49.Your Child's First Day At School

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(Y/D/N) = Your Daughters Name, (Y/S/N) = Your Sons Name

Ashton: "Can you believe this day has come already?" You asked Ashton holding his hand. He shook his head as your daughter picked up her backpack that was far too big for her tiny back but slipped it on regardless. She smiled up at you two, her two dimples prominent-something she had acquired from Ashton, but she had your eyes. "Ready pumpkin?" You said, your voice wavering. Ashton squeezed your hand, he to was getting a little emotional. She nodded her head, outstretching her tiny hand for you to take. You took it, feeling her soft skin in yours, her fist no bigger than the bottom of your palm. "Let's go to school!" Ashton said, making his voice as excited as he could be. You tucked her into the car, sitting in the passenger seat you stared out the window, as Ashton drove. Your daughter babbled the entire way there, telling you both how excited she was, about the colours of the changing leaves and how she liked dogs. You couldn't help but smile, knowing she would have little difficulty making friends with her beautiful personality and her genuine smile. Her heart was already so big for her tiny frame, so much love already in her. He pulled up to the school, other tiny children were muddling about holding their parents hands or talking to other children. You walked to the back door before hauling her out of her carseat and bending down on her level. "(Y/D/N), I want you to have a good first day at school okay? You're going to make some friends right? You're going to be nice today too?" You said, already knowing the answer. "I will be Mummy!" She said smiling her thousand watt smile. Ashton chuckled beside you. "C'mere," You said beckoning her in for a hug. She waddled into your arms, hugging you. "I love you," You whispered into her hair. "I love you too Mummy." She said. Ashton squatted down beside you. "My turn big girl!" He said outstretching his arms as she waddled to him and gave him a big hug. He whispered something to her, and she laughed. "Do you want us to stay with you until your class starts or do you want to go and make friends?" Ashton said once again grabbing your hand. "I want to go make friends." She said in a determined voice, she was so adventurous. You blew her a kiss and Ashton waved, as you both watched her waddle off to a group of kids. She immediately began talking to them, her kind personality already showing through. "She'll be fine." Ashton said smiling at you but his eyes were a bit shinier then before. You nodded your head biting back tears. "She's so young, and... I just didn't think this day would come so fast. She's growing up, our little baby is growing up." You said, wiping your eye. You weren't the only parent that was getting emotional, many parents were wiping eyes discreetly and sniffling quietly. "She'll always be our baby," Ash said. "Lets get back, pick (Y/S/N) up from Mum's. We have a couple of years before he's off for school too." He said smiling at you. You nodded your head, smiling back at him as you cast one last look at your daughter who was talking with a little girl. Smiling, you knew that she would be fine.

Calum: "Wake up big guy! It's time for your first day of school!" Calum bellowed into your sons room. You heard a groan, laughing slightly you leaned against the door as Calum sat on the edge of his bed. His long fingers began searching over the mound of blankets in search of your sons ticklish spot, within seconds laughter filled the room as Calum relentlessly tickled your son until he popped his head out from under his blankets. "Stop! Dad!" He said in between fits of giggles. Calum stopped ruffling his already messy bed head. "Up we get!" Calum said, more excited then your son was for his first day of school. You laughed, as he pulled back the blankets, your son whining in protest. He sat up rubbing his eyes, as you walked away getting his breakfast ready. You knew this day would come eventually, last night tears had silently soaked your pillow at the thought of your baby leaving the nest. Everyday you and your son had little adventures around the house, he was your little helper, and now he would be in school for most of the day, leaving the house eerily quiet. A silent sob had bubbled out of your lips and that was when Calum wrapped his arms around your waist, pulling you against him, his face a bit wet too. "I know," Was all he said to you as you nodded your head. This was a big step for any parent. Calum and your son marched down the stairs, your son almost looking identical to Calum minus some of your features. He had his hair, the shape of his eye and his lips, but he had more of your skin tone, and your eye colour. He was going to be a heartbreaker. After eating his fill of oatmeal, you piled into your car, driving your son who was still laughing at Calum to his first day of school. He was confident and you knew deep down that he wouldn't have any trouble making friends, he was smart too, but there was still that fear that something would go wrong. Calum put a hand on your thigh, rubbing small circles as he looked at you with the same expression that you had. When you arrived at the old gothic building that was the local school, you hugged your son as tight as you could until he laughed. "I love you," You said into the hug. He giggled, "I love you too Mum!" He said. Calum gave him a big bear hug, twirling him around until all you could hear was his shrieks of laughter, his laughter was contagious. He set him down, messing up his hair and wishing him a good first day. You watched as he walked off, looking a little apprehensive at first, before a little boy came up to him and started talking as the bell rang. "He'll be fine." Calum said. "If he's anything like his old Dad here, then he'll be the class clown, making everybody laugh." He said patting his stomach. You laughed leaning against his shoulder. "He's actually gone." You said. He rubbed your arm. "And so it begins." Calum spoke softly, almost as if it was only meant for him. "So it begins." You said sighing.

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