62.5sos Mixed Preference

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Plot: He's been working a lot lately, you miss him, and you end up falling asleep on his side of the bed

"So when do you think you'll be home?" You ask your boyfriend Ashton through the phone. "I really don't know y/n. I mean, we have to finish this song tonight and we aren't having much luck with it. It'll be a late one, I can tell you that," Ashton says sounding a little stressed. "Well good luck with the song I guess," you say sadly, considering that he's been late home every day this week. "Just don't wait up, y/n. I know you have work in the morning and I don't want you to lose sleep because of me, okay?" You sigh, "Alright. I love you." "I love you too, now go get some rest." Ashton hangs up on the other end and you sigh once again. You set your phone down on the stand next to your bed before grabbing one of Ashton's big t-shirts to wear to bed. You change into it and lay down on the bed. You played on your phone for about 30 minutes before setting it back down to fall asleep. You tossed and turned for a bit before finding a comfortable spot cuddled up to Ashton's pillow.


I slowly unlock the front door and close it softly behind me, careful not to wake up y/n. I check the clock: *4:05 AM*. "Ugh," I sigh before making my way up to the bathroom beside our bedroom. I take off my clothes, leaving me in only my boxers. I make my way back over to our room and gently open and close our door to get to bed. "Well what do we have here?" I whisper to myself as I look at the sleeping figure in my bed. I can't help myself but to stare at how beautiful y/n is. I slightly frown as I look at y/n sprawled across the bed onto my side, hogging both mine and her pillows. I slowly lean down and place a kiss on her forehead before going downstairs to grab a pillow and blanket and catch some sleep on the couch.

Plot: He is meeting your family for the first time and they give him a hard time

"They'll love you, I promise," you say to Calum from the passenger side of his car as you hold his hand in yours. Calum was about to meet your family for the first time and you were both nervous to say the least. Your family tended to not be very accepting of the guys you dated, but you didn't let your nerves get the better of you for Calum's sake. "Well, let's do this then," Calum says as he undoes his seat belt and hops out of the car, you following shortly behind. You don't bother knocking on the door, instead you just bolt through it saying hello to your dad as he hugs you. Once the hug is over, your mom appears and says hello as well. You dad takes a long suspicious look at Calum before saying anything. "So this is the boy you've been seeing? What's his name, Claud?" "It's Calum, dad," you say whilst biting the inside of your lip. "It's, uh, nice to meet you sir," Calum says as shakily as he sticks his hand out to shake with your father's. You dad forcefully grabs his hand and shakes it with strength, not losing eye contact. Cal then shakes your mom's hand in a much less forceful manner. The room falls silent for a few moments before you decide to speak up, "Well the dinner looks great, mum. Why don't we go dig in?" "Sure," your mother answers as she smiles and makes her way over to the dining room table. You all sit down and begin to fill your plates up with food. "So Calum, you're in a band right?" Your mom asks him from across the table. You are quick to grab Calum's hand under the table and give him a smile before he answers. "Yes, that's right," Calum smiles. Your mother raises her eyebrows at him, "So is that what you're doing as a career? That's how you're supporting yourself and how you plan to support our daughter?" Calum squeezes your hand tightly and nods, "Yeah." "So how are you planning to spend time with our daughter when you're touring all the time?" You dad chimes in. "Dad, we spend a lot of time together and we talk on the phone or skype every day," you say, trying to help Calum out a bit. "Y/n, it's unhealthy for you to be in a relationship over the phone. Have you even considered the kind of things that he could be doing while he's away?" you mom says, sounding concerned. "If I may, Mr. and Mrs. Y/l/n, I just want to say that I really do try my hardest to keep this relationship intact and I love your daughter more than anything. I would never do anything to hurt her and I certainly will do anything to keep her with me," Calum says. Your mom and dad exchange looks before your dad speaks up, "We just don't want to see our little girl get hurt." Calum nods understandingly, "I would never." Your dad smiles," Well kid, we approve." You smile widely and kiss Calum on the cheek. "Thank you so much sir."

Plot: He hurts you in a fight (emotionally) and feels bad afterwards

"God y/n! Why don't you just flirt with everyone? It's not like you have a boyfriend or anything!" Luke says angrily from across the room. "I wasn't flirting with him! He was my friend from high school!" "Oh, he's just a friend? It sure didn't seem that way from the conversation you two were having!" "You didn't even hear the conversation! Why are you getting so jealous over this?" You ask annoyed. "I'm not jealous, I'm just angry that you go out acting like a slut and the second I even get near a girl I'm cheating!" Luke screams at you. The room falls silent and tears begin to form in your eyes. "What? You don't like hearing the truth? You're a slut, y/n," Luke says as he grits his teeth. "Luke, you're drunk." "Yeah, but at least I won't be that way in the morning. You on the other hand..." He says as he raises his eyebrows at you and smirks. Tears were falling free from your eyes at this point. "Whatever Luke," you say quietly before raising your voice, "Have fun sleeping on the couch!" You run up to your guy's shared room and lock the door behind you. You hear Luke's footsteps following yours but you ignore it. You sigh heavily before laying in bed to try and sleep. You continue to take no notice of Luke's constant pounding on the door. "Y/n, c'mon let me in," he says in a normal tone. You play music from your phone so that you can fall asleep.

You wake up the next morning to a makeup covered pillow. You groan slightly before getting up to go get breakfast. You hoped that Luke wouldn't be up by now so that you could sneak out for some starbucks. You walk into the bathroom connected to your bedroom and wash your face and brush your teeth. You throw your hair into a ponytail and put on some leggings and a t-shirt. You grab your purse from the desk in your room and open the door, only to find a sleeping Luke fall onto your feet and suddenly wake up. "Luke? Were you here all night?" You ask as Luke begins to rub his head as he nods. You sigh as you kneel down to sit beside him. "Y/n, I'm so sorry for last night. I didn't mean what I said and I regret every word of it. I just don't want you to find someone better than me and leave," Luke says softly as he grabs your hand and looks into your eyes, "I love you so much and I'm so sorry that I hurt you like that." You smile tenderly and place a gentle kiss on his lips. "I forgive you. And I love you too. And you have nothing to worry about Luke, I'll only leave you if you keep acting like you did last night," you say with a chuckle. Luke laughs a little too, "I promise I won't." You smile before standing up, Luke following. "So what do you want for breakfast?"

Plot: Gaming with him

"Michael! Why do you keep doing that?! You know that I already suck at this game, you don't have to keep rubbing it in my face," you exclaim as you throw your controller onto the pillow beside you. "Aww, is y/n a sore loser?" Michael asks playfully, making a sad face at you. You ignore him and cross your arms like you're angry. Michael chuckles at your childish ways. "Come here, let me show you how to do this," he says as he motions for you to sit on his lap. You do so and grab the controller from the pillow. "Here," Michael says as he wraps his arms around you and places his hands over yours on the controller, "All you gotta do is press this button then this one..." You smile as you kill his player on the screen. "See, it's easy," Michael says as you turn around and smile at him. You turn your entire body around so that you are now straddling him. "You're a good teacher," you say as you begin to run your hands up and down his torso. "Well you're a good student," Michael says with a smirk before grabbing both sides of your face with his hands and pulling you in for a heated kiss. He slightly groans as you begin to move your hips back and forth on top of him. "Why don't we take a break from playing video games?" You ask playfully in his ear as you begin to kiss down his neck. "I'm fine with that," Michael quickly replies as he grabs the remote and turns the TV off, being sure to put all of his attention on you for what you had in store.

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