Getting Familiar

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Flare's POV

"Right... Hehe," I nervously chuckle my way out to avoid his pressing question.

"So, how was your day?" Smiling in innocence.

"School can't get any worse," KF grumbled in annoyance.

"I miss what it is like going to school," I respond softly.

"Huh? Did you say something?" KF asked.

"No-no, School is school... Hehe."

"How was your day, Aqualad?"

"Very Well, Thank you."

"Have you gotten to know how to get around the cave?" he asks.

"Yeah, I've been around. Is there a hidden room that I could have missed?" My curiosity takes the best of me.

"Robin could've known better than us, angel face." FK shrugged.

"Why don't we go hunting to find one ourselves? Before Robin and the others get here?"

"Recognize B04.. Superboy... B05.. Miss Martian"

My ears perked up a bit after hearing the Zeta tube announcing who was entering from a distance.

"That can be intriguing..." Aqualad contemplates the tempting offer.

Excited, I took a head start towards the opposite way of the entrance. But before I got to, KF stopped in my tracks.

"Wait, I'll be back in a quicky. I thought I heard someone is here," He quickly said and zipped. My clothing and reddish-orange flowing hair whisk through his fast wind. Once it died down, I gently fixed my hair back into its place. 

"Let go see," Aqualad invited. 

I followed him. I was slightly disappointed; I wanted to go hidden room hunting. Our short walk to the Circle was a 'don't know what to talk about' walk. Ahead of us, we could see Kid Flash jokingly flirting with M'Gann while Superboy had an annoyed face on.  M'Gann then notices us. She flew towards our direction,

"Flare~ Welcome Back!" She went in for a bear hug.

"T-thank you." 

The rest came closer. Kid Flash then filled in for Superboy and M'Gann,

"Want to walk around with us? Flare wants to find out if the cave has some hidden rooms in here." 

"Maybe we can find the fox hiding in those rooms..." Superboy had his arms crossed with the same tough, grumpy face.

"A Fox? You don't like foxes?" I questioned.

"Did you see one?!" They all blurted out.

I looked around nervously.

"Why, you ask?" Avoiding to answer.

"Well, Superboy has been complaining these past weeks..." M'gann continued

"-Its TINY little paws keep scratching the floors as it passes my bedroom every night! I can't stand it!" he emphasized his frustration.

"So, what you're going to do about the fox once you find him-... I mean, it?" I asked.

"Capture it and take it outside."

"Didn't Batman say not to?" Kid Flash reminded him.

He crossed his arms grumpily and helplessly.

"Let's go then; we'll see what we can find," M'gann finished.

This time, I allowed them to go ahead and lead the way.

"Flare, we didn't get a chance to get your name," M'gann smiled friendly.

"It's Rosalie, Rosalie Whyte. But you can call me Rose" I shyly responded.

"You can call me Wally" he jumped in.

" Yeah, I'm M'Gann, and his name is Konner." She pointed at Superboy.

"My name is Kaldur'ahm, but the others call me Kaldur." 

"It's so nice to finally get to know you, Rose" M'Gann squealed.

"So, what can you do?" She continued.


"Huh?!" Kid Flash didn't hear me.

"Fire, Fire Ability," I spoke up a little bit.

"Oh, wow, total opposites for these two." His both pointer fingers pointed at Aqualad and M'Gann.

"Oh..." I looked at both of them.

"Yeah, we don't like fire much," she half smiled.

"Water and Fire don't go together," Aqualad answered.

"I agree," I confessed.

"Martians don't like the heat either..."

"I'll keep that in mind."

"Thanks," she smiled warmly.

"What do you like to do in your spare time?"

"I like to read, watch people, take naps, and explore."

"What do you like to read?" Aqualad asked.

I winced at the fact that I was reminded that I was just reading the secret book.

"Uh, true stories and documentaries..."

"That sounds boring," Superboy commented.

I chuckled a lot at his comment. I didn't expect that one coming. The rest join in the laughter.

I pointed down a hallway. I haven't gone down there yet.

"Have you guys gotten down this way?"

"It has nothing exciting down there," KF responded.

"Why don't we wait until Robin gets here?" Kid Flash expressed his boredom.

"oh... um okay" 


"haha, If I told you where they are, it would not be a secret anymore," Robin laughed.

"You're impossible," Artemis complained.

"Sorry, Rose," M'Gann apologized.

I shook my head, " No, it's fine."

"Superboy, did you find the fox yet?" Robin brought it up.

"No! Not yet," he pouted.

"I'm sure it will come out soon," Artemis assured.

"He needs to eat."

"True," Robin agreed.

Slowly, our conversation divided into smaller groups. M'gann speaking to Superboy. Robin, Artemis, and Kid Flash. Which's left, Kaldur and I. I shyly looked at him as he sat back on the couch comfortably.

"You look tired," I whispered to him. He looked at me and nodded.

"You too. Do you want to head back?" 

"Yes." Both of us rose while the others stopped and looked.

"We are going to head in; it's getting late." He explained for us.

"Oh, Good Night, Rosalie, Kaldur'" M'gann and the others said their goodbyes.

As we headed down, our walk was quiet again. Don't know what to say, but then, Kaldur spoke,

"It's a pleasure to have you on our team. I am looking forward to your performance in our next mission," the leader complimented me.

We stopped at my door,

"You know... I owe my life t-to.. the Justice League. I'll risk my life to give my all... " I pause to sink in my words of truth. "Good night, Kaldur'ahm."

I smiled slightly and swiftly entered my dorm room. I take one last look at him. I assured him with one more smile, and then I closed my door.

"Good...Night," Aqualad spoke softly.

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