20. Your Drunk

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Michael: "Hello?" Michael said sleepily into the phone. "Michael," you cried on the other end, "Can you come get me?" "Where are you?" Michael asked, his voice full of concern and his mind now wide awake. "I don't know," you admitted, "We - we broke up and I went out and I'm a little drunk and a lot lost ." Michael talked you through giving him major crossroads and staying still, and within minutes the welcome sight of his car came into view. He could tell on the phone you were a bit of a mess, but he was not prepared for the disaster that stumbled into his car. Your mascara ran in trails of tears under your eyes, your dress was twisted to the point where you were lucky it still covered you, and you were shaking from the cold. "What happened?" Michael questioned gently. "We fought again, but it was different this time and we broke up and he kicked me out and I had nowhere to go and I went to a bar and - and I don't know!" You began to cry again, and Michael reached over to awkwardly pat you as he drove you back to his place. Upon arriving at his house, he found that you were asleep. Not wanting to disrupt you, he carefully carried you upstairs. You stirred as he set you on the bed. You got clumsily to your feet, wanting to change before sleeping. "Can you -?" you asked Michael as you reached for the zipper on the back of your dress. "Oh sure," Michael mumbled, his cheeks heating up as he unzipped your dress. In your drunken state, you let it fall to the floor right there. "Oh," Michael let out in surprise, watching with wide eyes as you made it to his bed. "Here," he offered, rushing to your side to pull the sheets down and then cover you up again. "Can you - can you stay?" you hiccuped, looking up at him with pleading eyes. Michael nodded, never able to say no to you.

Calum: "Calum," you giggled, placing a hand on Calum's shoulder. "Calum Hood," you said in your best announcer voice, your second hand on his second shoulder. "Calum Thomas Hood!" you shouted, cracking yourself up as you shook him. "What?" Calum laughed, raising his eyebrows in amusement. "You're such a good friend," you sighed, patting his cheek. "Thanks," he replied with a smile. "I wish you weren't my friend so I could just date you, ya know?" you explained, suddenly really sad. "Oh, yeah, I guess," Calum responded, taken aback. "Because you're so hot and you treat me so well and, like, why do I date such bad guys, Calum Thomas Hood? Why don't I date you?" "I don't know," Calum answered, unsure of what else to say. "I'm kinda hot, right?" you went on, looking for reassurance. "Definitely," Calum agreed wholeheartedly. "Then - then why don't you date me?" you asked, closing your eyes as you tried to process the mystery. "You've never been interested," Calum admitted, assuming you wouldn't remember any of this anyway. "I'm always interested in Calum Thomas Hood," you assured him, patting his head lovingly. "I'll keep that in mind when you're sober," Calum joked. You smiled at him, drunk but happy, and he smiled back. "I love you, Calum Thomas Hood," you declared with a laugh, "And it really sucks." To Calum's surprise, you kissed him. You pulled away after only a second, apologizing confusedly for slipping.

Ashton: In some part of your consciousness you knew as you danced in the club that you had already had too much to drink, but that did not stop you from downing yet another shot. "Y/n?" you heard a voice call over the music. You whirled around to find Ashton, a man you had recently been on a few dates with. Things had gone well so far, but even in your drunken state you realized that was probably changing right now. "Ashton!" you squealed, throwing your arms around him, "It's been too long." "It's been two days," Ashton informed you with an amused chuckle. "Too long, my old friend," you giggled, patting his cheek lovingly. "Who are you with?" Ashton questioned. "I dunno," you muttered, "I think that - I think my friend is gone." You looked around, suddenly realizing that your friend really had left. "She left with someone," you explained with a laugh. "Maybe we should head out, too," Ashton suggested, seeing your state. You nodded and laughed, allowing Ashton to help you out of the club and into his car. In minutes you were at his place, since neither of you knew how to get to yours. "You're so nice," you sighed, flopping down on Ashton's bed. Ashton turned to his drawer, finding a pair of sweatpants and a tee shirt for you. Turning back around, he was surprised to find you already in just your lingerie. "Here's uh, a change of clothes," he muttered, trying to hand you the clothes without staring too much. You stood up, moving toward Ashton to kiss him. "Hey," Ashton breathed out nervously, "You need to sleep." "I need you," you giggled. "You're not thinking straight," Ashton informed you, holding the clothes out firmly, "It's time for bed." "No fun," you muttered, dressing begrudgingly. "When you're sober I'd like nothing more than to do this," he informed you with a laugh, "But tonight you can take my bed and I'll see you in the morning." "Ashton, you're like the nicest ever," you sighed, not understanding how anyone could be so nice. "Goodnight, Y/n," he chuckled in amusement.

Luke: Luke was barely awake when his phone rang loudly. "Luke, it's yours," Michael informed his friend, holding the phone out. "You can just ignore it," Luke mumbled sleepily. "It's Y/n," Michael added quietly. Luke sat up quickly, snatching the phone from Michael. "Luke, you can't keep answering these," Ashton groaned, referring to the drunk calls he had been receiving from his ex-girlfriend over the past few weeks. Pretending no to hear Ashton, Luke picked up the call. Ashton sighed in dismay, looking to Michael and Calum for support. "When she's not drunk calling him, he's drunk calling her," Michael pointed out with a shrug. "They'll get back together soon enough," Calum predicted, "They kind of need each other." "Don't come over," Luke sighed into the phone, "You wouldn't even be able to get here in the state you're in." The three boys listened in as Luke spoke reason to you over the phone. "I need to talk to you," they heard you explain. "Talk on the phone," Luke suggested. "I wanna talk to you and your face," you further explained. "I'll come over then," Luke decided, bracing himself for the scolding of his friends, "Just stay where you are." He hung up and turned to see disappointed stares, the strongest of which came from Ashton. "She sounds really bad tonight," Luke explained in a rush, "I didn't want her wandering the streets or trying to drive or anything!" "It's not your job to take care of her anymore," Ashton pointed out, exhausted with Luke's behavior. Luke bit his lip, trying to keep back the confession that quickly escaped. "I wish it was." "Then go," Calum directed, "But when she sobers up please get back together. I'm tired of these phone calls."

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