Intruders: The Reds | Pt. I

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|Mount Justice: September 22, 15:53 EDT|

Flare's POV

Sweat drips down from my forehead. My fierce air punches shed some droplets of two. The vibrant hair strands stick to my face and neck. I started off using a turned kick. I've been practicing a few of my new tricks that I've been learning from a few years back. I noticed for a while my long black cloak seemed to weigh me down a bit. I refused to let my cloak go and had the idea to use the heavy special cloak to gain more endurance.

After finishing one last punch, I have deep puffs as my lungs desperately cling to any remaining oxygen I have left. I smirk excitedly on my next part of conditioning training. I took one step back, stretching one hand forward and one back, ready to take a quick spin. I spin quickly, giving off a spinning fireball that surrounds my body. I stop by, landing on my beginning stance. I sent off a huff of satisfaction while looking at my hands. Letting my hands down, I closed my eyes to relax and focus on my energy. Fire swells up at the tip of my palms, which increasingly grows, engulfing my entire body. 

I never felt so comfortable and so relaxed without the touch of fire. Before, I enjoyed the hot, wet showers after a long day of school. Now, I can't wait to sleep in the fire pit without anyone else knowing, of course. They might think I'm crazy for doing so. I tend to miss much of my old life without these dangerous powers. I miss going to school and returning home to spend time with my parents and friends. I miss being normal. I miss going to gymnastics after school and going to the pool or beach on a hot summer day. But I am cursed with these powers.

My earrings chime as my ears twitch after hearing someone enter the training circle.

"Who's here?" I kept my eyes closed, trying again to concentrate my energy control.

"Oh, My Apologies. Were you training?" a gentle yet firm voice echoed. It was Aqualad's.

"No worries, I was just finishing up."

I went ahead to fix up my cloak, preparing to go and leave the room.

"Oh no, I didn't mean to kick you out."

"You're not. I am going to rest. I've been very exhausted lately..."

I walked past him, giving him an assuring smile, and exited the room.

Red Tornado's POV

"Is everything alright?" I spoke up to Aqualad in my regular monotone voice.

"Hm?" He turned to me. His expression showed signs of relief at seeing me.

"Is there something you wanted to speak to me?"

"Yes... I don't know how I can say this... I am not certain if there is a possibility of a mole in the Team."

"So, have you told anyone about this Mole?"

"No, I am not sure if there is one that exists... If there is, I need to investigate. I also don't want to alert the perpetrator. Without 'tipping my hand'. Perhaps I should tell Batman?"

"Batman expects the Team to solve its own problems."

Aqualad is left with no answers. He began to contemplate what he should do next.

"I must go. I will return after monitor duty at the Watchtower."

"I thought you were exempt from monitor duty since you became our 'den mother.'"

"Recognize Red Tornado 16"

"I agreed to cover Green Arrow; he has a personal event with Black Canary: a 'hot date'."

Aqualad nodded as Red Tornado vanished in between the Zeta Tube, and he continued to think deeply about his role.

Wally's POV

"Hey, Guys!"

"You're surely taking a lot of time trying to fix this bike, huh?" I walked up to M'gann, Superboy, and the Sphere.

"Maybe you need the Wall Man's help."

They both looked at each other and smiled.

"Let me see." I went over to inspect the Bike. As I continued to roam around looking at the ins and outs of the bike, Aqualad showed up.

Flare's POV

In my small fox form, I lay comfortably in the library's fireplace. Even every muscle in this tiny form seems to be very agitated and tense.

'Ugh, finally I can relax'!

I spoke too soon; my eyes wouldn't shut. My mind is occupied with replayed nightmare scenes that I assumed I had finally gotten rid of two years ago.

'Maybe I should go back and speak with Black Canary again...'

The creepy laughs. The sounds of crying and screaming. Picturing the small, filthy, dim-lit room. My bruised ankles and wrists were locked in chains. I could clearly remember it as if it was yesterday. My arms, back, and legs are covered with dirty old bloody scratches. I lay on the cold, hard floor with no strength to lift a finger. Recalling, A person did enter my cell. I strained my eyes, struggling to focus on his face. To no avail, my body gave out and shut down.

" Don't worry, you are safe now."


Startled, my tiny little fur strains stood up. Something big must have broken into the cave.

'I don't like the sound of that.'

I hopped out of the fireplace. At the same time, I transform into my 'normal' state. I dashed out of the library and ran towards the big explosion. I could hear some of my teammates grunting and fighting at a distance. My heart pounded louder and louder as I reached the end of the hallway.


My body was slammed by a crashing wave of water. My body quickly reacted by giving me the taste of this curse: the burning sensations. And it's all over my body. I twirled and tumbled in between the rolling waves. Finally, it subsided at a great distance from where I was. Whimpering and forcing myself to stand up. I'm not surprised. Water is my weakness. Instead of sunburns, I get water burns.


Chuckling to myself of the ridiculousness. The Irony.

I dragged my feet and pushed into a sprinting start. Again, I reached the end. Shocked, I saw Superboy and Kid flash captured in this metal-looking bind. My eyes darted to see Miss Martian dodging fireballs while Aqualad was battling it with his water. Curious to see the culprit,

"That can't be Red Tornado, right?"

Then, another one appeared from above and landed inches away from my face. My heart stopped.

'I missed one.'

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