Chapter 1- Intro

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Katie was having a weird Friday. She didn't know what was going on but everyone seemed to be a step ahead of her today.
It started right when she woke up today. Before opening her eyes she rolled over and expected to land on a certain Aussie, hopefully still undressed from the night before, but instead landed on the other side of the mattress. Now opening her eyes she noticed that the bed was empty with no Caitlin in sight. Caitlin always slept longer than Katie so this was strange.
Getting up and putting a robe on, Katie got up to find Caitlin across the hall in the guest room tidying up the place and putting sheets on the bed.
"What are you doing?"
"Goodmorning to you too. Well you know we are having the team tonight. Just wanted to get this ready in case someone needed to sleep over."
"At 7 in the morning? You couldn't have waited until after morning cuddle session."
Caitlin smirked at Katie's response and finished making the bed before walking over and hugging the younger woman tightly.
"Come on little miss needy. I'll make you breakfast."

After breakfast and making their way to the training facility for practice Katie walked into the locker room to see Beth and Viv cleaning out a locker they all used to keep extra stuff in.
"Morning guys whatcha doing?"
"Ah just wanted to clean up the place a bit."
"Since when Beth you literally have stuff all over the place."
"Shush you."
Viv and Beth were snickering to themselves like there was more to the story but Katie couldn't figure out what was going on. Instead she left the locker room and ran into one of the staff members.
"Here's a kit for you Katie."
"Uh thanks mate but you got 14 on here instead of 15."
"Oh well I was told to make a McCabe with #14 kit today. Thought you were switching numbers."
"No I'm not weird. Well I'll take it anyway."

Katie had a perplexed look on her face at the recent conversation so she barely noticed Jonas Turning the corner towards her.
"Ah McCabe. Just who I was looking for. Come to my office for a chat?"
"Oh sure I'll be right there."
What have I done now. Echoed in Katie's mind as she followed her manager to his office.

"Take a seat Katie. Listen you're not in trouble."
"Oh good you had me worried Jonas."
"I was wondering if you wanted to be a mentor for a new signing we have coming."
"Oh uh yeah sure. I can do that. I didn't realize we had new signing coming."
"It's a recent development. I know I didn't know you when you were younger but from the stories you've told me about your life this kid reminds me of you. She's only 18 ( AN for this story Lauryn will be 18. I know she's younger in real life.) but has a ton of potential I think you could help her bring out.
"Who is she?"
"Well she's about to sign her contract. I let you meet her there."
Katie was stopped as she was heading out the door.
"Oh and Katie... you might want to bring that kit you got today with you." Jonas said with a smirk.
It took Katie a minute to realize what he meant but as soon as she did she took off running towards the signing room and pushed the door open.
Sitting there with a big stupid grin on her face was her little sister Lauryn about to sign her first professional contract.
"Hey Katie!"
Katie ran over and gave her sister a hug while letting a few tears fall out.
"This is being filmed. Better stop those tears before people realize you're a softy."
"I don't care what people say. My little sister is a gunner!!"

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