Chapter 10

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Katie was able to return to the team after the game Wednesday but I still had to stay in bed. I was definitely on the verge of recovery but I would have to sit out at least one more game to make sure I was okay before returning to practice. I was beyond bored. All my teammates were at training most of the day so I had no one to talk to. I decided now would be a great time to start texting Abby again. No one was around so they couldn't bother me about it. My initial plan was just to talk to her and see what she wanted if she really missed me or if it was more what Katie had suggested. Well soon the texts fell into a more flirty banter and then the next thing I know we've been texting for hours when I finally heard Katie and Caitlin come back. I quickly ended the conversation telling Abby I'd text her tomorrow because I just didn't want to be caught smirking at my phone and being questioned what Abby was saying or worse them thinking it was Kyra and making fun of me.
That was the other thing. I didn't know what to do about Kyra. I mean she was cute. Really cute. And funny and definitely cares about me, but I just wasn't sure if I wanted to go the next step with her. Really I didn't want to get my heartbroken again. I knew what I was getting myself into with Abby. She had already broken down my walls and we knew each other well. Not that I didn't know Kyra. But being friends and dating are just different. I didn't want to ruin anything.

The next day I was sitting outside on the back patio talking to Abby on the phone. We had decided to call this time and the conversation had gone on for a while. So long in fact that I didn't notice the time and realize that their practice would be over soon. I didn't hear Katie, Caitlin, and Kyra walk in unfortunately.

Kyra's POV
"Laur we are home" Katie yelled
"And Kyra's here!!" Caitlin added poking me in the ribs to which I stuck my tongue out at her.
"Hmm that's weird no response." Katie said but then noticed my face dropped.
"Kyra you okay?"
"Yeah yeah sorry. Lauryns outside on the phone."
I didn't go any further on to why my face dropped. But I had a very good guess who Lauryn was on the phone with. And she looked happy. I felt mad at myself for getting mad at her for being happy. I wanted her to be happy with me not Abby. Abby broke her heart already what did she have that I didn't.
I really didn't want to stick around anymore.
"I am just going to head home then. Really only came to see if Lauryn needed any clothes from my place. But she looks busy. "
"Oh you don't need to leave. I'll go tell her to get off the phone."
"No no Katie it's fine I'm gonna go. You can just have her text me if she needs something."
"Kyra..." Caitlin said knowing me better than anyone else and probably guessed what I was thinking
"It's fine Cait. I'll see you guys tomorrow."

Lauryn POV
The call ended with Abby promising me she would fly out to London to come watch me play which made me almost forget how bad she hurt me before. She said she would call me again tomorrow with flights to see which she should pick.
When I got up from the patio I noticed Katie and Caitlin back in the kitchen and wondered how long they had been back.
"Hey guys how was practice?"
"Yeah all good. Who were you on the phone with for so long?" Katie asked
"Uh mom why?"
"Oh really that's strange cause I just was texting mom and she said she hadn't spoken to you in a while. So let's try again. You were talking to Abby weren't you?"
"Rule 1 don't go back to your ex Lauryn!" Caitlin said half as a joke but there was something more behind that I just didn't know what
"What did she say? Let me guess. She's sorry she made a huge mistake. She wants to know all about your new life. And she promises to come visit?" Katie said as if she heard my exact conversation. 
"Did you eavesdrop? How did you know all that?"
"No I didn't eavesdrop! But both Caitlin and I have been 18. Both have had girlfriends we left at home to play soccer. We've lived this story. End it now before you get hurt again. Please Laur."
Now I was mad. "I thought you said you weren't going to control my life anymore. That I would make my own decisions."
"Lauryn. Katie's right on this one. If she didn't support you first time around or at least give it a chance she's not worth spending effort on again."
I knew they were right but I didn't want to hear it. "I'm going upstairs. My head hurts." Easy excuse they can't fight with.
"Whatever. Text Kyra if you need more clothes. She was here earlier but left because she didn't want to interrupt your conversation with Abby."
"Shit." I mumbled out as I turned toward the stairs and headed up not acknowledging my sisters last statement. But it did hurt me to know Kyra was upset. Maybe I should have picked Kyra over Abby? Now my head really did hurt again

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