Chapter nine

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Author POV
With Sae,

"Sae, your flight is about to-"
"Cancel it, I haven't met Y/n yet, plus I wanna see what idiot striker is produced in this dumb project that has my poor beloved inside.. Hey, let's go visit her." Sae quickly said, walking away.


"Come on, unless you wanna get fired.." Sae said glaring at his manager who gulped.

They quickly left to go search for the project named blue lock.

When they finally found the location, Sae quickly drove to it, desperate to finally see his love after a few months.

When they arrived, Sae got out the car in a flash, going to the entrance that had security cameras.

"What's your reason of being here, Sae itoshi?" Said one of the security cameras that led to Ego's room.

"Let me see my Y/n, now." Sae said, not giving any fuck about respecting the owner of the so called wonderful blue lock.

Sae's manager on the other hand, was sweating blood, sweat, and tears bro. That mf was so scared that Sae was gonna get his ass beat. Like so scared that he was biting his fingers and shaking.💀

The person aka ego speaking through the cameras scoffed. "And why would I do that, itoshi?"he said, giving zero fucks back.

Sae glared and was ready to throw hands with a damn camera. Like the fool looked like a damn angry bird, about to explode any second 💀

"I'll cut off any connections you have that keeps this pathetic program going." Sae threatened. He was clenching his hand so much, that blood was about to spill any second now.

Ego rolled his eyes at Sae's childish ass behavior, he wanted to see egos treasure that bad? Too fucking bad, he wasn't gonna take his precious diamond away from him.

"Try me, you dumb fuck." That was the last thing ego said, before logging out the security camera.

Sae was then blinded with so much fucking anger, that he ripped the security camera off the wall it was connected to and smashed it against the floor. "Die, you dumb fuck!"Sae said glaring at the smashed camera.

Sae's manager who was still watching the whole thing was shocked. He never seen Sae show so much emotion doing something other than stalk, talk about, look at, and obsess over y/n!

'Im so sick and tired of this grown ass man's bullshit bro..take me off this job PLEASE. first, it was obsessing over that beautiful girl, y/n and now it's him fighting a whole camera over her. Its so embarrassing 😭' Sae's manager thought.

After Sae had his tantrum, they left. During the car drive back to his apartment, he looked at edits of y/n, drooling and shit, his manager had to give him napkins cuz of how much he drooled😭

'need to sit on her face..need it so much..need them strong legs to choke me, force me down and make me take everything. To milk me dry..' he thought, he quickly clenched his thighs together.

As he thought that, he looked down to see smth as hard and raised up as a damn soccerball. 💀

In blue lock

"Rock, paper, scissors, shoot!"

"I- wow! I want to be a forward!" Isagi said after he won the game of rock, paper scissors, shoot.

Not writing allat🔛🔝💯🗣️😂🐺

Not writing allat🔛🔝💯🗣️😂🐺

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