75.He Hears The Boys Talk About How Hot You Are

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Ashton: It was a Sunday afternoon when Ashton called you up, wanting you to keep him company at his place which you happily agreed to - what you weren't aware of, were that his mates would also be there too. As soon as you arrived, you found yourself starving, and Ashton decided to accompany you making some food in the kitchen - giving you sweet kisses over your face whilst you waltzed around the kitchen.

"Babe, should I make some food for the other boys too?" you ask Ashton, to which he simply looks at you and shrugs.

"Well go find out if they're hungry!" you comment as if it was the most obvious thing in the world, causing Ashton to roll his eyes but oblige to your request.

As he walks towards the living room, he overhears your name mentioned in conversation and decides to hide behind the wall and eavesdrop.

"When Ashton said she was hot I wasn't expecting this!" Michael commented, causing the others to mutter in agreement

"Especially in those shorts man" Luke adds

"And she's just teasing us with that tank top" Calum includes

Deciding this was enough for Ashton to hear, he walks off back to the kitchen to be greeted with a smile from you. "So what did they say?" you question him, completely oblivious to what just happened.

"Doesn't matter babe" Ashton mutters, as he wraps his arm around your waist from behind and starts sucking on your sweet spot just on your neck. "Ashton I-" you start to object before removes his lips from you and smiles at his work - a nice big lovebite on full display.

"Just reminding the boys who's girlfriend you are" Ashton remarks

Calum: Finally finishing your shower, you switch the water off and wrap the towel around your body to dry yourself, searching for your clean clothes on the counter but realised they were nowhere to be found, meaning you must have left them in the bedroom. "Crap" you mutter to yourself. This would have been fine any other time, except for the fact that you stayed over your boyfriend Calum's house, and he shares a place with three of his best guyfriends.

As you realised calling out for Calum was useless, as nobody responded, you decided to make a run for it, tightly wrapping the towel around you before quickly stepping out from the bathroom to the bedroom your clothes were in. But your movement did not go unnoticed, suddenly hearing a collective group of wolf-whistles, turning around to see Michael, Luke and Ashton nearby.

"Looking good Y/N" Ashton remarks

"Oh shut up" you comment back, poking your tongue out

"Calum picks his girls gooooood" Michael says, extending his last word

"I sure do, don't I?" Calum suddenly enters, wrapping his arm around Michael

"Can I go now?" you awkwardly mutter - pointing to the bedroom door, being completely ignored as Calum continues to speak

"Just don't forget who her lovely and charming boyfriend is" Calum remarks, grinning to himself

"How can we? You two wouldn't shut up last night" Luke jokingly comments, earning a slap on the arm from Calum and causing you to run away in embarrassment.

Luke:"-she actually thought I was talking about the underwear, not the shoes! Gosh why does the word thongs have so many different meanings!" Luke rambles on to you through the webcam on Skype.

"I don't know, ask whoever made up the word" you jokingly reply

"I sha-, oh...., Y/N I'll be back in sec, Mum's calling me again" Luke sighs, rolling his eyes before walking away from the screen, leaving you to stare at the bed head he was previously leaning on. When suddenly, you could softly overhear some conversations in the background... Calum, and Ashton?

"Is he talking to Y/N again?" Calum asks

"I think so, man, how come Luke gets all the hot ones?!" Ashton complains

"I know man, I mean did you see her instagram photo? Hot is an understatement bro"

"Beautiful would be the right word to use, don't you think boys?" you suddenly hear Luke respond, he must have returned from talking to his mother. His comment causing you to blush profusely.

"Um, uh, yeah, beautiful she is" Calum awkwardly stutters out. Unable to contain your giggles anymore, the boys all suddenly ran to the laptop screen and awkwardly smiled at you.

"Exactly, how much of that did you hear?" Ashton immediately asks...

Michael: You had just logged onto Twitter when you suddenly saw a flood of tweets sent to Luke with the tag #AskLuke5SOS, so you decided to click on Luke's profile and check out his replies, a few of them were quite sweet and others quite funny, but there was one - just recently posted, that caught your attention. You clicked to view the question which read

"@hemmoooo1996: @Luke5SOS snog marry avoid - selena gomez, Y/N & rebecca black :) #AskLuke5SOS" Why would someone ask about you? To Luke? I mean, you're dating Michael for crying out loud!

"@Luke5SOS: @hemmoooo1996 Snog - Y/N, Marry - Selena, Avoid - Rebecca lol #AskLuke5SOS"

"@lukesgirl1: @Luke5SOS why kiss Y/N? she's dating michael! #AskLuke5SOS"

Your eyes widened open as your name continuously popped up in conversation, and as more tweets came in, the more curious you became.

"@Luke5SOS: @lukesgirl1 cause she's hot ;) have you seen her? michael got lucky! plus i dont like rebecca's song D:"

"@Calum5SOS: @Luke5SOS and she can bake too, that cake she made the other week was to die for!"

"@Ashton5SOS: @Calum5SOS @Luke5SOS we like Y/N, Y/N is pretty, and nice, and a good cook :)

"@Michael5SOS: @Ashton5SOS @Calum5SOS @Luke5SOS She's perfect isn't she? And she's all mine, mwahahaha. Love you Y/N!"

A soft laugh comes out of your mouth as you finish reading the conversation becoming an online sensation, you were so lucky to have friends like them, and more importantly, a boyfriend like Michael.

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