chapter six

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Author pov

With Sae.

Sae itoshi was a very confident, and prideful person. Anyone could see that! He prided himself to not fall in love with someone at first sight like those cliche romance movies that disgusted him.

He didn't even believe in love at first sight! Until he met you. He was Madrid's wonderful midfielder, he had looks, he had the popularity, and more!

So why were you not obsessing over him? He tried everything. He's done everything. Black magic, manifestation, love letters, subliminals, you name it and he's done it.

He stalked your Instagram, followed you, and liked all your posts. He didn't try to hide it too. He used his main account, that you surprisingly haven't blocked him on since you were used to him using alt accounts.

He messaged you and messaged you time and time again for you to respond, but you seem to never respond.

All he did in his free time was try to stalk you, try to contact you, jerk off to your pictures, or cuddle with his body pillow that had a printed picture of you.(this mf touch starved)

All his managers quit because of that exact reason. If the manager was a fangirl and delusionally thought they could make him fall for them, they would've been quickly proven wrong.

Flash back to the manager fan girl

"S-Sae, you have a meeting in five minutes, we should hurry."

"Reschedule it or something. I'm watching my girlfriends match." He quickly said not even paying her any attention and instead to his phone where it played a video about you and some other schools match. He watched your figure with great lust and love, hearts even formed in his green eyes.

That made the manager infuriated. 'Why is my Sae watching that bitch?..'

"But, Sae~.. this could ruin your popularity.." she said coming behind him, pushing her boobs into his arm and she clinged onto one, trying to seduce him.

He quickly snatched his arm back, and glared at her. " What the fuck are you doing? Didn't I tell you I have a girlfriend, whore?" Tears formed in her eyes, as she quickly got up and ran away.

Safe to say, she never came back.

Flash back ended

He was now in another useless interview. They were talking, but Sae payed no mind.

'I wonder if my y/n is thinking about me..No of course they're thinking of me! We're literally married, why wouldn't she be thinking of me..?' Sae thought,

"U-Uhm Sae?" The interviewer said, trying to get him to answer his question.

Sae finally looked at him. "Anyway, as I was saying, the public has noticed some weird behavior coming from you, and how you always seem to go to Y/n L/n's match. Is anything going on between you too or?"

Sae's lips curved into a smirk, hearts forming in his eyes. "Yes, my behavior was caused from the fact Japan actually has a star prodigy striker. She is the only one worthy of my presence. Nothing would compare to my y/n.."

"Okay! That rounds up all my questions."

"Good, my manager could handle the rest."

Like that, Sae itoshi announced to public, that he felt only y/n is worthy for him.

Back to the blue lock area

You guys started walking towards the doors, pushed them open and went inside. You noticed how about 300 people were in there, including you.

You looked around while Isagi looked at you, hearts in his eyes and shi. You noticed a purple haired guy with a white fluffy haired dude staring at you. Like staring at yo soul bro wit wide eyes

You raised your eyebrow at them, which caused them to finally get out of there daze like state since that you noticed them staring at you.

"R--, I want her so bad..."

"I know N---, but we have to wait, those two hassles are there with our pretty girl."

"But R--, I want her to pay attention to m-"The fluffy white haired dude said, stopping when he noticed you staring at them with a raised eyebrow.

Hearts starting forming in both of their eyes. The purple haired dude blinked and snapped out of it to wave at you excitedly.

He blushes when you waved back. "R--, why is she only paying attention to you. Shes mine.. so why is her attention on you and not me..not fair..." Said the white fluff ball, eyebrows furrowed.

While you guys were having that small interaction, sigh, Isagi starting tweaking again.


'Dumb idiots..Ill chop off both of y'all's dick and then feed it to you. Kira, after them, your next. Dumb hoe, thought you could flirt with my girlfriend and get away with it. We'll see about that, bitch. Imma cut off purple haired troll looking ass bitch's hair, and feed it to his boy toy, fluffy haired dude. White haired dude, Imma literally eat your eyeballs. Imma cut you, put salt and lemon on the wound, then dance in front of your face of agony. Imma play the video of me giving my girlfriend head, so you could see how much I want her and how much she wants me, goofy. Imma then play my moans on the loudest volume on my speaker while gouging your eyeballs. Your dumbass really thinks you could look at my pookie and live a happy ever after with her? Though wrong, idiot.'

Tw ended

After that interaction, ego then started yapping about the building. Which lead isagi to grab your hand and ran to the door with you. Time seemed to freeze for him, as he looked back at your majestic ahh self. He blushes and thought 'God, is this how it's gonna feel after running away with her, so good..'

You guys then seemed to arrive at the room. You opened the door and noticed a bunch of guys inside. A orange haired dude threw his shirt in your direction, which you dodged but Isagi didn't, bozo☠️. 'is this y/n shirt??!!' he thought as he deeply sniffed it. 'wait, what the fuck, she doesn't smell like this. He quickly took it off his nose and looked at it.

"Sorry man! Didn't mean it to hit you!" Said the orange haired guy. He then looked at you, which he quickly blushed and you noticed. ' damn, got that W rizz fr' You thought. 'bagged like 20 people, Sae,rin,Pablo, Leonardo, Julien, Adam, isagi, purple haired dude, white fluffy haired dude, now this fool?dayummm' You said smirking.

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