Chapter five

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It was the day for blue lock to start! I got ready and did my morning routine.

I walked to the place that would host this soccer project. I was about to go on Spotify until I heard multiple dings! from my phone.

n/n, are you here yet?
I'm waiting for you.
Please hurry.
I wanna see your precious face again :(
Princess, if you want then I can walk towards you
Where are you?
You aren't hanging out with someone else are you?..
Are you trying to ditch me, princess?

Isagi, I'm literally in front of you.

After you texted that, he looked up and saw you. "Hey!"I said putting my arm around him. "H-hey princess.." he said blushing.

We walked towards the building while talking until some white haired dude came up to us.

"Hey! Your that one dude from the match last week right?" Said the white haired dude.

'This moron..I swear Imma bash his head in the concrete for stopping me and my girl from spending time with each other..' Isagi thought with a glare. But he quickly changed his attitude when he realized you wouldn't want a man who can't control his emotions.

"Oh yeah.." he replied awkwardly. You pulled your arm back into your sides which made Isagi sad. 'why is my love taking her arm away from my shoulder.. does she not love me? Does she not realize we have 6 kids and are married and our children will be crying if we divorced?..' Isagi thought being the most delusional mf.

"Sorry I didn't properly introduce myself at the match though! I'm Ryosuke Kira, nice to properly meet you!"

While he was talking, Isagi was still delusionally thinking about about the divorce you guys supposedly just had, chewing on his nails, LITERALLY TWEAKING THE FUCK OUT.

You hit the back of isagi's head, which made him look at you.

"Introduce yourself!" You said glaring him.
"Yes ma'am." Isagi said immediately. "I'm Isagi yoichi, nice to meet you..." He said. "..i guess.."he said mumbling the last part.

"And I'm y/n l/n. Nice to meet you." You said putting your hand in front of you for him to shake.

Isagi saw that and was about to grab your hand to avoid Kira touching you..😐


'Why is my pretty girl giving him her hand..why is he looking at her with his disgusting tainted eyeballs that Imma gouge out..Shake her hand, kira. I fucking double dog dare you too bitch, I swear I'm going kill your whole family in front of you and then make your death as miserable as possible, bitch. I will be shaving your head and putting your whole head into a volcano.' Isagi thought tweaking.

                         TW ENDED

Kira shaked your hand, and nodded to you. "Let's head inside?"
"Yea" You replied to Kira smiling a lil bit.
                 TW:ISAGI HORNY ASF

'she him...'Isagi's eyes widened. 'Ryosuke Kira, watch your fucking back. Since you clearly want my girl so bad, Imma get your phone number and then send you a video where my girl gives me backshots you ugly rat. Than Imma send you pictures of my fucked out face with hearts in my eyes and shit with her behind me fucking the dog shit outta me. And when I do, Imma be getting fucked by y/n and your not moron.' Isagi thought smiling at the thought of you controlling his body and fucking the life outta him until he gets milked dry.

                  .TW ENDED

"Isagi, let's go." You said looking back at him.
That snapped him out of his trance and he quickly followed after you, grabbing your hand and holding it like it was a precious diamond


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