A life is gone Part 12

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The funeral.

Liz came into the living room, she said she can't find Manny anywhere, she looked all over the house, I said now that she mentioned it, I haven't seen Milo either, those two are always together. Parker said he has to be around here someplace. 

We all looked for Manny, Dyland said he searched the front of the house the gate is closed, Manny couldn't have gotten out so he has to be around here someplace, Liz said she'll check upstairs again where could that baby be. Parker said he'll check the grounds again, I told EJ to check in the guesthouse, he left the room, I checked the game room no Manny, I went outside, and I heard barking coming from the garage that Cece kept his vintage car in, I opened the door and Manny is in the car.

I told him he scared us when we couldn't find him, he said Cece promised him he'd take him for a ride in his car, but he can't now and when he's old enough to drive he'll drive me and Milo around. I'll tell you what Manny, I'll have this car serviced and I'll take you for a ride, he said Milo too, I told him Milo too, now we better get ready so we can visit daddy Cecil, but this won't be our last time visiting him.

He got out of the car and told Milo to come with us, the pup ran out of the garage, we went into the house, Liz hugged him and said he scared her when she couldn't find him, look at his clothes there all dusty, now he'll have to change, Dyland said he'll take him up and change him.

Liz asked me where did I find him, I told her in the garage, Parker said he looked in there, he didn't see Manny, I told him he was in the other garage the one that Cece kept his vintage Mercedes Bentz in, I only found him because Milo was barking, I'll have to have that car serviced so that I can take Manny for a ride in it, Cece never got the chance to take him.

EJ said we have to do all we can to make Manny happy, and always have memories of Cece, he went upstairs, Parker asked me how I am doing, I told him I hate that question that's all people have been asking me. I just lost the man I love; I'm hurt and angry and I'm mad at Cecil, but I love him.

James it's alright if you feel like that, if it makes you feel better you can punch me, go ahead get it out, he said he can't do that, I told him before I leave for Paris we'll go to the gym and put the boxing gloves on, and he can do that.

Thanks Park, and you've been a good friend, you and Dex have been the brother I didn't have until I found out about Dyland, and you guys have still been there for me. The guys came down I asked Manny is he ready to do this, he said as long as I'm with him he can, we called for Liz, she came into the room, and we walked out of the house and got in the limo.

I just looked out of the window, we got to the church and got out of the car we walked in, Liz tried to sit in the back of the church, I told her she's sitting up front with us, she's family we all sat up front.

 We looked at Cecil's sleeping, Manny said tell his mommy hi for him and we sat back down, I saw Bretten sitting in the back, why would he come here, he had no love for Cecil, the serviced started. Ekim spoke words about Cecil and so did Reese, and a lot of other people, the lords prayer was read, Dex got up and read the obituary.

Dex read the words that Cecil wrote, a chapter completed, a page turned a life well lived, a rest well-earned yes, I left to soon, remember me as I was, happy smiling and full of love. It is with deepest love that I have for you all, that you're here saying goodbye to me Cecil Roth Lattimore.

He read all about Cecil's life and he added about them going to law school together and how Cecil always wanted a family, and he got it, and he was happy with his family and friends. He told about who he lives behind, me and Manny, and a host of friends.

Dex asked Dyland to come up and read some very special words Cecil wanted us to hear, Dyland got up and read them.

Good morning, everyone, I'm going to read my brother- in - laws words, but he was more to me than a brother-in-law he was my brother, and a friend, he always had a good word for me, now I'll read his words. I'm free, don't cry for me, for now I'm free I'm following the path God laid for me, I took his hand when I heard him call. I turned my back and left it all, I could not stay another day to laugh, to work or play. Tasks left undone must stay that way, I found a place at the close of the day. If my parting has left a void, then fill it with remembered joy.

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