X: First Club Meeting!

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After a few seconds, everyone seemed to have broken into small groups of their own, the first ones seem to be hanging by the snacks and more interested in munching out and talking among each other which consists of Sayori, Nora, Papyrus and Frisk. If it wasn't for Frisk being such a shy person, you weren't sure if the room would be able to handle all that energy together unchained in one place.

Next group you spotted were hanging by the books, giving each other plenty of space but still in room to talk to one another which happened quite rarely since they were nose deep into a book themselves. Almost unsurprisingly it consists of Blake, Yuri, Ren and Eleanor. You were a bit surprised Eleanor chose that group but then again you never really spoke to her much before.

The next group seemed to have claimed the teacher's desk and were talking to each other, well more like Sans and Monika were talking to each other while Delta stood there and kept an eye on Eleanor. Although you did notice Monika looking toward Natsuki and Sans looking toward Papyrus. Seemed to be the group to go if you wanted to keep an eye on people.

Last but not least, Chara and Natsuki have claimed the middle row, the two talking a bit but Natsuki seems a bit annoyed at Chara's seemingly bored tone and expression that is pretty much known for despite the first day of classes. You swear you only seen her emote three times so far and one of which was when she was going berserk on those grimm. 

After weighing your options for a bit, you decide you should probably try and defuse the ticking time bomb that was Natsuki and Chara talking so walking up to the two, the two immediately notice you. 

Chara: "Greetings Y/N."

Natsuki: "Oh, hey Y/N!"

Chara greets you as usual while offering you a simple wave, one you returned with a warm smile. Natsuki greets you with a look of relief and some happiness, although you have to wonder why that is.

Y/N: "So what are you two talking about? Didn't really think you two would decide to talk between everyone here."

You decide to ask the biggest question that came to your mind when you spotted the two, it's not that you didn't think they wouldn't get along, no, they'd... Huh. Now that you thought about it, you weren't sure if they'd get along. Regardless, it just seemed like they'd be the type of people who would talk to people they knew instead of complete strangers so seeing the two of them talk to one another other than the people they'd probably hang out with, Frisk instantly springing to your mind for Chara since the two were siblings while Natsuki's team, MYSN, came in mind for Natsuki.

Chara: "Well Frisk has chosen to speak to people much like her and I know she doesn't seem like it now, but she will become as excitable if not more excitable as the people within the group once she feels comfortable. It is simply not my personal taste, dealing with Frisk and Papyrus alone could be bothersome."

Chara explained, surprising you a bit and making you wonder just how exactly would that look. You then also thought about what would happen if you offered coffee to all of them before quickly realizing just how hyper they'd become, these people were presumably this excited and energetic without coffee so adding it on top would be  like pouring gas on a roaring fire. 

Natsuki: "Yuri is with all the quiet people, Sayori is with the loud people and Monika is with that big guy... "

Natsuki explained and you had to admit those were valid reasons, you weren't entirely too sure how you would talk to the people more interested in reading books and frankly you were too tired to deal with all that energy near the snacks. Although you were intending on talking to Monika and Sans, you didn't get much of a chance to talk to either of them.

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