Chapter 5; The Dark Lands

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Scorpio Pov

Leo and I walked along side his family and mine into the castle.

I couldn't get over just how big this entrance is. It was almost the size of a very tall tree, and I mean very.

The sun reflected off the golden walls and the floor clean and shiny. Maybe, it was a bit to clean because about 5 times, I slipped. But without bringing Leo down with me.

I was so caught up in my thoughts about this entrance that I hadn't realised, I had slipped again.

"That was the sixth time," Leo said, glaring at me.

"It isn't my fault," I agrue, "blame it on the floor."

"Bad floor, bad," he said sarcastically, rolling his eyes but I could see a small smile.

He looked kind of cute, wait! What did I say?

"If you two lovebirds are done, then I must say we're here," Leo's sister told us with a grin on her face.

That awful grin! It will haunt my dreams.

Leo and I got back up but from the corner of my eye, I could see my little brother staring at me with fire in his eyes. I stick out my tounge at him.

"Hello!" A voice called from the end of the corridor.

"Nice to see you Orion," King Alexander greeted his old friend, along with my dad.

"I am so pleased that you two kingdoms could make it," Orion gleefully said, with a huge smile on his face.

"It's an honour to be here," My father replied.

Orion then turned around, saying to us to follow him. We walked down more halls and each seemed to be more and more shiner.

It was hurting my eyes.

"I swear, by the end of this day I will go blind," Leo whispered to me.

I chuckled, "me too."

Then the sound of doors opening shook me. Orion had opened a huge doorway to the throne room, I guess.

It was ten times larger than the one back at home. And the throne was so big, it almost reached the roof.

Once again, on the walls were a gold and maybe a little bit of silver patterns on the wall, a large balcony, a chandilier, and lots of windows. About 35.

Seriously, who needed this much windows. Apparently, this king needed them.

I walked to one of the windows on the left. It was a rectangle shape and was surprisingly could fit in this room.

The view from it was amazing. I could stare out of it forever.

"What's that?" I ask, noticing something.

"What's what?" Orion asks walking over to me, Leo right behind him.

"That," I say pointing out the window, more of to the right, low corner.

In the distance was a dark field, mist mostly covered it but I could make out trees with no leaves, branches like sharp claws, spikes sticked out of the ground like knives, and a thick, dark clouds were above it and only above it. No light, just darkness.

"That is the Dark Lands, a place where banished people and hybrids go," Orion said.

I wanted to ask what the Dark Lands were actually until Orion called us to the other room.

I was about to follow until I see something in the distance at the Dark Lands.

"SCORPIO! You okay?" Leo asked me, with a concerned look on his face.

"I tell you later," I tell him, turning around.

Who was that?

??? Pov

I ran through the woods, not caring that branches were scratching my face.

Even though the pain was unbearable, I kept running.

The blood curdling screaming and yelling from behind me always made me want to stop, go back, and fight but I knew I couldn't.

"Stop her!" I heard from behind me.

I stared to speed up, not wanting to look back until I meet the crossover.

It was all of their fault, it was their fault I was in this place, it was their fault my parents got killed, it was their fault I'm running.

If only I didn't go past the gates, then everything would be normal. I could be baking with my mom.

"Speed up! We're losing her!" Another voice called.

I didn't want to slow down, even of how much my legs were aching, I didn't.

If you think that I was watching where I was going (Author: are you breaking the foruth wall?) I was not. I ran straight into a wall.

Actually, it was a stone hill, I guess that Dark Lands were like that.


I turned around to see all the gaurds that have kidnapped me and locked me up.

Their eyes were red with hatered and anger, the horns were larger and sharper, the armour that was on them was no almost all gone, and the face like a bull but it was bloody and scratched.

"There is no where to run, little girl," The leader says, looking me straight in the eye.

"Who are you calling little girl?" I ask threatingly, glaring at all them.

I pulled out my sword, ready to attack. There were 6... I could possibly defeat them.

They also pulled out their swords, daggers, and whatever weapons they had.

I wasn't scared, I wasn't going to tremble and fall on my knees begging for mercy, like I did before, I was going to fight and kill every last one of them.

Hello! Yes! I am back with another chapter! Did you think I was gone forever? Because I think not!

Did you like the chapter? Please tell me and what do you think of this new person?

Tell me your thoughts in the comments!

Also, did you think they (the person who was introduced) was breaking the fourth wall or not?

Anyways, I have been really busy lately with school and all so that would be the reason why I didn't post last week.

Today, I do have school but I'm not going because I have a stupid doctor appointment, I do not like them. No offense to those who like them and those who may have parents who are doctors or nurses.

Anyways, I hope you liked the chapter and will continue reading! Bye!

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