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-Teodora High-
Teodora High was a school founded by the previous Royal Family of the Central Kingdom, the Zen Family. Since their family had fallen to ashes, the Eston Family, a ducal household had taken over it for generations.

Duke Eston visited the said school under the preparation for the welcoming ceremony of the Supreme Ability Holder's coming. He wore an extravagant suit, exposing his wealth to the eyes of both nobles and commoners. He strode the halls with his crane that's made of the finest wood, lifting his chin with pride.

"Duke Eston, the weather looks lovely!"

"Indeed," he agreed, entering the office of the dean.

Vanessa Bryant, a family member of the Bryant Household, was assigned to took in charge of the sword dance that will be performed after the opening remarks. This was for to give the Supremo an impression that without Ability Attribute, the students can look excellent in his eyes.

With Sabrina and Bea, they were together in the kitchen of the school. An aristocrat lady took the lead into cooking the delicacies and foods for the Supremo and his companion to enjoy.

"We shall offer something sweet," she exclaimed, thrilled with her eyes sparkling. "I mean, everyone loves sweets!"

When everyone within the kitchen's room appeared to agree with her, Bea, however, opposed that thought without thinking twice.

"No!" she shouted, even slamming the table to get their attention.

They party looked at her with disdain eyes. Wondering why a commoner like her dared to raise her voice.

Suffocating from their glares and loud thoughts with snickers, Bea then, realized that she shouldn't have acted recklessly.

One wrong move, her cover will be blown out-a secret that she had no intention of revealing.

"I... I mean, what if we give them cavities?" she nervously raised her shoulders. Sabrina was clueless about Bea's real identity that she supported her with a nod.

"We don't want that to happen!"

Real identity? Who is Bea anyway?

Luckily, the aristocrat lady seemed to be a rational lady that she somehow agreed with Bea's comment.

"We don't," responding to Sabrina's statement, she hummed softly while rethinking her plans.

"Will a Councilor be attending as well?" someone raised a question but no one knew the answer to that, only Bea that had heard the information earlier.

All is hopeless. None of them barely had an idea about the Head Councilors of the Rafiki Academy are like, except for Bea of course.

'Councilor Tala will be attending with the Red Disciples,' her face imprinted a serious expression as she held her chin, leaning one leg. The leader of their group noticed that she's into deep thinking that she wondered what could Bea have in mind.

"Sophia, what do you have in mind?"

Bea remained on her thinking position as she hummed lowly. "Mmm... We could prepare a variety?" was the only suggestion she had concluded without hinting anything suspicious.

"That's a good idea," one agreed with a clap, which relieved Bea.

"Very well..." the aristocrat lady heaved a sigh, grabbing a pen and a paper. "I should at least list down your suggestions." Her hands moving, she initiated a list of food that will suite the taste of each member.

Beatriz: Rafiki's Academy of the Central Kingdom Where stories live. Discover now