Chapter eight

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With rin

He loves Y/n L/n. He never hid his love. He went as far as trying to beg her to let him give her a hickey.

"Baby, please...wanna mark u up so bad like last time.." Rin said as he was on your lap, head resting on your shoulder, and arms wrapped around your neck.

"Rin, no, the only reason I let you give me one is because you wouldn't shut your mouth. Now, shut up."You firmly said. You know this will keep him quiet. But only for a few minutes before going back to begging.

The fool went on his knees, grabbing at your thigh, and begged and begged.

But that's a story for another time. Anyway, Rin Itoshi first met Y/n during Sae's match. He saw the way Sae kept trying to talk to her. He even heard some of their conversation.

"Y/nbae, you wanna come make out with me during break? Promise it'll be fun! I'll even let you pull my hair!<3" Sae said smiling at you.

"Sae, break is literally gonna end in a few minutes." You said, your voice monotone.

"And? I don't care about this ridiculous match that your obviously gonna win. Let's just go~" He said as he tugged your arm and whined.

Rin saw this and was confused. His brother was never clingy to nobody?

The match ended, 7 - 5, with your team winning. You quickly left, until you bumped into someone. "Oh, sorry." You said as you were walking away, the person who you bumped into grabbed your hand. "Do you know where is Sae itoshi?" Said the dark green haired boy.

He blushed looking at you, blood rushing to his face cheeks.

"Eh? Oh uh, he's still in the locker room down to the right." You said, tugging your hand away from him.

"What's your name?" The green haired boy said. "Y/n L/n, what about you?" You said, now fully having your attention.

"Rin itoshi." He said, blush covering his whole face. 'shes so pretty..want to sit on her face....'

"Oh, Sae's younger brother? Didn't know he had a brother." You said, looking at him with boredom.

"U-uhm, yes!" He stuttered out, he thought he looked dumb in front of his love.

"Alright, I'll let you go see your brother, see ya" You said, turning around and waving your hand.

"W-wait!" Rin quickly tried to run after you, but you disappeared. ' how did I just lose the love of my life...I'm such an idiot!'He furrowed his eyebrows, angry as hell.

He didn't even want to see him brother anymore. His dumb brother who wanted his wife..'Stupid brother, she doesn't even like you..she likes me..'He thought, hearts in his turquoise eyes.

After that interaction, he started interacting with you more. He bought all your merch, and match tickets. He even stole your jersey one time to sniff and cuddle with it, imagining it was you.

When he found out you had a social media account, he quickly downloaded the app you used and followed you. He quickly contacted you.

He messaged you all his delusional thoughts, all his lewd ones, all his fluffy ones, and all his dangerous ones. He didn't care, he was shameless.

He barely got any response back though, the only response he got was "??" Or one time, this one glorious time, "Rin, I'll let you give me a hickey if you shut up."

He quickly stopped texting you for a singular day, before going back to contacting you.

So, when he heard (stalked) you were going to blue lock, he was so happy, he kicked his feet in the air and giggled.

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