Chapter 18

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After a few days of practice it was finally time for the game. I found out that due to a few injuries I would be starting this game. I expected to be a sub, but no I am a starter. It didn't really hit me until I saw my name on the back of my jersey in the locker room.  Right next to Katie's.  This was different from how it been with Arsenal. I was more nervous than anything at Arsenal when I made my starting debut.  But starting for my country that was unreal. I was completely lost in my own thoughts and overcome with emotions as I stood in front of my locker looking at the jersey.

"You feel that way every time you see the jersey hanging up. It gets easier to hide it though I promise." Katie said bumping my shoulder to knock me out of my trance.

"I can't believe I am starting. I've watched you do it for years and have dreamed of it every day. I- I don't even know what to say."

"You don't have to say anything, just go out there and show the world what I already know. That you are an amazing player and deserve everything you have achieved so far. Proud of you Laur."

"I couldn't have done any of this without you. Love you Kates."

I couldn't hear anything over the ringing in my ears as we walked out of the tunnel to the cheering crowd.  I didn't dare look to where my family and Kyra and Caitlin were sitting. I think I would have cried if I saw my parents right now because there is no doubt in my mind that they were crying seeing two of their daughters walk out in Irish colors. 

The game started pretty evenly with both teams getting a decent amount of possession. Neither team could really find a good rhythm to get the ball forward and it was starting to get aggressive. I knew Katie was getting angry at the lack of calls against the other team, but she was really trying to keep her anger under control as of recently and especially as captain she didn't want to get a yellow card. Couldn't blame her, but I didn't make that promise. The second I saw one of the other players trip Katie from behind I ran up and bodied the girl causing her to fall over.  The boos from the crowd from Katie's trip quickly turned to cheers at me defending my sister.  We both received yellows, but it was worth it. 

"Usually I am the one standing up for you this is new." Katie said laughing at my aggression.

"Well I learned from the best." I said blowing her a kiss. It was then I heard chants of "mini mccabe" from the crowd. Absolutely music to my ears. I got a new level of energy after that. And by the looks of it so did most of my team. At the 42nd minute mark I intercepted a pass and spun past a defender running straight down the middle of the field. I heard Katie yell my name sprinting down the left side of the field. I chipped the ball over two defenders who stepped to me. The ball landed right at Katie's feet. She made one move and cut inside and fired the ball to the back of the net from about 20 yards out.  An absolute banger of a goal, but would expect nothing less from her. 

"GET IN!!" I yelled sprinting towards her. As soon as I reached her she picked me up and spun me around. I really hope everyone has the cameras out right now. I never want to forget this moment. 

The locker room was buzzing at halftime being up 1-0. I couldn't even sit still I was so excited. 

"Your turn to score" Katie whispered to me as we headed back out onto the field.

The second half started out like the first, a little sloppy without a lot of possession. About half way through the other team got a corner kick and swung it into the box. One of their players headed it towards the goal and my heart almost stopped as I saw it headed towards the corner.  But it bounced off the cross bar right towards Katie.  Since the other team crowded the box to try and score almost all of their defenders were up way to high and Katie took advantage of it sprinting right out of it on a breakaway. She ran past two defenders and had two in front of her both closing in.  I don't know where I got my burst of speed, but suddenly I was catching up to Katie. I didn't even need to say her name she saw me coming and passed the ball out ahead into space. I finally caught up and it was just me and the goalie 1 on 1 now.  I took one dribble forward. God please don't screw this up.  I took a big swing with my right foot and watched as the ball flew just past the outreached arm of the goalie and into the goal. I think I blacked out for a moment because the next thing I realized I was running towards the corner flag with my arms up until I felt Katie jump on my back. 


I didn't even respond. To be completely honest I don't think I could have formed any words in that moment. 

The game ended 2-0. I saw all of my family slowly make their way down to the field and it was then I finally had a few tears fall down my cheek. 

"My baby you played so well!" My ma said giving me a huge hug as I saw the rest of my family behind her all giving me huge smiles.  I turned towards Kyra next and we just stayed hugging each other for a little while until I got my emotions under control. 

"I am beyond proud of you."

"Thank you Kyra. I am so happy you came and were here to watch."

"I wouldn't have missed it." She said giving my cheek a kiss causing me to blush because I knew half of my family was definitely watching. 

"Where's Ella?" I heard Katie ask me 

"Oh she texted me this morning that we was feeling sick and wouldn't make the game. She stayed home." I said lying straight through my teeth, but Katie bought it. 

"Okay enough of this! I'm starving! Everyone go home and change so we can go eat and celebrate my debut!" I said milking it a little bit and giving Caitlin a quick wink. 

"Alright see yous soon" my family, Caitlin, and Kyra responded before headed out to change.  Katie and I brought our own clothes and finished up saying hello to fans before going to change and head off.  

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