74.In The Waiting Room

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Luke: You touched his leg to try to get him to stop wiggling it. He glanced around nervously at all the women...some with huge bellies and some with toddlers running around.
"Babe, why did you insist I come?"
"I don't know. I figured you would want to know the sex of your child...nothing big," you replied sarcastically. Luke kissed your forehead and rubbed your still small belly.
All of the women kept eying Luke like candy, even though some of them were obviously wearing wedding rings.
"Hi!" You heard. You looked to see a child about 2 putting peanut butter crackers in Luke's lap. He smiled nervously and took one. "Thank you," he said. He pretended to eat them until the child left, then threw them away.
"You're sweet," you said. Luke just smiled and put his head on your shoulder.

Calum: It was just a check up, Calum repeatedly thought as he walked through the doors with you. The waiting room was covered in adults and children. You and Calum took a seat and waited. Calum eyed a toy he used to play with when he was younger.
"Can I go play?" He jokingly asked you. You smiled and said yes. He kissed your cheek and went for the toy when another boy grabbed it. Calum actually legitimately pouted for a second before he asked if they could share the toy.
"No! Mine!" And the kid ran away. Calum came back and curled into a ball in your lap.
"It's okay sweetie, there's more toys."
"But I wanted that one! Ugh! I hate waiting rooms!" He cried. You rolled your eyes and just patted his back affectionately.

Michael: Michael absent-mindlessly scrolled through his phone while you were in with the female doctor. He felt the eyes of the other people in the waiting room on him like security cameras. The women especially.
"Hi," a woman said. She didn't have a ring on her finger but Michael wasn't stupid.
"Hey," he said shortly before going back to his phone. She repeatedly went for his attention and even touched his knee. "My girlfriend is in the doctor," he said with emphasis for the third time. She smiled but it faded when a large, muscular man trailed over to Michael.
"Stay away from my wife!" He roared as he grabbed the woman's hand and left.
"B-but I..." Michael stuttered, surprised. You came out right then and asked him how it went out here. He simply took your hand and stomped out the door. "I hate waiting rooms."

Ashton: You and Ashton were waiting at the hospital since your sister was giving birth. She had just gone into labor so it would be a while. "Excuse me sir, there are no phones allowed," the woman at the desk told Ashton as he pulled up Twitter. He muttered something and put it back in his pocket.
"Read a magazine," you told him. He glanced at the Parent and People magazines littering the table in front of him. He sighed and picked up a Parent magazine and began to read.
A while later, he was telling you every other paragraph's subject and description in detail. "And babe, when we have our own kid, it says peanut butter eaten by mothers while pregnant could possibly cause peanut allergies for the child so no peanut butter while pregnant! And apparently, the correct time to teach a child to ride a two-wheeler is 7-10 years old..." And on...and on. You gritted your teeth and cursed the 'No Cell Phone' policy of the waiting room.

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