Route 18: Wyverns Nest

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The fleet was sailing in diamond formation with the Schild in the center. Sadeena was next to Keel inside the bridge of the Bismarck-class battleship.

Keel had her orange HUD three rings displayed around her body "Contact with I-200. Report that an island to the north has been sighted around 67 wyverns."

Sadeena thought as she heard that information "I see, no doubt they have begun to establish a colony. If it grows it will become a permanent nest and they may have already laid eggs."

Hearing that Keel looked at her and then showed a map. "Let's go over the plan." She activated a link to the battleships "The plan is simple. Haruna and Kirishima you will bombard from the northwest. Takao to the east, Mutsu to the southeast. Atla has said to eliminate all of them but.... What do you recommend, tata Sadeena?"

"I recommend eliminating half and the other I think it would be good for you to fight hand to hand." She replied looking at the map.

"Hand to hand?" Kirishima asked confused.

Haruna: "Fight face to face with the enemy."

"That's right, think about it. "Sadeena crossed her arms "I am aware of what you are capable of as mental models. You won't always be able to depend on your battleship for everything. Even materializing the nanomaterial. Atla said she wanted you all to be discreet."

Mutsu: "... That's a nice way of putting it, and she's right."

Sadeena smiled seeing outside that it was still daylight. "I recommend raiding at night, the Wyverns are active during the day. At night they will be caught off guard by the artillery bombardment."

The fleet slowed down so they could get there at night. I-200 was still monitoring via periscope. Keel recommended Sadeena get some snooze. Who knew how long the night operation would last. Something the demi-human Killer Whale agreed.

Night/Several miles from the Wyvern colony.

Keel stood in her first turret. "We're coming up to the perimeter. Split up and head to your positions.

They all nodded "Roger!"

Keel looked at the weather, a thick fog had formed around the island making it easier for them to camouflage and confuse the Wyverns where their attackers are and very suit for them. After all their the so called Fleet of Fog.

She jumped on top of superstructure as she looked up at her massive naval mounted main guns that began to point port side at the island

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She jumped on top of superstructure as she looked up at her massive naval mounted main guns that began to point port side at the island.

Sadeena was at her side as the the husky demi-human girl keep her look at her main guns. "All in position?"

All: "In position and on standby."

Keel nodded "Remember, shells only."

All: "Roger."

Atla Fayon: 4th Yamato Fog ClassWhere stories live. Discover now