3.He Walks In On You Changing

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Luke: You pull off yet another shirt, tossing it toward the hamper. You sigh, searching for a better top out of the pile on your bed. You hear the door open and Luke walk in, typing on his phone. "Hey do you -" he looked up and stopped short. "Oh! Um, sorry," he said quickly, blushing. He went to leave, but turned slightly to cast you one last glance.

Ashton: You drop your towel, opening your dresser to find a t-shirt when the door flies open. "Y/n guess what?!" Ashton exclaims, breathless. "Ashton!" You shriek, picking up your towel to cover yourself. "Oh, er, sorry," Ashton stutters, running a hand through his hair and looking at the ground. "It's fine," you sigh, re-situating your towel, "What did you have to tell me?" "What? Oh, uh, I don't remember," Ashton says distractedly, glancing at you quickly. "Alright," you laugh, "then can you go so I can change?"

Calum: You drop your pajamas in the hamper and cross to the drawer holding your bras. Not hearing Calum enter, you're startled when you hear him yell. You turn to see him standing in the doorway, his hands over his eyes. "I'm so so sorry! I didn't even know you were awake!" He rambles. "Really I'm so sorry this is so awkward oh my gosh I'm sorry." "Relax," you chuckle, slipping on a bra. You walk over to him, grabbing his hands and pulling them down. His gaze fall to your chest and he struggles to raise it to your eyes. "It's not like you haven't seen it all before," you point out, shrugging. Calum's eyes wander back to your body and you laugh, breaking his stare by kissing him. "I'm still sorry," he mumbles into your mouth as his hands slide down your body. "I can tell," you return sarcastically.

Michael: You dry off from your shower and slip on a thong, searching through your drawer for pajama pants. "Hey, y/n," You jump at the sound of Michael's voice, "What movie did you wanna watch?" "Michael!" You shout, crossing your arms over your chest. "Oh right, uh," He shuts his eyes before continuing, "what movie did you wanna watch?" "I don't care," you sigh, "but I am changing so if you could shut the door that'd be nice." "Sorry," Michael laughs, "I didn't realize it still mattered now that we.." He trailed off, laughing. "I mean I've seen it before," he explains. "Michael," you sigh exasperatedly, "humor me." "Alright, alright," he says, raising his hands in surrender and walking away.

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