36.Waking Down The Aisle("The Wedding" No.6)

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Ashton: You watched anxiously as the bridal party preceded you down the aisle. With a reassuring squeeze from your maid of honor and a last instruction to smile from your wedding planner, you were ready. Finally, the music changed, and all eyes were on one person - you. Your eyes, however, were on Ashton. Ashton's face lit up. His smile was contagious, and immediately your nerves dissipated. It was you and Ashton, and nothing could change that. You watched as his eyes took in your full appearance, drinking you up and soaking in the moment. His eyes brimmed with tears, and yours did, too. In that moment, in that look on his face, you knew that this was forever. He really did love you, and his love was all you needed. Soon enough you reached him at the altar, and your mind returned to the present. Your heart, however, never returned. It was given to Ashton, and instead you had his to cherish for the rest of your life.

Michael: Michael was quite literally shaking in anticipation. He paid little attention as the bridal party made its way down the aisle. His thoughts were on you, and his eyes were searching for you desperately. Before he knew it, the door was opened and there you were. He forgot how to breathe. His entire body felt your presence. From his sweaty hands to the nervous flips of his stomach, from the wind being knocked out of him to his heart beating overtime, he simply could not function. You sent him a quick wink as you made the long trek toward him, and he laughed a watery laugh. His hand slid up to wipe the tears forming in the corner of his eye before they had the chance to escape. It wasn't your physical beauty that overwhelmed him, although he was quite certain you were matchless in that respect. It was the realization that he would be lucky enough to spend the rest of his life looking at you that blew him away. Your simple radiance was more than he could ever deserve, and no matter how many times he went over it in his mind, he could not fathom that someone as incomparable as you would make this walk down the aisle to meet someone like him.

Luke: Your wedding planner turned you around and adjusted your veil one last time before cuing the opening of the doors. Immediately your eyes met Luke's. You forgot to walk until the wedding coordinator prodded you gently. You began to move toward the love of your life, getting more worked up with every step. Luke brought a hand up, covering his mouth as he began to cry. You bit your lip, sending Luke a nervous and tearful smile. He shook his head, too overwhelmed by your resplendence to attempt to hide his emotion. In the distance you heard the collective "aw" of the audience, no doubt caused by Luke's reaction to seeing his beautiful bride. Luke clutched his heart, something he had always done when you overwhelmed him with emotion. You stopped walking and took in the moment, wanting to forever remember the way Luke was looking at you in that moment. With one hand on his rapidly beating heart and the other wiping away tears, no one could doubt the love he had for you. You dabbed at your own tears as you continued to walk, almost within an arm's length of Luke now. "I love you," Luke choked out in a whisper. "I love you, too," you mouthed, unable to properly speak.

Calum: Calum was grinning from ear to ear as he stood proudly at the altar awaiting his bride. He watched in anxious anticipation as his closest friends and yours made their slow walk toward him. A wink from Michael and a sly thumbs up from Ashton only made his proud smile widen. Before you had even begun your walk, his face hurt from smiling. When he couldn't handle the excitement any longer, there you were. His jaw dropped. You were coming toward him in brilliant white, more dazzling than ever before, and that was saying something. You were able to read Calum's lips as he whispered, "Damn." You chuckled to yourself, unable to keep your eyes off of your groom. You knew he cleaned up nicely, but this was beyond compare. Calum noticed your eyes wander over his body. He gestured to his suit surreptitiously and gave you a look as if to say, 'What do you think?' You gave a slight nod of approval, but your smile gave away that you were more than happy with him. You met his eye as he blinked back tears and you smiled, proud to be marrying the greatest man you had ever met.

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