Chapter seven

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"Sorry, didn't mean it to hit you."Said that orange haired dude. "Its alright..atleast you didnt hit y/n, i would've jumped you.." Said Isagi, muttering the last part, but then grabbing the shirt, and giving it to the male in front of him. 

"Watch your step."The orange haired due said, Isagi looked down and saw some dumbass sleeping. 'Is this mf really sleeping..'He thought, raising an eyebrow. 

"Oh hey you guys!" Said Kira after coming towards you guys. "I was worried that I knew no one here, but at least they're two people I know!" He said smiling at the both of you. Isagi just glared, getting ready to jump on top of kira, wrap his hands firmly around his throat, and start choking him.

"Yeah.."You said awkwardly. "Wait, your Kira 'Ryosuke?!I'm a big fan!!"Said some bald mf.

You and Isagi sat in a corner. His head was resting on top of your shoulder. "Isagi...I want my phone back.. :(" u said as you frowned.

"Don't worry, sweetie. You'll get it back..but I'm better than your stupid phone that u pay attention to rather than me.."Isagi said, stating his jealousy.

You were about to reply, until ego started his yapping session. He was saying stuff about how you guys are ranked the lowest, how your rankings.

You checked your ranking, it said 200. "Sweetheart, look, your ranking! Your so strong and good~.."Isagi said, looking up at you while giving you bed eyes.


"Now, I will have u guys play tag, remember no using your hands..!"Ego said smirking.

The ball feel on the bald guy, who quickly went to Isagi, who dodged it and grabbed your arm and ran away.

"This is wrong on so many levels.." You heard Kira say. The bald guy kept trying and trying to get someone, and when he finally reached to the sleeping guy, he got kicked.

"Dumbass.."You said."I know right, your always so relatable, y/n! You know, we should make ou-"

The sleeping guy started speaking. "He said only hand were not allowed..Good morning.."He said tiredly.

The orange haired then grabbed his shoulder and said, "Look I'm not a big fan of playing dirty.I want a clean game, you got that?"

"Aye aye, Mr straight laced." Said the tired boy. The orange haired face then got the soccer ball☠️

"DAYUM."You said, hands on your head, mouth wide open, eyes wide open. 


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"Nah bro got cought lacking, that's CRAZYY"You said walking away from them, isagi quickly latched on to your arm and started drowning you with compliments.

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