40.You Meet The Other Boys

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Michael: You balance the two Starbucks drinks you carry in one hand as you ring the doorbell to Michael's house. The door opens and you are surprised to see a tall blond boy, who looks just as surprised to see you. "Hello," he greets, confused, "I'm sorry, but who are you?" "I'm Y/n," you say. "Oh! You're Michael's girlfriend!" He says, smiling, "He's told us all about you, but you're prettier than I expected. Oh, I'm being rude, come in." You follow him inside and he yells for Michael. "I'm Luke," he says, jutting his hand out. You shake it, still trying to balance the drinks. When Michael doesn't show up, Luke tries again. "MICHAEL GUESS WHO I JUST MET!" After a few seconds of silence he adds, "I'LL GIVE YOU A HINT! SHE'S CUTE AND WE'RE GONNA START MAKING OUT IF YOU DON'T COME HERE! AND IT'S YOUR GIRLFRIEND!" You laugh as you hear three voices shouting and soon three boys rush into the room, Michael in the lead. "Hey," he says, out of breath, "I'm so sorry I didn't realize you had friends over," you murmur in his ear as he hugs you. "You told me you didn't have plans so I thought I'd bring you coffee and we could hang out," you explain as he takes a drink from your hand. "Babe, it's fine," Michael laughs, "Thank you," he adds, sipping the coffee, "And they just showed up. They don't usually wait to be invited." Michael shrugs and swings an arm over your shoulder, "I guess it's as good of a time as any to meet them." "You met Luke, who you will not be making out with, by the way. This is Calum and Ashton, who you will also not be making out with. Guys, this is y/n." You wave hello and they murmur greetings. "It was great meeting you guys," You say, smiling, "but I'll go so you can hang out." "Stay!" Calum suggests. "Yeah!" Ashton agrees. "We wanna get to know you," Calum says, smiling. You turn to Michael who says, "It'll be fun."

Ashton: You make your way backstage, nervous to meet Ashton's friends for the first time.You knew Ashton had pointed you out to them during the concert, because they had all looked over and waved, which had made you laugh and Ashton blush. You show the security guard your pass and take a deep breath before going through the door. There is an instant commotion and you hear one voice yell, "IT'S ASHTON'S GIRLFRIEND!" Before you know what is happening the one you recognize as Calum tackles you in a hug. You see Luke and Michael rush up and join in, making you laugh. "Stop you're gonna scare her off!" Ashton scolds, prying his friends off of you. "Great show!" you shout, hugging Ashton once your arms are free. "Thanks," three other boys say immediately. You laugh and turn to Ashton's band mates. "Great job! You guys are so talented!" They run up simultaneously enveloping you in another hug. "Okay that's enough," Ashton says finally. The three boys release you and Ashton wraps a protective arm around your shoulders. "Guys, this is Y/n. Y/n, this is Calum, Michael and Luke." He points to each guy in turn and they wave. "Hi guys," you say with a wave. "Ashton talks about you all the time," Michael tells you. "Oh really?" You say, looking at Ashton with amusement, "What's he say?" "A bunch of romantic stuff," Calum says. He puts on a puppy dog face and says in a high pitched, nasally voice, "I miss y/n! Y/n is sleeping right now because of the time difference! I wish I could sleep with y/n!" You laugh along with Luke and Michael. "I don't sound like that," Ashton points out, frowning, "And I don't say that." "What else has he said?" You ask, grinning. "He talks about you in his sleep," Michael says, smirking. Luke bursts out laughing as Ashton begins to protest. "I'm just kidding," Michael admits, "But he does seem to really like you." Ashton turns bright red and you giggle. "I really like him," you state, smiling at Ashton.

Luke: You slide out of Luke's bed silently and borrow a shirt, slipping it on as you sneak from the room. You rub your eyes and walk to the kitchen, planning on making breakfast. You scream when you see a boy rummaging through the fridge, and scream again when you see two more sitting at the table. "You - you must be Luke's band," you stutter, recognizing the boys from pictures. The two at the table, who you now recognize as Michael and Calum nod dumbly. Ashton shuts the fridge and looks over at you. "You're Y/n?" Ashton asks. You nod. "I didn't know you were coming over," you state. "We just show up sometimes," Calum explains. "We didn't realize you had, uh, spent the night," Michael adds. You feel your cheeks heat up and look away. "Well, it's nice to meet you guys," you say. "You, too," Ashton says. "I was gonna make pancakes, do you want some?" You offer. "That'd be great," Ashton says. Michael nods in agreement and you turn to Calum, catching him staring at you. You look down and blush again, realizing the shirt you wore barely passed your butt, leaving your legs very exposed. "I'm gonna go put some pants on," you mumble, pulling the shirt down as you head back to Luke's room. "Babe, come back to bed," Luke mumbles when you enter. "I can't. I'm making pancakes," you tell him as you pull out a pair of his sweatpants. "We can eat later," he groans. "I think your friends are hungry now," you reply. "My friends?" He repeats, sitting up. "Yeah. That wasn't exactly how I planned on meeting your band mates, but -" "They're here?" Luke interrupts, getting to his feet. "Yeah I just met them - in my underwear," you say. Luke quickly pulls on a pair of sweatpants before darting from the room. You laugh to yourself and put on pants as well as a bra before heading to the kitchen. Hearing voices, you stop in the hallway to listen. "No that wasn't our first time!" You hear Luke snap. "Why didn't you tell us?" You're pretty sure that was Calum. "Because it's personal!" Luke says, exasperated. "Well how is she?" You recognize this voice as Michael's. The other two laugh, but stop abruptly, and you're guessing Luke gave them a death glare. "I really like her," Luke sighs, "So can you just - just be good?" "Yeah," Calum replies, "We'll be good."

Calum: "What if they don't like me?" You say for the dozenth time as you ride in the car to Calum's friend's house. "They're gonna love you," Calum says with a laugh, "How could they not?" You sigh, rolling your eyes. "I'm serious!" Calum insists. "Okay," you give in, knowing he won't, "Go over your friends one more time. "We're going to Ashton's house. He's the one that plays the drums. Remember him from the picture?" "The one with the cute smile, yeah." you respond, nodding as you process the information. "Okay," Calum says gruffly, making you laugh. "Luke is the tall blond." "Oh yeah he has great hair," you interject. Calum gives you a playful glare and you add, "Not as great as yours, of course." "And Michael is the one with the whitish hair - he dyes it a lot and he -" "He's the one with the really nice eyes," you say confidently, "Okay I think I'm ready!" "Good 'cause we're here," Calum says, parking the car and running around to open your door. He rings the doorbell and takes your hand. "Don't worry," he murmurs as the door opens. "Hey!" Three voices shout. "Hi," you say, stepping inside. "You're Michael?" You ask, pointing to the first boy you see. He nods and shakes your hand. You turn to the next boy and take in his appearance briefly. "Ashton," you say confidently. He grins and shakes your hand as well. "Which means you're Luke," you say to the third, who mimics the other two. "Nice job!" Ashton says, high-fiving you. "Thank you," you say proudly. "She remembered all of your best features," Calum tells them, smirking at you. "Calum!" You shriek, hitting his arm. "What? You did!" Calum defends. The three boys laugh and you bury your face in Calum's chest to hide your blushing cheeks. "Well?" Michael says after the laughter subsides, "What's my best feature?" The boys laugh and you groan, pulling away from Calum. "Sorry, babe," Calum laughs, kissing your head. "I think it's funny!" Luke pipes up. "Yeah," Asthon agrees, "We like her." He smiles at Calum and you blush, smiling at Calum, too. "I told you they would," Calum points out.

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