Chapter 3

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Since Lauryn moved in and Katie realized that there was a lot about her sister that she didn't know she now felt the need to micromanage every aspect of her sisters life. Which to no one's surprise did not go over well and led to a lot of little fights.

Flashback 1
"You know you should really start eating healthier now. Coco puffs for breakfast every day isn't going to cut it with the amount of training you do now."
Lauryn responded with an eye roll as she continued eating.
"I'm serious Lauryn! You have to take better care of yourself now!"
"Okay I got it. Jeez get off my back!"

Flashback 2
"Lauryn you have to clean up your dishes when your done!"
"I was going to I just had to answer my phone call first."
"You can talk to your girlfriend later do the dishes!"
"Easy for you to say. You live with yours and get to see her all the time. The dishes can wait 30 minutes Katie!"

Flashback 3
"Bye Cait. I'm going out with Kyra tell Katie I'm headed out."
"Okay bye Laur."
"Hold on!" Katie yelled from the kitchen. "We have practice tomorrow. How late are you going out for?"
"Katie you're not my mom leave me alone." Lauryn yelled as she slammed the door.

Lauryn came home late that night and was clearly tired the next day at practice and wasn't performing as well as she had been for the past couple of weeks. Unfortunately she was a little slow to recover to a ball and ended up twisting her ankle in the process. It was a small twist and  it was at the end of practice so she ended up just walking it off . Later that night when Katie came home to see her icing it she was less than thrilled.
"See this is what happens when you don't take care of yourself and stay out late!"
"Me staying out late has nothing to do with my ankle!"
"You didn't even tell the physio did you?"
The lack of response was answer enough.
"Lauryn seriously?!"
"My ankle is fine it's nothing. But I'll tell them tomorrow." Lauryn huffed and she went back to her room.

Lauryn didn't end up telling anyone about her ankle, but lied to Katie and said she had. She didn't want to miss playing time for something so minor.
2 days after the ankle incident were international call ups. Caitlin got hers for Australia and Katie got hers Ireland a few hours later, so the couple was out for dinner to celebrate.
Lauryn didn't expect to get a call up to the wnt. She was only 18 and still on the U21 team and those calls didn't come out until tomorrow.
So she was surprised when her phone rang with an unknown number.
"Hello this is Lauryn McCabe"
"Hey Lauryn this is Eileen with the WNT. I wanted to say that we were hoping to call you up for the national team, but heard from the physio at Arsenal about your ankle. We didn't want to push you harder so decided to keep you on the U 21 team for this call up. But keep up the hard work and heal that ankle and we will be sure to get you up to a camp or two in a few months assuming you continue to do well.  Okay?"
"Yeah thanks for the opportunity! Looking forward to playing for you one day."
Lauryn said trying to fake excitement. All she could really feel was anger towards her sister. No one knew about her ankle except Katie. Meaning that Katie told them not to call her up.
Lauryn was quick to pack her bag and called Kyra to see if she could come over.
As she was headed out the door with tears in her eyes she ran into the happy couple coming back from dinner.
"Lauryn what's wrong?"
"Don't act like you don't know. I just got the call I'm still on U21 team."
"Aw I'm sorry you'll get your call up soon"
"That's the thing Katie! They wanted to call me up now but heard my ankle isn't 100%. Any idea who told them about that?"
"Must have been the physio I guess?"
"Hmm strange because I never told him about it. I only told you so stop lying!"
Clearly seeing she got caught in a lie tried to turn the blame.
"Fine you caught me. But if you lied to me about it then clearly you aren't ready for the national team."
"Seriously? That's your excuse? What's the real reason you told them not to call me up?"
"It's just you're not ready yet Laur! I want you to make your debut when you're ready and to dominate out there. They would 100% use this as publicity as the two McCabe sister playing together. But I don't want you to go out and lose confidence. You just aren't ready for the national level yet." Katie said a little too harshly. She didn't mean it to come out the way it did. But when she saw Lauryn tear up again she realized she really said the wrong thing. Lauryn just turned in disbelief and walked away. Before completely being out of earshot she turned and yelled, "you should have told me years ago you never thought I would live up to your expectations and I would have quit playing instead of wasting all this time trying to make you proud. Glad to know all you think I would be good for is some publicity ratings."

"Katie don't follow her. You both need space." Caitlin said pulling her girlfriend back in the house.
"Ugh damn it I messed up Caitlin!"
Usually Caitlin would try and calm her down and cheer her up, but when that didn't happen and Katie saw her girlfriends disappointed face she knew she had done wrong.
"Yeah you did, but now you have to give her the space to come to you. You've been all over since she moved here and clearly she's pushing away and not taking it well. Give her time Katie." And with that Caitlin walked away to try and give Katie some time to think about how she had really disappointed her sister.

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