Chapter 19

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Katie and I showed up at the restaurant and saw Caitlin and Kyra sitting outside waiting. I told Caitlin to wait outside because it would be easier to convince her to walk to the back of the restaurant, but really it was because her family was inside to surprise her.

"Hey guys why are you outside?" Katie asked

"Oh there's just a bit of a wait until our reservation is ready." Caitlin said a bit nervously.

"So it wasn't just to get away from our family?" Katie responded back jokingly, but Caitlin was too nervous to joke back and instead just became awkward.  

"Well I don't know about you two, but I'm going to take this opportunity to get five minutes alone with my girlfriend." I said trying to help Caitlin out hoping she would get the hint and grabbed Kyra's hand and led her away.  

"I like the sound of that." Caitlin said grabbing Katie's hand and sending me a look of thankfulness as she led her down the path that led to the back of the restaurant where Ella had set a bunch of candles and roses in the shape of a heart under a pavilion that had string lights around it.

Caitlin's POV

"Good game today! And Lauryn too unbelievable debut" I said trying to distract myself from my nerves.

"I know right. I can't believe how well she did. I am so proud of her. And did you see her take that girl down? I really have influenced her a bit too much" Katie said laughing and continued on a bit talking about the game, but I only had thing on my mind and was only half paying attention.

Luckily Katie was distracted enough talking about the game that she didn't notice where I was leading her until she looked up to see a heart of roses. She looked at me so quickly with her mouth wide open. Clearly not sure if these were for her or if we stumbled across someone else's engagement, but when I walked her into the heart and kneeled down in front of her, pulling out the ring thats when the tears started coming out of her eyes. 

"Katie, you have been my best friend for so long. Through every imaginable scenario we have been by each other's sides and I couldn't imagine anyone else I would have rather been through that and who I want to continue to remain by my side for now and forever. I know you may be nervous, hell I am too I am honestly not sure if I am making coherent sentences right now. I promise to keep you safe, I promise to make sure you are happy and keep you laughing, but most importantly I promise to love you entirely from now until my last day.  Katie, will you do me the honor of marrying me?"

"Yes, yes, yes! Caitlin how did you do all this? I can't believe this. I love you so much Cait."

She jumped into my arms as we kissed and hugged each other and brushed the tears away that were falling down her face. 

"I know you aren't the biggest fan of surprises, but just in case you haven't figured it out yet. This party isn't for Lauryn, it's our engagement party. Thank god you said yes or this would have been awfully embarrassing."

"So Lauryn knew about all of this?"

"Yeah who do you think helped me plan it? And Ella did the decorations for me."

"Those little liars." Katie said trying to act annoyed, but couldn't even try to whip the smile off of her face as we walked into the restaurant to see her whole family there to cheer and whistle for us as we walked in. Katie gave me another kiss before running over to her older sisters and Mom to show them the ring.

I felt Lauryn put her arm around my shoulder as I smiled at Katie. 

"Thanks for all your help. It was perfect."

"Of course, but there's one more surprise tonight."

"What do you mean?"

But instead of responding she just spun me around to where I saw my mom and sister standing in front of me. Time for my water works to start as I ran over to both of them and gave them a huge hug. 

"You guys are here?! How?"

"You can thank Lauryn and Ella for this surprise." My sister said to me. 

I turned my head to see both of them smiling brightly and high fiving each other for pulling off this surprise. Katie noticed what was going on and went to give both of her sister's a kiss on the forehead, before coming over and hugging my mom and sister. 

"I think we have to get them both really good Christmas presents this year." I said to Katie.

"Yeah I think so too. Also a little nervous never knew those two could keep secrets so well."

As the party continued on I forgot how many times Katie and I whispered "I love you" to one another, but all I knew was that my heart truly couldn't be any fuller than it currently was.

Lauryn's POV

We were finally back home after a long day with the game and party. Kyra and I were sitting outside together in a comfortable silence, holding hands. 

"I really like you Kyra. Well actually I love you. I love you Kyra." I said and then froze as my brain finally caught up to my mouth and I realized what I just said. 

"Engagement party get the best of your feelings today?" Kyra said in her normal joking tone. Which calmed a little bit, but I still couldn't believe I just said that.

"I love you too Lauryn."

My brain short circuited.

"What you do?" I said shocked

"Yes you idiot. I do. I love you. Now come here and kiss me." 

That I could do. We laid outside for a while more just enjoying being with each other and I really didn't think any thing would beat the day I had today.

The End!! Hope you all enjoyed!! 

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