51.Telling The Boys You're Pregnant

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Ashton: "You're sure you want to do this?" You said to Ashton as your hand instinctively rested on your belly that was just beginning to show. He nodded his head, a massive grin plastered on his face. "I can't wait to tell them to be honest. I can't wait to see their faces." He said coming up to you and wrapping his hands around your back so you two were embraced. You rubbed your stomach, smiling at the prospect of having a child with Ashton. You two had gotten married two summers ago, and it was a surprise when you found out you were pregnant. You had been wanting to start a family, but you never knew it would be this soon. "You don't know how happy I am." He whispered, resting his forehead against yours. "I know, its almost surreal." You said. His hands travelled gently over your hips to rest against your stomach. "I didn't think you'd see a bump until further down the road," He said staring at your stomach. "If anything it just looks like I put weight on, it doesn't look like a baby bump yet." You said, smiling up at him. "Lets go." He said smiling like a young child and grabbing your hand. The lads were downstairs, part of your plan. Ashton had invited them over for the day to catch up, and you had both agreed that they had a right to know, even if it was pretty early in pregnancy. You walked hand in hand down the stair to the sitting room where they were sprawled out. Time had matured the lads, their faces more chiseled, all of them taller and more filled out. Girls drooled over them still, the band still touring, the records still selling. It was incredible to watch, and experience their success and trumps along with them, just as they were about to experience the miracle of life forming. You sat down next to Ashton, your hand resting on his leg. Ashton cleared his throat, smiling at Luke. "Hey Uncle Luke, could you pass my mug of tea?" He said, as your hands clenched his thigh. "Yeah, sure" He said oblivious to the statement. "Thanks," Ashton said, taking the cup in his hands. "Uncle Mike, when do we have to go to the studio?" He said, trying again. "Uncle Mike? What kind of nickname is that?" He said, staring at him confused. Suddenly there was silence, and you could see all three boys turn their heads at once to stare at the both of you. "Wait..." Luke said, his deep voice breaking the silence. "You two are..." Calum said, his eyes growing wide. "Pregnant!" You and Ashton said at the same time, a large smile forming on your lips. You laughed as they sat in silence before breaking out into loud cheers. "You two are going to be parents! Oh my God, this is unreal!" Michael said standing up and coming to hug you both. He hugged Ashton patting him on the back, before moving to you and hugging you, much gentler now, as if you would break. "Congratulations guys!" He said smiling at you both. "Un-fucking-real." Calum said, laughing and hugging you. He put his hands on your belly making you giggle. "There is actually something in there, holy shit." He said shaking his head and laughing. "Congratulations guys, I'm so happy for you!" He said going back to sitting down. "Well I'll be damned. I knew you had in you!" Luke said smiling and hugging Ashton. "Congrats guys," He said coming up to you and hugging you. "Name it after me?" He said sitting down. "They'll obviously name it Calum, its the best name." He said scoffing at Luke. "Please, its favourite Uncle will obviously be me. They'll name it Michael for sure." Michael said with a wave of his hand. "And what if its a girl?" You said holding your stomach. The boys paused, looking at you. "You can make our names feminine. Problem solved." They said laughing. As the three began to chatter excitedly, you turned to Ashton. "I love you," You said grinning up at him. "I love you too Mrs. Irwin." He said kissing the crown of your head, and pulling you against his side.

Calum: You where in the kitchen making a cup of coffee, the lads sitting by the breakfast bar and were still waking up. Calum came up behind you, grabbing a cup from the cupboard above you. Suddenly a wave of nausea overtook you, making you sway on your feet. "Not again," You half whispered, half moaned. "You okay?" Calum said, low enough for only to hear. "No." You said shimming out of his embrace and running to the washroom on the first floor. You made it just in time to collapse onto your knees and vomit into the toilet bowl. You coughed as you felt Calum grab your hair out of your face and put a soothing hand on your back as you continued to cough and throw up. You were sweating, and your throat hurt as you sat back on your heels, wiping your mouth with your hands. "Again?" Calum said still rubbing your back. You nodded your head. "Morning sickness really isn't fun." You said, willing your stomach to calm down. "I think the boys noticed," Calum said, peering out of the doorway to hear only silence. "Might as well break the news to them. Sorry this couldn't be better," You said smiling weakly at him. "No, its fine babe. They would have had to find out somehow. Here, easy there love." He said helping you stand as you rinsed your mouth with some mouthwash and ran a hand through your hair. "I look like shit," You said noticing your clammy, and pale complexion. "Its fine, you were just ill." He said kissing your shoulder, as he stared back at you in the mirror. "Lets go," You said. He wrapped his hand around your waist to support you. Your knees were still a bit weak, and you still felt ill, but nothing was left to come up. When you walked down the hall all of the boys eyes fell onto you, making your cheeks heat up. "Are you alright?" Ashton asked, his eyebrows furrowing. "Ugh, we have to tell you something." Calum said helping you sit down on a chair that Luke had offered. You took a deep breath, and looked at Calum with an encouraging smile. "The reason (Y/N) has been ill this morning, and well the past few mornings is because we're expecting." He said smiling widely. Calum was probably the happiest guy on Earth when he found out he was going to be a Dad. He had picked you up and spun you around the living room, kissing you all over your face, his smile so wide you thought he would hurt himself. There was silence until Michael broke the silence. "You're going to be a Dad?" He said, his expression changing from concern to sheer happiness. "That's incredible!" Ashton shouted making you giggle. "How far are you?" Luke asked, standing near you. "I would say about three months? I think, I'm going to the doctors soon." You said grabbing Calums hand from beside you. "It was pretty sudden." You said smiling at him. "I would say. Considering you two tied the knot maybe half a year ago? Getting busy I can see." Michael said grinning cheekily at you. You blushed a thousand shades of red before ducking your head into Calums chest. "Do you know what it is yet?" Ashton asked you two, ignoring Michaels remark. "No, we both agreed we want to leave it a surprise." He said grabbing your hand. "Congratulations either way guys, we're so happy for you!' Luke said patting your back. You smiled at the boys, getting ready to share this journey with not only your loving husband but also the boys that had become brothers to you.

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