Chapter 10; It's only the beginning they say...

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Pisces Pov:

As soon as the doors closed behind the kind of Onions (note, that wasn't a spelling correction/error), the trumpets played again as the curtains covered the windows and the chandelier lights turned on. It felt as if you were in a movie, a dream fantasy. The only thing that felt out of place was the silence.

The awkward, dreadful, silence.

I looked around the room, I made eye contact with Cancer who was sitting with her family on the other side of the ballroom. She was so close, but so faraway!!! I was going to die of being so far away from her.

"So... how's everyone's day?" A prince with grey hair, a.k.a old man hair, asked everyone. I could see a few giving him a dirty eye. Why? Not sure.

A few of the different royals shrugged while others word per sentence. Woah, I didn't know that was how it was supposed to go.

Eventually a few social King and Queens, started to walk around and talk to others. Their children also got up and wandered around. Thank goodness that happened and I could breathe properly again.

After waiting a few minutes, I stood up from my seat and immediately went over to Cancer's table.

"Finally I'm with you, I was going to die if I had to sit any longer!" I dramatically placed an arm around Cancer as I talked, exaggerating my pain. She just laughed at me.

"Calm down, you big baby."

We jumped into conversation but then I realised, someone was missing.

"Where’s Taurus? I asked Cancer.

Cancer had a better eye than me and she spotted him pretty quickly. He was talking to someone, or someones. A girl and a boy. The girl, long dark hair with dazzling blue eyes and a handsome boy with fluffy white hair and glistening golden eyes. I don't remember which Kingdom the two were from but that doesn't matter. The question is why was he talking to them? Taurus had told us he had a friend from another Kingdom. A friend. Not friends. Friend. So why the hell is he talking with two others (Author: kid friendly, Pisces)? More like whispering really.



"Come with me." I stood up and hooked my arms through Cancer's as we walked over to the table he was at. The three whisperers didn't see us behind them so I decided give Taurus a bit of a scare. Mwahahaha.

"Boo!" I yelled in his ear.

Just as expected, Taurus screamed and fell out of his chair but I didn't expect the girl beside him to get startled. The handsome just looked surprised.

"Smooth, Taurus" the handsome one commented after gathering himself while the girl snickered.

Taurus glared at the two. Glared? He rarely does that truth is.

"Be quiet, Cap," Taurus grumbled, getting up and sitting back into his chair. He turned to us and smiled, "is there something you need?"

Yea! Why are you talking in whispers with these 'friends' but I didn't say that. Instead I said, "was just looking for you."

"Well, I'm here. Oh! Pisces and Cancer, meet my good friend Capricorn," Taurus gestured to the handsome white haired sitting across from him.

Ohhhhhhhh, so he did have a friend.

"And who's the other one?" Cancer asked, looking in the direction of the girl.

Taurus bright eyes lowered slightly is distaste, "that grump would be Virgo."

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