The Last Time

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Hello my readers, Thank you for reading this far in Flare's Life Journey~! Please Star, Comment & Follow <3

FYI: This chapter is the continuation flashback from Chapter: Intruders: The Reds Pt. III (Feel free to return to that chapter to re-cape before you continue with this chapter.)


|UNKNOWN: December of 2008|

My eyes flutter open. I started to recall what happened two days ago in the arena. I reach over to touch my right eye. I felt a big, damp gauze patch over my right eye. I no longer feel the throbbing pain from last time, so I've concluded it no longer functions properly. My other eye strained to adjust to the dimly lit cell. I stared at the ceiling in silence as I lay there still on the cold, damp floor. Thinking about nothing.

"Rose.. Rose. Are you awake? Are you okay?" A sweet voice whispered across the hallway. I slowly turned my head to the right to listen to what she had to say.

Her swollen red-shot eyes are clearly seen as she tries to fit her face between the bars to have a better view of me.

"I'm sorry about y-your eye," she apologized. " You know, it was Celia. She did that to you."

"Stay away from her, Mia" I responded to her in a shaky voice.

"I know that.."

I pushed myself as I gradually sat up, but I soon quickly slouched over involuntarily. I placed my hands in front of me to support myself before I fell over. 

Then suddenly, the same creepy laugh from yesterday echoed in the empty hallway. An alarm went off, and the cell doors automatically opened before me. Mia's and my eyes are met in disbelief. This is a sign of another Arena Experiment. Pushing myself up, I looked out to the left and right from the edge of the cell entre way. Not even one soul has left his or her cell. However, down at one end of the hallway, I saw the creepy clown again. He caught me looking at him and made his crooked smile.

"Hello Deary..." He held up two automatic riffles up in the air and pulled the trigger like a madman. His hysterical laugh grew louder. A horde of kids began to stampede out of their cells, screaming and running the other way. They failed to notice they were heading on the same pathway to the Arena that we were just there two days ago. I stumbled, running across to grab Mia's wrist, and pulled her out before we could get trampled over.

* * *

Here we are, again, spread out in this huge arena, and Mia is hiding herself behind me. The others are now panicking. Being hysterically crying and paranoia. 

"Hello There.. Kiddies~" the loudspeaker went off, nearly piercing our eardrums again.

"Now, This old man has no time left to play with all of you anymore"

I had the most inhumane cold sweat down my spine. My heart began to race, and my hands became clammy.

"Let's have fun for the last time! Muhahahah~"

"Only four cute little souls can be set free. I am sure you're all quite smart to know what that means. Have fun, my little monsters~!"

A low booming blowhorn marks the time for us to begin. At first, many kids were startled, and horrid eyes danced back and forth.  One kid couldn't take that short time of suspense and charged at another.


His battle cry causes all to be put into motion as he attacks someone else. 

"Mia, Stay close. He mentions only four survivors can leave... We will survive."

A battle cry shrilled from behind. The enemy was not heading towards us but, to someone else. It was for Celia Williams, a.k.a Toxic. She is a heartless girl. A bully. Her neon green eyes with light green hair bring fear into everyone who knows not to go near her. All of us think she's a psycho. But don't forget to avoid her hands. Everything she touches dies, melts in her acid touch. Now, she is facing a boy with parts of his milky-brown face decorated with shiny blue diamonds. He was able to launch sharp diamond darts at will. To no surprise, Celia spits acid, with accurate aim, strong enough to dissolve these thin diamond darts. From the looks of it, she is making fun of him, playing him like some toy.

"You crazy psycho!" Crystallite, aka Jim, was ticked off. He started to form the biggest diamond dart I have ever seen.

"Rose! Look, he's going-" Mia pointed to another kid ready to hit Jim with a deadly blow from behind. Out of instinct, I launch a fire blaze at the kid within a second of him touching the edges of Jim's strand hairs. A close call. 

Jim, without realizing, flings his large dart at Celia. 

I felt this sick feeling in my stomach after watching the kid screaming as he is burning alive. I fell on my knee in agony. It's the price I paid for saving a life. Yet, my efforts were in vain because Toxic already melted the huge diamond dart with a single touch as if it was nothing. To end with her child's play, breathes out a huge green fog of terror. 

"RUN!" another kid screamed.

"She a demon!" one hollered. 

"Run away!"

Jim couldn't escape the fog. It was too close of a range to outrun it.

"ROSE, RUN!" Mia starts to tug on me. I push her back. I wanted to die. I killed someone. 

What have I done? 

Mia starts to drag me, screaming.

"ROSALIE! SNAP OUT OF IT-" she froze. "An Angel." she is now in a trance.

I lazily lifted my eye and saw above me what I thought was a giant majestic bird. She used her wide-wing span and created a big forced wind, causing the deadly fog to dissipate.

"HAHA, Fancy seeing you out of the rat hole. I thought we never see each other again." Celia insulted jokingly. "What's your name again? Denise?"

"Destiny." She gracefully landed a few two feet in front of us.

"Oh right, Destiny the flying rat." she laughed at her.

From behind, I could tell she was holding back her anger. She gripped her fists, turning the tips of her knuckles white.

"WELL, WHAT ARE YOU? A DUMPSTER?! THAT'S WHAT YOU ARE STINKING UP THE PLACE!" Mia had a sudden outburst of a tantrum.

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