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Finally the big scene was going to happen, I had already told Kritika about this plan during the interval, I gestured her with my elbow to let's get out of this theatre and she nodded. The moment we stood up to get out, Elena held Kritika's hand and pulled her back.

She slowly whispered to her which was audible to me, "where are you guys going?"

I interrupted before Kritika could say anything, "we are going to washroom"

"not right now, control yourself, it's just a matter of 5 mins, THE MOST IMPORTANT SCENE is going to happen.'" she said while giving both of us a death glare.

I knew it was her favourite movie, I should've known that she will not let us go so easily, so we both nodded it in an agreement and sat down.

I don't know why but I was feeling more nervous, it's like I'm going to propose to someone. Damn, wtf has happened. I felt my heartbeat rising by every second, while my hands started getting sweaty. I feel like it's not gonna end well. I really hope I'm wrong.

Kritika saw me panicking, she held my hands started caressing it. I looked at her and she passed me a smile. She's literally the youngest but still the mother of our group. She handles all of us pretty well.

I started feeling myself again and going back to normal.

Then came the scene, both of us looked directly at Bhai, it was now his entry scene, I was literally praying to god at that time that everything goes well.

He sat down on his knees while Elena was looking at him with a confused face. Her eyebrows were furrowed, while her mouth was hung open. I don't know what was going on in her mind, but whatever it was, it's sure as hell that she's shocked and surprised, and not a happy one.

My brother brought out the box from his pocket and showed the most beautiful ring i have ever seen, it was royal blue colour, while in the background the music started playing, "LOVE STORY BY TAYLOR SWIFT". Then he started giving his speech.

"Miss Elena Hathaway, the moment I laid my eyes on you, I lost myself in you. I Love You Elena, the way you make my heart stop, no one has ever done that. I love it when you get mad and roll your eyes. I love it when you are upset and go for ice cream. I love it when you get mad when I reply you late, I love teasing you. I love it when you are annoyed your eyes goes small and you scrunch your nose. I love it when you blush and your cheeks goes red. I love it when I flirt with you and you start looking in other directions. I love everything about you. You are that girl for me with whom I can sit alone and speak nothing but still I'll never get bored of you. I love being around you. I love your dedication towards your work. I love it when I'm the first person you go to whenever you feel low. I have loved you for a decade now. I want us to live together, an eternity. WILL YOU MARRY ME ELENA?"

This might be the most beautiful speech I have ever heard. Tears started going down my eyes. I wanted to hug my brother for loving my best friend so much. I looked at Elena, her face has no expression. It felt like she was thinking, and she wasn't happy with this proposal. Did I messed up?

She finally broke the silence, "I love you too Viraj, but just as a friend. I loved you a lot, I really mean a lot but past 1 year has changed everything. I was waiting for you for so long that my hopes got lost."

She bend down and cupped his cheeks and continued, "I finally gave up on us and moved on Viraj, I'm so sorry. I'm in love with someone else now. I'm happy with him. He makes me feel alive. Tbh, all this time I thought that what we had, that is love, but I was so wrong. After meeting him I realized what real love is. I know I'm going to be the villain in your story now, I never meant to hurt you, but I moved on, I'm so sorry. He came in my life when I was still obsessed with you. I never thought I'll ever even fall for someone else, but i did. Please don't hate me. You are one of those most important person in my life whom I don't want to lose ever. Trust me, I never meant any of this to happen between us. I think you should move on too. We just love each other's company, and we got obsessed with each other over the years, first it was just a crush, but then we got obsessed with each other. We didn't had love for each other the way other couples do. I really hope we can get past this moment. I know you deserve a hell lot better person than me. I'll always love you Viraj, but only as a friend. Please don't expect anything from me."

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