Chapter 7

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Lauryn POV

When I got back to Kyra's and my place I kept going back to the conversation with Katie. I was mad that she waited all this time to apologize but at the same time maybe I should have heard her out. I did react a little quickly but I just couldn't get over how much what she said had hurt me. Maybe if she tried again I'd give her a chance to actually talk.

I heard another Aussie voice coming from downstairs and held my breath to make sure I couldn't hear her Irish girlfriend with her. Luckily for me I only heard Caitlin's so I made my way downstairs.

"Hey Cait what's up?"
"Just dropping some stuff off for Kyra that I forgot to bring to practice earlier."
After a little while of the three of us chatting Caitlin said she had to head out but before she did she turned to me
"I know it's not my buisness, but when you're ready give her a chance okay?"
"I'll try"
"That's all I ask Laur."
I nodded and turned around to go upstairs not really wanting to continue that conversation.

Caitlin's pov
I watched Lauryn head upstairs. It was clear that the situation with Katie was bothering her but she was stubborn too. A lovely trait she picked up from Katie that gets both girls in trouble.
While Lauryn headed to her room I turned and saw Kyra staring as she walked away.
"So when are you going to tell her you like her?"
"Huh? What I don't uh no I dont"
"You're a terrible liar. Now answer my question."
"I can't tell her. Her and her girlfriend just broke up. Plus Katie would hurt me."
"I'll deal with Katie okay," I said laughing. "Take some advice from me and dealing with McCabe girls. They both seem really tough but they are softies. They like honesty. Don't wait to share your feelings like I did."
"I'll think about it"
"Good. Now on that note im all out of advice giving for the day."

Lauryn POV
Today was the day. I was starting my first Arsenal game today. Kyra jumped on my back while we were cooking breakfast to hype me up. We were both so excited to be playing together. I honestly wasn't nervous yet. I wasn't nervous in the locker room or warmups either, but when I saw my jersey hanging up after warmups it hit me and was a little overwhelming. I tried to contain my nervousness now but to anyone who knew me could read right through that. As Jonas gave his speech I kept bouncing my leg up and down trying to calm down. The girls all lined up and I went to take my place before walking out when I felt someone behind me lightly grab my shoulder. 
I turned around to see my sister. Standing there with the captains armband on since Kim was still out.
"I'm not trying to fight right now. But I just wanted to say I'm so proud of you. You deserve this. You've worked so hard and I want you to go out there and show everyone what you're made of yeah? Take a deep breath and close your eyes before the whistle blows. It helps with the nerves."
"Thanks Katie" I said slightly leaning into her for a quick second. She smiled at me and head out the door to the front of the line with me following behind her to get to my spot.

I did as Katie said before the whistle blew and she was right it did help my nerves. The game was a little bit back and forth at the beginning but we finally started to build into some possession. 10 minutes into the game we had a good break on hand and I saw Caitlin out of the corner of my eye. I went to pass it but before I could I felt my ankles taken out.
"Welcome to the league mini McCabe" was all I heard as the other player ran off.
God this was going to be a long game.
Not even 3 minutes later I was being tackled again. With another comment about being a McCabe said to me. I then realized what was going on. It didn't take a genius to know that family meant a lot of Katie. So going after her little sister was a good way to piss her off and try to get her angry. By the third foul on me their plan was working because Katie was losing it at the ref telling her to pull a card. By the fourth foul a card was pulled one on the girl who pulled my shirt and caused me to fall over and one on Katie who decked the girl afterwards.
I tried to tell her I was fine and to calm down but she was being very protective right now and there was nothing I could say to calm her down. Luckily right before the half, Beth had a great goal giving us a 1-0 lead going into the locker room.

Jonas gave his speech and tried to give Katie a warning to let it go and let the refs take care of it. Clearly going in one ear and out the other.

The second half started and thankfully I was being fouled less for the first part of it. In the 75th minute we got a corner kick that Katie was going over to take. I wasn't the tallest by any means so I was waiting outside the box. I noticed how Katie lined up and the way her foot made contact. I knew exactly where that ball was going and knew no one was in position to get there so I sprinted to the back corner of the goal. God I hope I'm right because I'll be so out of position if I'm not. I jumped up at the last possible second and made contact with my head. I felt the ball go off with good power, but the next thing I felt was pain in my head as not one but two players pushed me resulting in my head hitting one of the other players really hard. I felt my legs hit the ground but they didn't catch me as I fell to the ground. The next thing I heard was the crowd roaring. I SCORED I FREAKIN SCORED! But my own celebration only lasted a second as the next thing I knew everything turned black.

Katie's POV
I knew I hit my corner to hard. I was supposed to go short corner and put too much power on it sending it to the back post with no one there. I was already running to recover back until I saw Lauryn sprinting out of no where and making great contact with her header. I watched the ball sail across the goal past the goalie. I literally have never screamed so loud in my life and was on my way to celebrate with her when I saw her hit the ground after two players shoved her. I saw her head hit a player and the ground. And then I saw my little sister not getting up. Suddenly all of excitement turned to anger and all I saw was red. I slammed my body into both of the other players knocking them over on top of each other. My teammates and the ref quickly pulled me off them and shoved me aside as the medical team came out to check on Lauryn. I was still fuming and it wasn't until Caitlin came and yelled in my face that Lauryn needs me more and I need to get my anger under control.
I finally came to my senses and knelt down to Lauryn who finally was opening her eyes again regaining consciousness. The ref came over and gave me my second yellow. Shit. I'm out of this game. And the next. And I'm supposed to be the captain. Damn it.
I handed my armband off and helped Lauryn off who couldn't sit up let alone walk on her own. Clearly very concussed. We made our way to the training room and I held Lauryns hand while the doctors examined her. After a while I heard the other team score. Now 2-1. Lauryn May have scored but we were down to 10 players thanks to me. And they needed to have a sub in for Lauryn so we had some changes that were not expected clearly throwing off our momentum.
Not even 2 minutes later they scored again 2-2.
I could hear the girls coming back to the locker room after the draw in a game we should have won. In a game we needed 3 points out of off and it's all my fault. In a game where if I didn't overhit my corner my sister wouldn't have a severe concussion. I sat there with a few silent tears while my sister was continued to be looked over by the medical team.

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