What's he up to. Part 19

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Pain in the ass. Part 2 of 2

After a 13h flight we arrived in Italy, with all the stops we made it here an hour early, it's seven o'clock in the morning here, Rome is six hours ahead of Savannah, Pierre said that makes it around what, ten or eleven in the morning back home, I said his math is all off, it's a little after one there. I hope Ekim made the right decision sending Pierre here, we were taken to the hotel, we checked in and taken to our suite.

Pierre said he's going to soak in the tub, order breakfast, he'll have steak and eggs and orange juice he doesn't drink coffee, but I can order some for me if I drink that stuff. I looked at him he said what! I asked him if he is asking me or telling me, he said fine he's asking me, I said say please, he said please. I made the call, the kid went into his room, and I went into my room, I hope he doesn't get on my nerve while we're here.

I took out my phone and looked at pictures of Manny, I miss him so much, but I know he's in good hands with my family and friends. I went back into the main room and Pierre's phone was going off, I opened the balcony doors and stepped out. Rome is such a beautiful place, I wish I could've brought Cecil here, instead of being here with an arrogant spoiled kid.

There's a knock on the door, I walked back into the room and answered the door, it's our food, I signed for it, I told him I can set things up, he said very good sir and walked out of the room, I checked the food, it's everything we ordered. I knocked on Pierre's door and said the food is here, he didn't answer, I guess he's in the tub, I knocked again still no answer I just walked into the room I could hear singing coming from the bathroom. Great now he thinks he can sing, I walked over to the door and knocked, dammit, I hope I don't have to go in there, I knocked again still no response. I just opened the door; Pierre has his iPod in his ears singing, it looks like dude is shaving his pubic hairs, or his nuts. I just walked out and closed the door behind me, his food will just get cold.

 My phone rang, it's Reese, he said he's been calling Pierre, he's fucking up already not answering his phone, I told him he's in the tub, Reese said that's why he sent me here, anyway we'll be getting a call about going to the engine plant this afternoon, I told him I'll make sure Pierre gets there, he said he's sure Pierre got on my last nerve. I told him not yet, but after breakfast I'll get some rest, he said he's going to have dinner with Manny. I told him thanks and speaking of Manny I have to call him, Reese said just call him later and let him know how things went, he wants to see if Pierre will tell him the same thing, I told him I will, he hung up.

Pierre came out of his room wearing the shortest robe I've ever seen a man wear, I told him if he had stayed in the tub any longer his food would be cold, he said I could've told him. I just left that alone, I didn't want to tell him I tried, but I saw him shaving his nuts. We ate and I told him Reese called and what he said, I finished eating and went back in my room, I locked the door behind me, I don't trust Pierre.

I got undressed and walked into the bathroom and took a hot shower, after that I dried off and called Manny, he told me about his day and how he's going to the Alexander compound and have dinner, he asked me about Pierre. I told him he's in the other room, he said he'll just call him later.

I told Manny I really miss him, he said he misses me too, but why I'm here find something to do and take plenty of pictures, so I can show him when I get back home, I told him I will, and papi loves him, he said he loves me too, he hung up. I wanted to ask him what he told Pierre yesterday, but it's best I left that alone, I got into bed and just took a nap, that flight wore me out.

Later I'm awakened by my phone ringing, I looked at the caller ID, it's Pierre, I answered his call, he said we're due at the engine plant in thirty minutes, he's been trying to get in my room, I told him I took a nap, he said well get my dick out of my hand and get dressed so we can go, don't fuck this up for him. I just hung up, that little fucker. I got up and washed up and brushed my teeth, I got dressed and came out of the room, Pierre is dressed, and we left, he didn't say anything to me, I think he's nervous and wants to show his family he can do this.

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