Route 15: Headquarters

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Ruyuko looked up excitedly from the deck of the I-402 "So they've finished the naval port."

Atla was sitting atop of her Yamato class superstructure "Good job Akashi." The repair ship was on her port side as she heard a chuckle through the Comm Link System.

" The repair ship was on her port side as she heard a chuckle through the Comm Link System

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Gradually all the ships went to their assigned docks.

Atla carefully moved her super battleship to the dock while several robots similar to the ones Hyuuga created on Iwojima tied up the lines with her battleship and connected a gangway leading to the dock

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Atla carefully moved her super battleship to the dock while several robots similar to the ones Hyuuga created on Iwojima tied up the lines with her battleship and connected a gangway leading to the dock.

She turned to see some assault and suppression carriers, battleships, heavy cruisers, light cruisers and destroyers doing it as well. Atla obviously made sure to organize the fleet to patrol around the archipelago.


She looked seriously at the naval port activating the Comm Link System "What's going on Akashi?"

Akashi: "Several worker robots have found something strange in the excavations. It looks like an hourglass."

"!!! I will go at once. I will immediately inform Shinano, Kongou, Kaga and Hiei to meet with me." She end the Comm Link as she walks down to the dock together with Gunzou as she saw two people standing there waiting for her. "Just the two people who also came to mind."

Drilled Cave.

Kongou, Atla, the Shinano twins, Hiei, I-402 and Ruyuko walked directly arriving at the indicated place where they saw Akashi scanning the object "It's material is unknown, not of any known material."

Atla looked up "That's!"

I-402 looked somewhat confused but Ruyuko looked tense "It's..."

Atla looked serious "Akashi, take this clock out and put it in the main lobby." Hiei fixed her glasses "I don't understand, what's so special about this object?" The Hakuko wagged her tail "Hiei, gather everyone in the main lobby of our headquarters. As soon as you can and Akashi, Shinano. Calculate the time when arena is over, help them as well Hiei." Hearing that the girl in student council attire nodded "Hai."

Atla Fayon: 4th Yamato Fog ClassWhere stories live. Discover now