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-Rafiki's Academy; Main Gates-
Whatever words uttered out of the greedy king, the Head Councilors tried to keep their nerves calm as their boiling blood pressure kept rising up.

Somehow, the Head Councilors managed to cool off the arising tension between the Western Kingdom's Troops and the disaster they may bring. Though, the said disaster was just the king itself for the army simply followed his lead, otherwise, their heads might be hanging on his display room.

However, the Head Councilors haven't escaped King White's questioning statements with a grinning lip.

"Then, show me the proxy," he snickered, tapping the rings on his fingers. "Oh right, the daughter of the Great Master died!" he laughed aloud that made the Head Councilors grit their teeth. The soldiers behind him squeezed their eyes, feeling guilt and humiliation towards their king.

Councilor Tala clenched his hands to a fist, preparing a stance to knock the king in front of them.

'You killed Lady Astrix!' Councilor Tala sneered. He was never an expert into concealing his emotions that his brows met, quivering while trying to calm himself.

Councilor Hiraya and Councilor Talon on the other hand, looked composed as if they were not bothered by his statement. Albiet that, they imagined hitting King White using any sharp and hard object. With the killing intention as much as possible.


The army looked at each other, swirling thoughts and emotions were hovering above them as the clouds darkened. Shadows crawled over them, taunting the night Lady Astrix disappeared.

'Great Master Wang... Where are you?' Councilor Hiraya hissed, glaring at king that rode his horse. He appeared tall and mighty, but in fact, he's nothing compared to pig—dirty.

"None, ha!" Mocked the king, clapping his hands for the entrainment of the country, which he viewed as small and irrelevant.

The Head Councilors' dark thoughts cleared when Ethan entered the scene, presenting himself as the proxy of the Great Master.

Pointing to himself, he walked without a hint of shame, only pride and power. "I, Ethan Reyes, shall be the proxy of the Great Master."


This king looked at Ethan from his head down to his toes. He then, locked his eyes to the glaring Supremo.

"You?" again, mockery was present within his tone. He snickered, licking his lower lip that sent Ethan a disgusting feeling. "But you were... adopted by this woman," his index finger was pointed at Councilor Hiraya.

From the way this king spoke, it was obvious that before invading the Central Kingdom, he ordered a vassal to run a quick background check to the Head Councilors and the newly elected Supreme Ability Holder. Fortunately for the Central Kingdom's side, it was recklessly done that they did not bother to digged down Ethan's identity further than "the adopted son of Councilor Hiraya Reyes, the daughter of Count Reyes."

Nonetheless, the Councilors are good at hiding identities that they were not worried about it in the first place. The only identity they feared to be leaked out was Bea's origin.

"Proxy? Are you sure, lad?" scoffed the king as the army watched the courses of events. "HAHAHA!" he laughed, louder than the howls of the wind.

According to the Central Kingdom's law, the proxy of the Great Master could be their wife or husband, or their child, which could be legitimate or adopted. And the proxy must at least be given education about the said role.

Beatriz: Rafiki's Academy of the Central Kingdom Where stories live. Discover now