47.He Comes Home From Tour

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Ashton: It was three in the morning, you were beyond tired but your excitement overrode any fatigue that plagued you. There were a few fans milling around the airport waiting for 5 Seconds of Summer to come back home, and you were waiting for Ashton to come home to your arms. You nervously tapped your foot, seeing the first people start to file out of the terminal. Your anxiety grew with every person that made their way to their loved ones. Finally, you saw who you were waiting for. Beside him were Luke, Michael and Calum. Ashton looked around the room, searching for you until you both made eye contact. He looked tired, exhausted would be the better word but as soon as his eyes fell on yours his expression changed to happiness. A wide smile broke out across his face, dimples extremely prominent, as he dropped his bags, causing Luke to turn his head. Your heart hammered in your chest, and your hands shook at yours sides. Forgetting the people around you, you began to run towards him. His smile grew wider the closer you got to him until you launched yourself into his arms. Faint 'awes' chorused around you as you nuzzled your head into his chest, wrapping your legs around his waist. He hugged you as close as he humanly could You had craved this feeling, for his arms to wrap around you, to hold you, to keep you close. Seven long months you had waited for this feeling. Love blossomed in your chest as hot tears leaked from your eyes onto his shirt. "Oh god (Y/N), I missed you so much," He said against you, you only nodded your head holding him even closer. "C'mon baby, lets go home." He placed you gently on your feet and you pulled away and wiped your eyes. You smiled and kissed him, kissing him with the longing of seven long months. He kissed you back with the same feverish passion. "Oh, we're going home soon. I need you..." He whispered into your ear, stirring something inside you. You grabbed his hand, intertwining your fingers and meeting up with the boys, before making your way out of the busy airport and to your home, where a proper reunion was in store.

Calum: You waited in the parking lot by your car. Calum had called you earlier and told you that they were taking a back way out of the airport to avoid fans and the cameras. You leaned against the hood, occasionally getting some stares from passerby's. You closed your eyes, your anxiety beginning to bubble up from waiting for so long. Maybe his plane was delayed, or maybe they ran into complications as customs or something. So many scenarios ran through your mind that you closed your eyes to calm yourself. You opened them, once again scanning the parking lot and suddenly seeing someone walking towards you. You shot up, already knowing it was him. Your hands gripped the hood, your pulse speeding up. He walked towards you, his head ducked a little so no attention was drawn to him. You stood up, contemplating running to him but you knew that would create a scene - something you both wanted to avoid. With every step he took towards you, your heart beat faster, and tears pricked your eyes. It had been far too long since you had seen him in person - skype and facetime doing no justice - and feeling him touch you, to hold him, and to feel his body against yours. "Calum," You breathed out. Almost not believing he was near you. His head shot up, his eyes meeting yours and a glorious smile breaking out across his face. "(Y/N)," He said, walking towards you and enveloping you in a much needed hug. You held him close, tears making their way down your face as he pulled away to look at you. "Why are you crying babe?" He said pushing your hair back off of your face. You smiled through the tears, studying every inch of his face. "I've just really, really missed you." You said smiling. You wiped away a stray tear and leaned in to kiss you. "I've missed this, I've missed you." He said pulling you closer. You hugged him tighter, tighter then he surely would give you credit for. But as the people milled around you, and went on their ways, all that mattered was you were in his arms, once again, and nothing could ruin this moment.

Luke: It was Luke's second world tour, and you would think that you'd be used to the distance from the tour and him being away but it was never easy. You still cried when he was gone, wearing his sweatshirts to bed just to feel like he was holding you. You would try and put the thought out of your mind that he was gone and that he would be home soon but after four years together it got harder and harder waking up to the cold side of the bed and not hearing his voice, his laughter or his presence around you. But today was the day that he would be home. He would be home to hold you, to fall asleep to and to have around. You stood nervously in the crowded airport. There were so many people around waiting to catch a glimpse of the highly acclaimed 5 Seconds of Summer coming home. Some girls recognized you as his girlfriend, allowing you to get closer to the front but others weren't so nice, not allowing you to pass the gate and wait for him where he could see you. You stood about four rows back behind pushy girls, and you couldn't contain yourself. You could tell they exited the terminal because girls started screaming and yelling, and you stood on your tip toes to try and see him. You saw Michael and Ashton signing some fans posters and whatnot but you could see Luke scanning the crowd in search for you. You were tired of waiting so swallowing your reason, you began elbowing through the crowd until Luke saw you. His eyes lit up, his face broke into a beautiful smile. He ran towards you and helped you over the gate before pulling you into a bone crushing hug. You held him tight, the screams of girls dying out as the only sound was his voice in your ear telling you much he missed you and how much eh loved you. You nuzzled your head into his chest, relishing the feeling of his chest pressed against yours and his heartbeat once again near you. "(Y/N), I can't believe I'm home. I've missed you baby, oh god have I missed you. Cuddling with Calum just doesn't cut it." You couldn't help but laugh knowing he probably was cuddling with Calum on tour. "I'm just happy your home." Was all that you could manage out. "Me too baby, me too."

Michael: You had agreed with Michael to meet him at home rather then the airport. It was easier, and he wanted a more intimate and personal reunion. You paced along your living room and up and down the hallways waiting for the hum of his car to pull into the driveway. You walked to the kitchen and walked back to the living room. You were too excited, you couldn't keep still. You looked at the clock above the mantel to see that it had only been three minutes since the last time you checked. You pushed the curtain aside to look out the window and saw the blue car coming down the street. You couldn't help the gasp that escaped your lips knowing exactly who was in it. You ran to the door, and threw it open just as his car pulled up. He threw open the door as you jumped off the porch and ran into his arms. The sheer force of your leap caused him to fall back slightly onto the car but he hugged you tightly non the less. He kept telling you how much he missed you and how much he loved you. You clung to him, as if your life depended on it, as you kept kissing him. His shoulders, his neck, his face, his collarbones, any space that was available. He held you at arms lengths, studying your face and every feature. "You're so beautiful (Y/N)..." He said looking at you. You blushed and went back to hugging him, and just like that his lips were on yours, kissing you with a hungry passion of absence. "Let's go inside shall we?" He murmured against your lips. You nodded your head, dragging him behind you, leading him inside your home that needed a bit of Michael in it after a very long eleven months.

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