Chapter 11; The Great Escape! Not Really

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Leo's Pov:

"This is only the beginning..." the man said, before disappearing within the black smoke.

The ballroom was quiet at first then the panic slowly started settling in. My younger siblings came crawling from under a table and surrounded me.

"Leo help!

"I'm scared!"

"Who was that man!"

"What happened!"


They starting crying and clinging onto me. The way the little gremlins tugged on my clothing started to really hurt and some started kicking my feet! Why my feet?! I found my sister not far from me and gave the gremlins to her.

"Have them, I not dealing with it," I told Mia as I picked up one the youngest and dropped them into her arms.

Mia scowled at me, "why are you giving them to me? You're the one they want!" She tries to give the gremlins back to me but I immediately spouse into the crowd, ignoring her threats.

I walked through the royals, trying to avoid any contact. Most of them were still shakened of what just happened. I don't blame them, it all happened so fast. The way those reptilian things appeared around the room and the man. There was some sort of mist that came off him that felt mysterious and dangerous in some way I can't explain. His piercing eyes still clear in my mind and the way he disappeared in the winds, something that can't be ignored.

The crowd started separating and going to their perspective groups. I couldn't find Scorpio, where the hell was he? I continued looking around the room for him. The grey haired boy, Sagittarius, didn't have him luckily. If I'm honest, I didn't like the guy. I didn't like the way he got so close to Scorpio and laughed, talked as if the two were childhood friends. When Sagittarius asked him if he had any past lovers or a crush, that really threw me off. I don't know why. It shouldn't but it just really did.

The more my mind thought, the more I lost where I was going and it wasn't until the last moment until someone bumped into me. We both came crashing to the floor and I guess the person knocked down the food table because pastries came falling from the sky and landed beside us.

"Watch where you're going please," a soft voice said.

I looked up at the person and who did I crash into? A guy with the white hair. I forgot his name but as soon as he looked into my eyes, I hated him.

"I think it should be the other way around, you should've been watching," I didn't expect my voice to be so harsh but he should've!

The guy looked at me apologetically, "sorry, I guess I should've."

Huh? I did not expect that. I thought he would've fought back or atleast corrected me but he didn't. He just... accepted? I opened my mouth to say something but his stupid face beat me to it.

"But you should really look where you were going too."

Dammit, spoke too soon and why did he have to say it with a calming voice, it's honestly annoying.

"I should be sorry? I was minding my own business then suddenly someone came toppling over me!" It's true. I was just minding my own business, trying to find my best friend when suddenly this guy crashed into me.

He stared at me, confused, "actually, I was the one minding my own business when someone tripped over their own feet and crashed onto me."

Okay, I admit that I'm partly responsible for it but he doesn't need to know that.

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⏰ Last updated: May 08 ⏰

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