Route 19: New habitants

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Atla was standing looking from the dock to the Bismarck-class superbattleship watching a group of children and teenagers on the foredeck.

She then looked at the two "Keel.... Sadeena... I can't believe it... I understand that you were supposed to save them but.... You almost compromised the entire fleet to be exposed to the civilization of this world."

Atla looked at the group behind "That goes for you too. Haruna, Kirishima, Takao, Mutsu." The mentioned mental models bowed their heads and replied at the same time "We are very sorry."

The Hakuko let out a sigh before looking at the super battleship "But.... I think it's good to have inhabitants, if they're willing. Sure..."

On the deck all the demi children and teenagers were talking amongst themselves while others looked in awe at the amount of iron ships. They were amazed that they wouldn't need sails to sail or move.




Everyone heard a pair of footsteps as they saw three people approaching. Sadeena and Keel stopped as they were amazed was to see a Hakuko.

Atla stopped and bowed "It is a pleasure to meet you all, my name is Kii. Flagship of this fleet and the one running the naval base you are seeing right now."

The other Hakuko looked serious "So it was true about them having a Hakuko as a leader."

"I'm more like the Flagship." She replied calmly.

"What's your name?" One kid asked as she thought for a moment, this time she couldn't expose her real name to strangers so she looked at the group "I'm the Flagship of the fleet. The reincarnation of the fourth Yamato class battleship. Superbattleship Kii."

One of the children looked confused "You mean you are?" She nodded looking at her battleship that was anchored in the dock "That's right.... I'm actually a ship. Just like Keel. These human bodies you see are called Mental Models and are as you might say. Personifications of all those ships."

The younger boy with tiger ears and a tiger tail looked on guard "That's impossible."

"That's because we are not fron this world." Atla replied with a smile as he looked at the kid who looked on in shock. The Hakuko girl looked serious "Since Keel saved you I have a recommendation. You can either stay here on the island as our inhabitants or.... We can erase your memories and leave you somewhere nearby in Siltvelt."

Hearing the children whispered among themselves. The last idea was tempting, Siltvelt was the land of the demi-humans. But they also had their doubts.

The Hakuko boy looked serious "I don't agree. Not about erasing our memories." Hearing that Atla lowered her gaze "I'm sorry to tell you but we can't take the risk of the other continents discovering us."

"Then..." He put on a battle stance. "I challenge you, if I win you will accept my terms, if I lose I will accept yours." Hearing that Atla smiled "Very well."

They both got into a fighting stance. Sadeena looked calm while Keel looked relaxed, they already knew who would win"..."

The Hakuko pounced on Atla throwing punches left and right while the other Hakuko dodged and blocked the attacks "I see that Hakuko aggressiveness runs through your veins. However..." She at high speed punched him in the stomach pushing him a few feet away from the blow.


The boy looked surprised "I couldn't even follow her with my sight..." Atla then ran at a speed that would even be impossible for a Hakuko. What he didn't know was that Atla wasn't a mortal Demi human, she was a mental model.

Atla Fayon: 4th Yamato Fog ClassWhere stories live. Discover now