61.The Title Is Too Long To Fit

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He Sees You and Is Too Nervous To Talk To You So One Of The Other Boys Does and Introduces You Two
Ashton:"I'll take a caramel mocha and a blueberry scone," Ashton says to the worker at Starbucks. "And I'll take a vanilla iced coffee," Calum adds. They hand the cashier the money to pay for it and then take a seat while they wait. "Cal... Did you see that girl that just walked in?" Ashton asks with wide eyes. Calum nods as he peeks over to look at you. "She's so pretty," Ashton states. "Yeah... Why don't you go talk to her?" Ashton quickly shakes his head, "No way, man. I can't just go up to her!" Calum chuckles at him, "Maybe I should go talk to her instead." Ashton's head shoots up when Calum says this. "That's it! You go introduce me to her!" Ashton exclaims as he stands up. "C'mon!" Ashton grabs Calum's arm and pulls him up. Calum laughs and shakes his head before walking over. You look up as he semi-awkwardly walks up to you. "Um... hi, uh, my friend over there," Calum says while motioning to Ashton, "He thinks you're really pretty but he doesn't know how to approach you." You giggle as Calum says this and look over at Ashton. "He's not too bad himself," you say with a blush, "What's his name?" "Ashton, and I'm Calum," He says with a smile. "Do you want me to go get him?" You nod after he says this. He quickly walks over to Ashton and gives him a subtle fist bump before sitting down. Ashton stands up and walks over to you. "Hi there," Ashton says with a slight giggle. "So you're Ashton?" You ask. "Yes, and you are?" "Y/n." You answer with a smile.

Calum:Luke and Calum were walking through the new city they were in today. They always love to explore each town they play a show in. Not many people recognized them, so they decided to go to a few shops. They got really excited when they saw a Hot Topic, and went inside. They started looking at all of the shirts when suddenly Calum saw you. You were trying to reach a shirt hung up a little higher than your arm could reach. You were wearing a Blink-182 shirt and ripped gray skinny jeans. "Dude... look at that girl," Calum says to Luke, grabbing his arm to get his attention. Luke looks over at you struggling to get the shirt down. He chuckles, "Mate, go help her." "No way! I can't just go up to her and do that she'll think I'm weird." Calum argues back. "No, she'll think you're nice and thoughtful," Luke says, shoving Calum a little towards you. Calum shakes his head and walks back over to Luke, "I can't." "Then I will." Luke grins and makes his way over to you. "Want some help there?" He asks, chuckling. "Please." You laugh. You step out of the way and allow him to easily grab the shirt off the rack. "There ya go," Luke says, handing you the shirt. "You're a lifesaver. Thank you so much." You say. "Since I did this for you, do you think you could do me a favor too?" Luke asks. "Sure," You answer a bit confused. Luke starts walking over to Calum, motioning you to follow and you do so. "Go on a date with this kid who was too nervous to talk to you." Luke says before walking away. You laugh and pull a pen out of your purse. "What's your name?" You ask the boy. "Calum," he answers. You say nothing in response but scribble your name and number on his hand. "I'm Y/n. And I'd love to go on a date." You say before walking away to check out.

Luke:You were working backstage at one of the 5sos gigs. You were helping a stage manager since it was your uncle. You always loved tagging along because you loved concerts. You already met one of the boys in the band, Michael. You guys got along really well, but there weren't any attractions between you two. He showed you around for a bit before going to look for the rest of the boys. You decided to wander around for a bit. Eventually you ended up in a hallway filled with doors leading to different places. At the end of the hallway were Michael and the blonde guy from the band. They were looking at you so you decided to wave. Michael waved back and the guy beside him smiled, and then said something to Michael, causing him to laugh. Michael suddenly ran down the hallway to you, still laughing, the other guy following behind. "Y/n! This is Luke! He has a major crush on yo-." He begins to say before Luke slams his hand over his mouth, causing him to be quiet. "No, don't listen to him. No! Not that I wouldn't like you it's just that, we just met, and that'd be weird. That'd be weird right? Maybe not, I don't know..." Luke rambles on, stumbling over his own words. "Hey, calm down." You say, laughing. Luke chuckles a little and lets Michael go. Michael punched his arm before winking at you and walking away. "Uh, I just think you're really, uh, beautiful," Luke says. You smile at him, "I think you're pretty handsome." Luke smiles and breathes out, relieved. "So... would you maybe want to go out sometime?" He asks, shoving his hands in his pockets. "I'd love to."

Michael:You were in Guitar Center trying out a guitar. You worked here, so you were always allowed to try out all of the instruments. You were shredding out a new song you wrote when suddenly you heard a loud noise that sounded like screaming girls. You loom out the window to see that you were right; there was a huge swarm of girls crowding around the door. Suddenly, four boys burst through the door, laughing at each other and being loud. You snicker and get back to playing your song, not thinking much of it. Celebrities came to your store quite often, so you were pretty used to it. It unexpectedly gets quiet. You look up to see that the group of boys are whispering to each other, every once in awhile glancing at you. "Just do it!" "C'mon man!" were some of the things you heard being said between them. You shrug your shoulders and get back to playing, trying to ignore them. Not too long after, a tall boy with curly brown hair came up to you with a huge grin on his face. "Can I help you?" You ask, referring to finding things in the store. "Well, actually yes. You see, my friend over there in the plaid thinks you're extremely attractive and is too nervous to come talk to you." He says, pointing to an even taller boy with crazy brown hair. You had to admit, he was pretty hot himself. "What's his name?" You ask with a slight smirk. "Michael, and I'm Ashton." You nod and get up from where you were sitting, setting your guitar up beside it. "What a wimp." You mumble to Ashton, causing him to laugh out loud. You walk over to Michael and tap his shoulder, getting him to turn around and face you. His eyes grow wide, "Um, h-hi." "Next time you think a girl is 'extremely attractive', just tell her. Chances are she thinks you are too." You say smirking. "O-ok thanks. I'll do that." He says nervously. "I'm y/n by the way." "Michael." He says back, smiling.

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