Chapter eleven

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can y'all mfs start updating y'all's yandere blue lock books PLEASE YALL I CANT KEEP REREADING THE SAME CHAOTERS 😭


"It was his fucking fault for speaking nonsense. That stupid fuck got rocked by me." Rin said, scoffing at the thought of his brother trying to impress you.

"Eh, it was hella funny. Anyway, Rin go away now." You said shooing him off. You preferred to be alone than with his obsessive  ass.

"Hell no. Why do you act like you don't dream of me? I know you want me." Rin said delusionally. "Cuz I don't." He ignored you.💀

He was about to start yapping about how you will always love him until a green haired girl came inside the room.

"H-hello i-uhm

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"H-hello i-uhm.." She stuttered, blushing looking at the boys in the room. Her eyes landed on you and her blushed quickly went away, looking you up and down. 'A girl? Really? She seems like a whore..'

"the silence is so loud." You said,
"Your so funny, y/n!" Shidou quickly went beside you, clenching your arm.

You looked at him, "who are you?" You said, that lil boy was really grabbing onto your arm, seeming to not want to let go anytime soon.

"Your new boyfriend, shidou!"He said smiling at you. Rin quickly pushed him away. "Get off roach." He said glaring at him.

"You tryna fight?!" Shidou quickly said pushing him back. "Oh shit! Fight!fight! Fight! "You said jumping up and down, chanting.

"Rin, you really gonna let him push you like that? That's cra-" you got cut off by the sound of a loud cough.

"The fuck?" You said, turning around seeing that it was the green haired MF. "No-no fighting! Y-you guys are a-acting i-immature! E-especially you g-girl!"

You looked confused as hell, eyes widened and everything. "Shut the fuck up, don't talk to my wife like that." Shidou said. "Yo, c'mon bro, she's clearly mine." Otoya added, karasu gave him a dirty look.

"The fuck did I do?!" You said, staring at the girl who just rolled her eyes at you. "W-Whatever, just f-follow me g-guys to the n-nurses office!"

You guys followed her. On the way there, she kept tryna talk and flirt with the boys. Especially Rin who glared down at her, and looked at you to see if you were jealous.

But, you were just embarrassed that he probably liked her, that broccoli ass bitch.💀😭

Otoya and karasu kept tryna flirt with you too. Karasu even tried to pin you to the wall and make out with you, but you kicked his balls😭 When you did that, you know what he said? He said "that's makes me wa-want you even m-more.." groaning in pain.

Shidou kept tryna wrap his arm slickly around you, but you kept slapping his arm away. "Baby, whats your number?" Otoya begged.
"C'mon, just your phone number?"

You just sped your pace. As you did that, the girl slowed down to cling onto Rin, who tried pushing her away. "Lil bro suffering, that's crazy" you said laughing at his misery.

"Lil boy, I think she likes you"Otoya said, with the other two laughing at them
"Shut the fuck up." Rin quickly said to Otoya glaring at him.

"Get off me woman!" Rin said, but he got ignored.

"Alright, got off him." You said, as you tried to separate them, but you got pushed by her. She barely moved you though😭. "Damn okay, my bad."

You furrowed your eyebrows, "stupid bitch.." you said walking back to Otoya and the other two. Those three were about to throws hands, but you said not to since ego could be watching.

"Want me to drag her babe?"
"Yea, I'll hit her so hard, brain damages goes to her!"
"Nah bruh, it's fine. "


You were walking to Ego's official room. The four guys were in the nurses office with the girl.

The girl said that ego wanted to have a talk with you, she didnt even look at you while talking too!

Anyway, you noticed that Rin was about to follow you until the girl grabbed him earlier. It was annoying that she was sticking to him like glue cuz you couldn't even make fun of him cuz she would defend him with her life.

Rin even cussed her out, about to grab her and throw her across the room. But, she didn't get the hint at all!

'But, at least maybe Rin could like her and leave my ass alone.' you thought.

You were thinking that, until he blew you a kiss when you left. He said that he would text you a bunch later. The three other boys blew you a kiss as well, twirling their hair and giggling, waving you bye.

"Bye baby~" karasu said looking at you seductively. You waved them bye and left. You noticed some other kid in the middle of the hallway.

You saw that he had white hair. Like a big fluff ball of hair. He looked as if lost, but you didn't feel like helping him.

You were about to walk past him, until someone grabbed her hand. You turned around, "your that pretty girl..pretty girl.." He look as if dazed looking at you.

"Huh?" You said chuckling. "i need help.. I'm lost and Reo isn't here..please help me pretty girl.." he said looking at you.

You said an eyebrow but agreed. 'Yes! My plan worked! Now all we have to do is get married and have 71 kids!' The White fluff ball cheered in his head.

"What's your name sweetheart?" You said.
"Nagi..Nagi seishiro. What about you pretty?" He said, clinging onto you.

"Y/n L/n. But just call me Y/n. Now, where do you need to go? We need to hurry up, I need to go somewhere"
"Duh I know you have to go somewhere, I stalk you babe.." He muttered.
"What did you say?"
"Nothin', I need to go to team v."

You guys arrived to his dorm. He opened the door and you saw some purple haired dude with a black haired guy with glasses.

"Nagi! Where were you! You shouldn't go by yourself! Your gonna get lost, I told you that alr-" The purple guy looked at you for a split second and looked back. He was like in a trance looking at you.

If you told him to stay put and bark. He would stay out and bark. If you told him to count all the stars in a minute. He would do exactly that.
He shaked his head, trying to lean against to wall/door to look more fine.

"W-whats your name?I'm Reo mikage, beautiful." He asked grabbing your hand, holding it.

"Y/n. Anyway I gotta go, see ya." You tugged your hand and left.

When you left, Reo started scolding Nagi. "Why didn't you tell me she was coming you asshole! I wasn't prepared!"

"why do you need to impress my wife?" Nagi said confused. Reo looked as if he was about to rip out his brains.

"Cuz she's mine stupid!"  While they were arguing, you were back on your way to Ego's office.


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