Chapter 16

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The next day at practice Kyra and I walked in all smiles and giggling into the locker room. To people not really paying attention it would seem like nothing, but to my observant sister she immediately started staring at me as if silently asking me if I'd ask Kyra the question. My slight nod back and blush on my cheeks with enough of a confirmation for her.  She returned a really big smile and then whispered something into Caitlin's ear to which Cait immediately spun her head around and smiled at us. Kyra being oblivious to whole thing as she was bouncing around the locker room full of energy. I knew the two of them would give Kyra and I a hard time later just to rile us up but for now I just couldn't help but smile back and forth between my girlfriend and my sister and hers. 

After practice Katie and I were going out to lunch because of our bet yesterday. Of course she won so I had to buy her lunch. We decided to invite Kyra and Caitlin too which I had already decided to buy Kyra's lunch too and at that point I thought it would be rude not to get Caitlin's too. Lunch on me today I guess. After we ordered we were all having good conversation and laughing except I noticed Katie kept checking her phone and every once in a while showing Caitlin something. I didn't think too much of it.  I thought about asking but being the youngest of 11 kids I realized I usually got more information out of my siblings when they offered up information instead of me pestering them, so maybe I'll just let this one slide. 

The waitress came back about 20 minutes later and asked if we were all done and wanted our checks. 
"Yes please, you can put it all on one. I'll take it."

Caitlin and Kyra fought me a little about it but I told them it was my treat. A few moments later the waitress came back and handed me the bill, but Katie snatched it out of my hands immediately. 
"Katie what are you doing?"
"I wasn't actually going to let you pay and plus you should answer your phone." she said giving me a smirk.
"What are you talking about?" I asked looking at my phone which wasn't ringing. But then it popped up.  

Call from Eileen Gleeson

My mouth dropped open. The U21 team didn't have a camp this month, so I hadn't even thought about callups honestly. Was I seriously about to get called up to the national team right now??

"Answer your phone before she hangs up Lauryn!" Katie said while laughing at my expression.

I quickly snapped back into reality and got up from the table headed out to the back of the restaurant.

"hello this is Lauryn" I said timidly

"Hi again, Lauryn! This is Eileen."

"I know I saved your number last time." I said while smacking myself in the forehead God I am so awkward

"Well I'll cut right to the chase then. We have kept an eye on you at Arsenal and after your last U21 camp I think I was correct in saying last time that you would be called up to the women's national team very soon. Everything still okay with your ankle and head?"

"Oh yes yes both are perfectly fine!" I said nearly in tears. I just needed to hear her say the words.

"Then Lauryn, I am proud to offer you a spot on the Irish Women's National team for this upcoming camp if you want to accept."

"Yes a million times yes. Thank you so much, this has been my dream for my entire life."

"You earned it kid.  Now we will email you all the details a little later today. I look forward to seeing you soon. Go back and enjoy your lunch."

"Thanks Eileen. I'll see you soon."

It all made sense when I hung up. That was who Katie was texting this whole time she planned exactly when I would get my phone call.

I leaned against the wall for a few moments to compose myself before walking back to the front of the restaurant to see the three other girls waiting for me out front. I ran right outside and jumped into Katie's arms. She barley had time to catch me as Caitlin had to support her to make sure we both didn't fall over as I was basically giving my sister a koala bear hug like I was 6 again or something. 

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