Part 8

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It's my life. Part 1 of 2

I woke up and Cece wasn't in bed, I looked at the alarm clock it's after nine, oh shit I overslept, I jumped out of bed and rushed to the bathroom and washed my face, after that I put something on and left the bedroom and went down to Manny's room he wasn't there. I went downstairs and Liz is dusting, she said good morning to me, I asked her where is Cece?

It's okay bossman he took Manny to school, bossman James said Mr. Cecil shouldn't be driving, I told him he didn't he just rode with the driver to take Manny to school, Mr. Cecil was his old self today he even ate all of his breakfast, all that praying paid off, I know he's going to be just fine. Now you come in the kitchen and get your breakfast, bossman James.

Liz I'll be in there in a minute, I called Cece, he answered with a good morning my love, good morning to you as well, babe I overslept you know I help Manny get ready for school, and my alarm clock didn't go off, I guess I forgot to set it.

No, you didn't James, I cut it off, he asked why, I told him he was sleeping so peacefully I wanted him to rest, I woke up feeling great and I wanted to help our baby. James said still I should've woken him up, he asked me where I am now.

I told him I just left Alexanders, James said come home, I know damn well I can't be working, I told him I didn't do any work, I went there to see Dexter he's handling something for me, James asked what. I told him my will, bae didn't say anything, hello, are you still there, he said yes, please just come home. I told him I have one more stop to make, and I'll be home.

James said I'm to tell the driver to bring me home right this minute, I told him he's not talking to Manuel, I'm a grown man, I told him when I'm finished, I'll be home, I hung up, and cut my phone off, I know James will call me back. I told the driver James will be calling him, don't answer that call, I'll deal with him when we get back to the house, just take me where I told him to take me.

Dammit, the driver isn't answering his phone, if I know Cece, he told him not to take my call, I walked into the kitchen and asked Liz could I use her cell, she got it and gave it to me, I started to call Cece, but he'll know it's me using Liz's phone, so, I called the driver he answered. I asked him where's my husband, he said he's inside of Amos brother's funeral home. I just hung up, Liz asked me where is bossman, I told her, she said oh lord he's making his own funeral plans, bossman never liked anyone doing things for him. I told her he has me to do stuff like that, she said we both know him, and he wouldn't want me to have to deal with planning his funeral, now sit down and have my breakfast.

I told her I'm not hungry, and went outside, Milo is running around the backyard, I said come on boy let's go for a walk, I needed the walk more than he does right now. I got his leash, and we went for that walk, I'm wondering just how much better bae is really feeling, or did he just tell himself he was feeling better to do the things he wanted to do today, bae didn't seem that fine last night.

I got a text,  but when I looked at the phone it's not my phone, I still had Liz's phone, it's Cece, I read the text, he said Liz if I'm around me don't mention his name, I texted okay, bae texted saying tonight he wants her to make a very special meal for us, he already called Dyland there going to take Manny for the night, so that we can be alone, he has so much to talk to me about, I texted back sure I'll do that, he said thanks. Now what's bae going to tell me, what he's planning about his death.

I took Milo back home and gave him some water and went into the house, Liz said I still have her phone, I told her I know, and Cece texted her, I gave her back her phone and she read the text, she said she'll make both our favorites and she'll stay with her sister tonight. I told her thanks, now I think I will have breakfast; she got some cereal and poured it in a bowl and said enjoy.

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