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Michael: You came out of yours and Michael's bedroom with Calum in tow. Michael eyed you both skeptically before returning to his FIFA. You sat next to Michael and began to rub his back. He glared at you. Calum bit his lip nervously as he glanced between you and his phone. You could cut a knife with the tension in the room. Michael finished his game and asked if you wanted to go to the store with him.
"No, I think I'll stay here and keep Calum company," you slowly said. You could feel his temper rise another level. You felt horrible, absolutely dirty and horrible for doing this to Michael. Last week, you ditched swimming with Michael to go to the party store with Calum. Two days ago, you left Michael sleeping at 9am to meet his mother to discuss...things. And of course, it was with Calum. Michael, and the other guys, felt as if something was going on but stayed quiet.
Now, Michael had snapped. He couldn't handle his girlfriend and oldest best mate going behind his back. "Okay, what's going on?" He demanded as he stomped over to Calum and took his phone. Calum sunk into a ball and hid his face.
"Y/N, tell him! BEFORE HE BEATS ME!"
"Okay! We're.....Calum and I...we are planning a surprise party for your birthday," you quickly said when Michael raised his hand. He turned, gaping at you. "A what?"
"Yeah. I know you hate them but we never do much for your birthday so we figured why not?" You were blushing and Calum was still cowering, but you could see his eyes between his arms. "Why the fuck didn't you tell me instead of sneaking around? I thought you two were fucking or something!"
"We obviously couldn't tell you, you idiot!" you hissed. Michael narrowed his eyes at you, pondering the truth or not, before nodding. "Fine. I promise to act surprised, just for you," he smiled. Michael gave you a quick kiss before he hit Calum in the arm as he exited the room.

Luke: It all happened so quickly. You and Calum were driving home from the train station, since you had planned a surprise visit to Luke in Sydney while he was on break and you were out of classes for the holidays. You were 8 and half months pregnant so flying wasn't an option. You took a boat and a train to get to Luke and you hoped he would be happy to see you. In the car, you felt queasy but thought nothing of it, thinking it was the traveling. But you suddenly felt a sensation trickle from your legs you looked down at your now soaked pants. "Calum, turn around," you demanded, clutching his arm. He glanced at your face.
"But we're halfway there. Why..." He looked down and suddenly began to panic. "Fuck, moist...water..."
"MY WATER BROKE, YOU DUMBIE! TURN AROUND!" He made an illegal U-turn and began to drive towards the nearest hospital he knew of. "Drive, Calum, because I'm not having this freaking baby in your car!" "Trust me, I don't want you to have this baby in this car! It's my mom's!" Calum's voice was shaken because, fuck, he had never dealt with pregnant women before. The hospital came into view, and Calum helped you through the emergency doors. He waited in the waiting room while the doctors got you settled. Luke, Michael, and Ashton stumbled through the doors a while later and Luke was taken to your room while the others stayed. Eight hours later, Luke came out with a bundle in his arms and a slap on the back for Calum.
"Thank you," he hiccupped as a tear rolled down his cheek.

Ashton: You nervously scanned the elevator doors. You were not a huge fan of elevators since third grade when, during a class field trip to a museum, you got your head stuck in between the doors.
"C'mon, babe," Ashton encouraged as he nudged your back. Michael and Luke encouraged you from the open elevator. You trailed slowly towards the waiting contraption, scared it would snap and you all would fall to your deaths. You closed your eyes and held onto Ashton's arm, nails embedded into his skin. The three flights up was the closest you've ever come to hell. The dingrang in your ear as you watched Michael, Luke, and Ashton get off. Just as Calum stepped forward to exit, the doors closed, almost on his foot. You let put a tiny scream as the lights flickered once before going out. You heard Michael and Luke calling from the outside of the door as Ashton repeated your name over and over. "We're going to go get help!" Ashton promised, then silence. You felt your breath get heavy and you knew you were having a panic attack. Calum rubbed your shoulder, trying not to look panicked as well...but he was failing. "We're not going to die," he assured, answering your jumbled mumbles about the cables snapping and falling to death. You grasped Calum's hand tightly as he breathed with you. You both heard heavy foot steps from behind the door. Your breathing had leveled out, but you were still sweating and nervous.
"We got the elevator dude!" Luke called. Calum smiled comfortingly at you as you two waited. The doors opened and you immediately ran out and into Ashton's arms. You glanced back at Calum and mouthed a sincere 'thank you'. He winked in reply.

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