Chapter ten

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Btw y/n is really good at soccer but rlly lazy and nonchalant Abt it, she just wants the money
Author pov

"Nice one Barou!"
"King Barou!"
"You were so close Barou!"
"We maybe have a chance!"
Barou teammates cheered, with him just giving them side eyes.

His gaze then started to focus on you, noticing the way you fists clench and you look as if you were about to run up to him and grab by the throat, cursing him out. He smiled creepily at thought of your glorious long fingers up around his poor throat. At your mercy..

"Hey lemon, your the goal keeper, so do your job!"Igaguri complained, wiggling his finger at Lemon. "I've never done this before?! What did you expect? Not even Kawasama!"lemon responded.
"They didn't even earn the point, let's calm down!"kuon said, trying to stop them from fighting.

"Yea, he's right. If we just stick to our positions instead of chasing the ball.."Isagi said, wiping his sweat.
"Huh? But that's means you would get all the damn points!"Raichi stated.

"Losers like you and everyone else except y/n in this damn team should just pass to me. Y/n is the only one worthy to receive a pass from me!" Raichi said, glaring at Isagi who gave him a dirty look that just said 'boy if you don't back off my girl, I will start throwing hands you fucking hoe.'

"Huh?! No way! Pass to me!"
"No. Me." Gagamaru said, scratching his cheek.
"No, me!" Naruhaya argued.
Chigiri just gave them dirty looks, staying by your side, tryna act petty with you. Not accepting your apologies that you pushed him.

"sorry that I pushed you, I didn't want him to earn a point." You said nonchalantly, about to walk pass him until you hear him say, "hmp! Apology not accepted! Give me cuddles for a week and I'll accept it!"
"Huh?" You said titling your head, " what about meat?" He just looked at his nails giving you the silent treatment, then looking away pettily. "Uh, what about a blanket?"
"A pillow?"
"Some shoes?"
You really started to get annoyed, so you just accepted to give him all his cuddles. "Fine."
"Yay, you're so sweet, my y/n! I love you so much, sweetheart.." he said, kissing your cheek quickly before walking away shyly.

You just raised an eyebrow. "Beep, team Z, let the game resume." You heard the girly voice say from the speakers. "Bachira! Let pass the ball between us two!"
"On it!"
As Isagi passed to bachira, igaguri stepped in. Successfully taking the ball away from them. "Igaguri?! What about your position?!" Isagi said, shocked and confused.
"Are you dumb, isagi? " Igaguri responded. "Whoever scores gets to survive! I'm never passing again! Passing is a suicide!"

Wait! Hey, come on!"
"I've figured out this spirit selection! It doesn't matter who wins or loses! This is just a battle to investigate our coring abilities!"
Right after he finished that sentence, the ball got stolen away💀
"Too sloppy! I'll take this!"

"Dont let them steal from you! I'm gonna kill you for real!" Raichi said, glaring at Igaguri
"Igaguri, you idiot!"
"Dont follow after him! Keep your positions!"

"Barous on our side so let's just keep our positions, and act as support!" Said an NPC
"You could tell team z is falling apart right?! If we win as a team, we don't have to worry about individual scoring!"

"Barous on our side so let's just keep our positions, and act as support!" Said an NPC"Huh?""You could tell team z is falling apart right?! If we win as a team, we don't have to worry about individual scoring!"

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