laid in bed, getting ready to sleep from such a long day of hard work. He really hoped being a huntsmen wouldn't be like this all the time, although knowing Papyrus, he'd go beyond the required work. On the plus side, he had quite a strong team on his hands and one of which could teleport so movement was never really going to be a problem, nor should combat between just the two guardsmen to the washroom. Sure, Papyrus wasn't intimidating like Delta was, but he more than made up for it with his fighting skills and athleticism.


Elsewhere a team of girls were getting changed when they heard rather loud stomping coming their way and to say that was annoying to a certain pink haired member of the team was an understatement. The brown haired leader had to talk her down from going out there and tearing whoever was stomping like that a new one but with the reminder of the plans for tomorrow, she'd begrudgingly relented and went back to brainstorming what snacks she'd make.

The coral pink haired girl could only giggle and while she wanted to go greet the new people who'd be their new neighbors, her purple haired teammate reminded her that there's always tomorrow and right now they are simply too busy to greet them properly.

Despite the small fights occurring over who should do what and when, the team all were happy to be together once more after the summer they spent apart and even more excited to launch the club they had decided to start over said summer holiday. The Literature Club will be launching tomorrow!

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