The Injustice League | Pt. II

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A/N: I have to thank all those encouraging comments! Even though we are in trying time during this pandemic, I hope to be very FREQUENT with this story. Since many of you are so kind to keep asking me. Some of my ideas are thanks from all of you. If you would like to make a suggestions, feel free to DM me. Thank you again and enjoy~


|Bayou Bartholomew| October 2, 21:33 CEST|

"Robin, she made contact?" Miss Martian said.



Above them flew across what seemed to be the remaining team enclosed in a cage. Suddenly, the bio-ship hit a target, Count Vertigo, causing him to lose his focus and making him drop the rest of the Team from his grasp. Black Adam swop down to save him.

"NOT ME! GET THEM!" he scolded.

The team landed in the heart of the muddy swamp. Poison Ivy and Ultra Humanite appeared in front of them.

"I hate monkeys." SuperBoy and Wolf went to strike first. While Aqualad and Artemis reach over to grab their weapons, grab nothing.

"Ughh,, I feel naked but not in a fun way.." Artemis pouted

"We can make our own fun with our training.. Artemis menuver seven!" They worked well together, launching her in the air while she went to kick Poison Ivy straight into her face. Kid Flash was faced with Count Vertigo and Black Adam.

Flare's POV 

I stood behind Kid flash, teaming up with him against the two.


I was punched in the face and was sent flying to one side. As I urged myself to get up and fight back, I was faced with the person I wished I didn't want to see: Ceclia,  a.k.a Toxic.

"HAHAHAHHA, You missed me, rat number 2? I thought you joined with rat number 3?"

"Rat number 3?..." I figured out who she was referring to.

"You TRASH!" I spun my leg around to trip her off her feet.

"I dare you! Call her that one. More. Time." I raise my hand over her while the fireball easily forms in an instant.

"Hehe. Do it!"

As I was ready to blast her face to a crisp, Wally was whacked by Black Adam, sent him flying, crashing onto me, and sent us tumbling over.

"WHERE IS ROBIN AND THE MARTIAN?" Count Vertigo demanded.

Poison Ivy was reminded, and she had this feeling that something was wrong with her Vines. Robin and Miss Martian were already at the main source. Little tiny lights from each of Robin's bara tangs lit up and decorated over the giant ivy like a Christmas tree. It exploded, making it flop over at the sides of the enemy's base.

"Timber.." Robin said nonchalantly.

"YOU!" Poison Ivy launched her vines at them, but to no avail.

"CHILDREN foiled our plans.. children.." Joker said with disbelief while Atomic Skull beams at the two.

"Inconceivable! Unacceptable! RETRIBUTIONABLE!!! that last one might not be a word... So sue me."  Joker enraged. He turned, and our eyes met. He smiled the creepiest smile you could imagine. "Hello Dearie~"

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