16.House Hunting("Moving In" No.2)

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Calum: "Well, what did you have in mind?" you ask, shutting the laptop and glaring at your stubborn boyfriend. "Something with a cheaper rent," Calum insists, opening the computer back up and pulling it toward himself. You wait as Calum searches site after site for a place he approves of. "What about this little house?" he asks, showing you the screen, "It's not too small, and it's in a great spot." You look through the pictures in search of a fault, but nothing jumps out at you. "It is cute," you admit, "And it's big enough to where our friends could come over." "And look!" Calum adds in excitement, "It has a little back patio with a great view!" "I guess it wouldn't hurt to check it out," you concede, fighting a smile. "You love it," Calum points out with a smirk. "I wouldn't say I love it," you resist, rolling your eyes. "You love it," Calum repeats, poking your side and making you laugh, "You love it! You love it! You love it!" You squeal loudly as Calum tickles your sides. "Admit it!" he commands with a laugh. "I love it!" you shriek. "Good," Calum affirms, releasing you and smiling proudly.

Ashton: "This house is really nice," the realtor says as you and Ashton follow her into the third house of the day, "It's a great neighborhood, and I think you two will love it." Ashton slips his hand into yours as the two of you make your way through the living room. "Check out the backyard," the realtor instructs, nodding toward the back door. You obey, leading Ashton outside. Ashton gasps as he looks out at the luscious green lawn, swimming pool and trees that he feels are perfect for climbing. "I'm sold," he whispers in awe as he walks out onto the porch. "It is really pretty," you agree. "It's like my dream backyard!" Ashton gushes, "I mean just imagine how much fun it would be raising kids here!" "Kids?" you repeat, taken aback. "Well, I mean, one day," Ashton mumbles, blushing, "I guess we haven't really talked about kids." "How many?" you ask with growing interest. "I was thinking four," Ashton admits begrudgingly. "Ooh, we might wanna start soon then," you joke, kissing Ashton's cheek and making him laugh. "What do you think?" the realtor asks as she joins you. "I love it," you confirm, shooting a grin to Ashton.

Michael: "Which one did you like better?" Michael asks for the fifth time. "I don't know," you groan with your head in your hands. "Well, we could go over the pros and cons again?" Michael suggests, shrugging hopelessly. "No," you sigh with a shake of your head, "We've already done that and we aren't any closer to deciding." "We could flip a coin," Michael proposes weakly. "Flip a coin to decide which house we buy?" you repeat in disbelief. "I'm out of ideas," Michael explains with a sad chuckle. "Okay," you agree, "I guess we might as well." Michael fishes a coin from his pocket and holds it out, ready to throw. "Heads we buy the first house we looked at and tails the second," you instruct. With a nod from you, Michael tosses the coin into the air. You wait with bated breath as Michael catches the coin in his hand and places it on the table. "Tails," he states, turning to you to gauge your reaction. "Tails," you repeat with a curt nod. A heavy silence falls over the two of you as you consider the decision you just let a coin make for you. "I kinda wanted heads," Michael admits guiltily. "Me too," you say with a wide grin, glad that you and Michael agreed. You fling your arms around his neck, laughing and kissing his face. "I love you," Michael laughs as he kisses you back.

Luke: "This house is a little bigger than the others we've looked at," your realtor informs you, "But it's rather inexpensive." "This house is haunted," Luke whispers to you as you are lead to the next room. "Shh," you say, shaking your head at your boyfriend. "It is," he insists as he looks around with worry. You give a minute shake of your head and turn politely back to the realtor. "Why is this house so inexpensive?" Luke asks casually, although a side glance to you informs you that he's waiting to hear that the place is haunted. "Well, the last owners seem to really want it off of their hands. They had reported hearing things at night, but I don't think it's anything to worry about." "Oh," Luke says with a nod, his voice higher than usual from fear. "Haunted," he whispers to you again. You hit his shoulder, resisting his pleas to leave. "It's a pretty house," you observe as you make your way to the master bedroom. "I don't think this is the one," Luke says decidedly. "I like it," you insist, glaring at your childish boyfriend. He whimpers pitifully, but you ignore him. "Someone was probably murdered here," Luke whispers in a panic. You sigh, knowing there's no way you could convince Luke the house isn't haunted at this point. "Well, it's very pretty, but if Luke has decided against it I guess we shouldn't take up any more of your time," you say with a polite smile and a glare at your fearful boyfriend.

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