The Interrogation

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|Watchtower: September 23, 08:14 EDT|

Flare's POV

The League's huge conference room is more daunting than I could imagine. Especially when I am sitting in front of the strongest members of the Justice League: Superman, Batman, Black Canary, Green Arrow, Aquaman, Green Lantern, Wonder Woman, and Flash, they are no longer the friendly guardians that I'm used to seeing, but they are all wearing neutral faces on. Not a single word has been spoken. Sitting here, for possibly more than thirty minutes, is like waiting for a death sentence.

"So what are we waiting f-for?" I nervously looked down, playing with my fingers.

Honestly, I was very upset that they no longer trusted me no more but, now I am scared. I really don't want to go back there. I'd rather die than go back to that place.

The next moment, Martian Manhunter enters the room.

"Oh, Really. Are you serious? You won't even trust a word I say?!" I caught myself before I raised my voice too high.

"Everyone's here. Let's begin." Batman gave the authority to begin the interrogation. 

I was appalled that none of them responded to what I'd just said. 

"Hmph" I sat back down, crossing my arms with a smirk on my face. 

'Two can play this game'

"As all of you well know, Mount Justice was attacked by two androids. The two androids and Red Tornado are now missing. I have called the Justice League to set this meeting  to discuss a possible mole." Batman's non-emotional expression made my stomach turn.

"Do you honestly th-"

"Have you been contacted?" He cut me off and intimidated me as the 'bad cop'. 

I didn't know what else to say anymore. 

'What am I supposed to do? He or anyone in the Justice League will never believe me.'

'That's not true, just answer the question. We just want to make sure you are safe.'  Martian Manhunter listened to my thoughts and responded back to me telepathically. I was very uncomfortable when he invaded my private thoughts like that, without warning even.

'No, I have not been contacted by the Light'  I said in mind-link as I looked at him in the eye with a cold glare.

"No, she has not," Martian Manhunter answered the question for me out loud.

Batman raised his eyebrow at me, "Have you been blackmailed?"

I sighed, " No."

"Could it be that the Light wants a ransom?" Wonder Woman concluded a possible idea.

"Trade in Flare for Red Tornado?" Superman questioned.

My hands started to tremble, and the hunting memories started to creep up through my mind. I accidently ignite one of my hands on fire causing the edge of the table to melt slowly.

"That doesn't seem right.. If they wanted her, they would have taken her instead of Red Tornado.." Black Canary reasoned.

Silence filled the room once more. Then Batman threw a file at me on the table with black and white images.

"Have you noticed anything weird lately?" He asked.

Lost in my nightmares, I failed to hear what he asked.


He then gestured to the pictures and the file in front of me. Confused as my head tilted to one side, I took few of the images to examine them.

'Notice anything weird?'  I said to myself.

"Those are CT scans of the brain and X-Rays of your head," he explained.

"You sure you didn't feel anything weird" He worded his words carefully.

In the images of my head and brain, I've noticed something that should not belong. It looked like a long thin capsule. My eye then widen in my resolve.


"It's a chip. Deeply embedded in your brain." Black Canary answered my unspoken question.

"Batman and some private doctors did some research. Finding out the reason for the chip and the possible side-affects from it. The research we've done is documented in that file. We believe it is not  a tracking chip but, so far we don't know what it does or what can it do to you." Superman explained further.

I uncovered the file. It presents on top with big red bold letters: 'Classified'. The tab reads, 'Rosalie Whyte'. Sudden fear prevented me from opening it yet curiosity toke the best of me. I opened my file and began reading my profile.

"Can it be removed? I want the chip destroyed and out of my brain"  My eye continues to scan through my file.

"The doctors said its too high of a risk to remove it. They were surprise that you survive from this kind of implant." Batman responded. He then raised one eyebrow, "They also found out the chip was implanted when you were much younger and the brain has grown to believe it's part of the brain's membrane. That's why," he then pointed to a site of one of the CT scans " some of the brain tissue are attached to it."

I slammed the melted corner table with two of my fist. My body swelled up with mixed emotions, which startled most of the league members.

"So are you telling me.. THIS CHIP.. is a POSSIBLITY  they could control me?! That's why I a PRIME SUSPECT?!"

"No, Hun. We d-" Black Canary stood up, trying to walk over to me; to comfort me.

"-Wait. Can they?! What does it do? Anything the Light has done to me brings nothing but, evil..." My intense panicking quickly turned to whispering mumbling. Enough of the other leaguers to think I must have gotten mad.

"Listen Ro-"

"-What if they can read my mind? What if-" I slowly walking away holding on to my head hoping to get answers.

"FLARE!" Black Canary grabbed onto each side of my shoulder, and shook me to grab my attention to face her.

My tears threaten to fall off from my glitzing light blue eye.

"We.. don't know for sure.. but, this gives us reason to be high alert.. on you," She gently explained to me. "Batman will work his hardest to find the answers we are looking for. So don't worry."

I exhaled deeply resulted with such relief. But then I felt my blood pressure drop then suddenly raise after I heard batman said,

"It's time for you to go back. The team must have finished their mission, so I wanted you to tell Aqualad, so he is aw-"


"But Rose..-" Black Canary try to ease my explosive anger.


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