Too Many Secrets

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|Mount Justice| October 3  11:53 EDT|

Robin's POV

After defeating the Injustice League, I started to lose faith in Rose. Whenever the team goes on a mission or we are in the middle of training, my mind always lingers about her. I never felt this uneasy before. I always know what to do and know all the answers. Heck, I take any information at my fingertips. 

Why does she hold so many secrets? I also notice Aqualad and Miss Martian slowly doubting her loyalty to the team. And for them to question her, it's becoming serious.

What does not help Rose is that, in most cases, she hasn't been involved in completing the mission alongside us. But what bothers me the most is the time when the Reds invaded our cave, and Rose risked her life to save us. M'Gann nearly died, but Rose was in the most severe critical condition. She was placed in a unique pod for several days.

I am starting to wonder why the League has not found her suspicious. What Batman has not told me about her? 

Too many secrets!

Aqualad and the others have not taken action or found something to do about her because of the odd support from the League. Superboy, Artemis, and Wally have been avoiding Rose. And I am becoming uncomfortable walking around the cave, knowing she is around sneaking off to someplace. Kinda Ironic that the 'sneaking off thing' is getting annoying. I see why the others can't stand it.

I walked down a hallway, immersed in deep thought, forgetting that I wanted to talk to Aqualad about Flare. I reached a door that led to Aqualad's room. After his personal mission in Atlantis, he's been living here more. I wonder what happened. I knocked at his door.

"Aqualad. It's me, Robin. We need to talk." I waited for a response and heard nothing from the other side. The door slid open just before I started to think that he may not be there. He had a towel over his head as he rubbed himself dry. He took a step out to look out either side of the hallway before he rested his eyes on me.

"It's about Flare." I simply stated. I noticed he slightly jolted as I mentioned her name. I'm starting to think either he finds her a treat, or they are a thing.

"Yes, come in, Robin." He walked in and gestured for me to enter.

"What is this about? What sort of trouble did she get into this time?" Aqualad's face contorts in frustration as he lets out a heavy sigh and flops onto the plush lounge chair.

I remained standing. I'm a little too antsy to sit down just yet.

"Nothing, it's just we might have to fix this somehow..."

"What is there to fix?" His tone of voice shifted a bit defensively or confused.

"Don't deny that you're starting to doubt Flare too. As days pass, the rest of the team has problems working with her on missions..."

"She already explained to us that she does not want to share secrets with us." Aqualad leaned forward as he rested his elbow on his knees.

"You saw how disorganized the mission turned out the first time when we found out that you knew about the mole."

"So what are you suggesting for me to do?" Kaldur looked me in the eye this time. Clearly sending a message, 'tell what you really here for.'

"I think you should talk to her and convince her to trust us more. If not, maybe trust in you. You have your way with words that you always know what to say."

"I-I don't know.." He looked down at his feet.

 "I think she has a stronger connection with you than the rest of us. Sure, I questioned it sometimes when she's always with Miss Martian, but I think you are the only one who could do this."

He looks up at me in a slight frown of disbelief. 

"Make her feel comfortable to share her heavy secrets with you. That way, if she tells you something, we will trust you'll handle it... as the leader, of course."

I went over and sat on the empty lounge chair across from Kaldur, watching him, waiting for him to decide.

"Fine. But don't expect me to share anything." He looked at me seriously. I nodded in agreement. " Don't reveal this to the team. Allow me some time to work this out." He got up and showed me out of his room.

"Sorry to pin this on you, but I know you can do this. You are the only one who can." I said to him gently.

He tipped his head down to let me know he understood me. I did so in return. As the door shuts behind him, I walk down the hallway, heading to the Zeta tubes. Deeply, I wonder if I could pressure or convince Batman to tell me something. Anything about Flare. But who am I kidding? I tried this many times. 

As I arrived at the Zeta tubes, I saw Rose standing there, looking off into the distance. She didn't notice me as I approached her, lost in her thoughts.

"Rose," I said, trying to catch her attention. She turned to look at me, her eyes shining with a sadness that struck me. "What's wrong?" I asked, concerned.

She hesitated for a moment before speaking. "It's nothing, Robin. Just thinking about things." Her voice was low, barely above a whisper.

I stepped closer to her, studying her face. "You know you can talk to me, right? I'm here if you need someone to talk to."

Her eyes met mine, and I saw a flicker of uncertainty before she looked away. "I appreciate that, Robin. Really, I do. But some things are just better left unsaid."

I frowned, not liking the sound of that.

She seemed so guarded, and I couldn't help but wonder what secrets she was keeping from us. "You don't have to go through this alone. We're a team, and we're here for each other," I said, trying to reassure her.

She gave me a small smile, but it didn't reach her eyes. "I know, Robin. I'm just trying to figure things out. It's complicated." She walked past me.

That was when she finally said, " I gotta go. Will I see you later?" 

My words caught my throat as I looked in at her emotionless eye. It was startling that I nodded in reply.

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