Taking Matters Into Our Own Hands

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|Mount Justice| October 10 16:53 EDT|

Flare's POV

I threw punch after punch at Aqualad. My fiery determination burned brightly in my eyes. No matter how hard I tried to be unpredictable, Aqualad seemed to anticipate my every move, his fluid movements dodging and deflecting my strikes effortlessly.

From a distance, Black Canary observed the team's sparring session with a critical eye, arms crossed over her chest. Meanwhile, KidFlash enjoyed being doted upon by Captain Marvel, his injured arm treated like a golden crown. 

My teeth clenched in frustration, but I pressed on, determined not to let Aqualad get the better of me.

"Flare," Black Canary called out, striding over to us with a stern expression. "You're too predictable. Your face, eyes, and stances give away your next maneuver to your opponent." She shook her head disapprovingly.

Aqualad seized the opportunity, flipping me over onto the floor with a loud thud. I groaned in annoyance, feeling the impact reverberate through my body. Kaldur smiled in amusement, obviously pleased with his performance.

"Good work, Aqualad," Black Canary praised, placing a hand on his shoulder. "You're improving well." Black Canary finished as she placed a hand on his shoulder. With that, she turned and walked away, leaving me to struggle at my feet. Kaldur extended a hand to help me up, and despite my embarrassment, I reluctantly accepted his offer, blushing fiercely.

Our attention shifted as the Zeta-Tube announced a new arrival. 

"Recognize... Zatara one.. one." 

The famed magician appeared before all of us, offering courteous greetings before giving clearance for another person to enter. 

"Access Granted... Recognize... Zatanna Zatara... A.. zero..three; Authorization .. one... one."

The young woman had long, sleek black hair that framed her face, falling in loose waves to her shoulders. She wore a stunning outfit that evoked the nostalgia of a stage magician, with a fitted corset top and flowing dress pants. Her blue eyes, framed with long lashes, gleamed with curiosity as she took in her new surroundings.

"This is my daughter, Zatanna," Zatara introduced, and the team immediately began their introductions. Miss Martian excitedly began to speak, but Robin cut in, 

"Hi, I'm Robin.. and she M'gann, that's Wally, Artemis, Kaldur, Konnor, and Rose." 

Aqualad then softly says, "Welcome to the cave." 

 Zatanna's response was shy but genuine.

"Uh, thanks." She glanced around at the gathered heroes, curiosity shining in her eyes. 

Robin, ever the inquisitive one, asked the question on everyone's minds. "So, uh, are you joining the team?"

Zatara quickly answered for her, "No, let's not get ahead of ourselves. This is strictly a visit." And with that, the casual yet mysterious atmosphere returned, leaving me and the others to ponder what surprises the future held for us.

My attention was drawn back to the present as Miss Martian initiated a Mindlink conversation.

"Do you get the feeling that we are still on probation, from Zatara?" she asked the others.

"Zatara? I mean, why is Captain Marvel still hanging around?" Konnor chimed in.

Wally shrugged, "Well, we all like having him around," which earned him an eye roll from Artemis.

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