Chapter 8

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Lauryn POV

I didn't fully regain full consciousness and comprehension of what was going on around me until after the game. And when I finally did all I could think about was how dizzy I was and how much my head hurt quickly leading me to throwing up off the side of the physio table. Katie was the only one in the room and quickly came to help me to the bathroom in case I was going to be sick again.
I finally was able to lay down without being extremely dizzy. By that point Katie had decided I'd go back and stay with her and Caitlin so she could take care of me. To which I couldn't even try to fight if I wanted to. I've had a minor concussion before but this one was brutal.
I made it up to my old room and just went immediately to bed. When I woke up hours later I realized my blinds were replaced with blackout curtains. There was a pair of noise cancelling headphones, water, pain killers, and some small snacks all sitting on my nightstand. A small smile formed on my face before I immediately went back to sleep and didn't wake up some time around 3 am. Being that I went to bed at 5 pm yesterday I have officially screwed my sleep schedule. I didn't have anything to do because using my phone hurt my head, watching tv hurt even more, so all I could do was think. I thought back to scoring my first goal for a second which brought a smile to my face before realizing how overshadowed it was by my concussion and the game ending in a draw.
I also realized that I forgave Katie now. We definitely needed to talk, but her saying those words to me before the game and defending me meant a lot to me. Even if she was stupid for getting thrown out.
I was sure that Katie was beating herself up right now for the loss and probably thinking it was her fault I was hurt. That's just how she is. Always takes things really personally and blames no one but herself.
I must have drifted off to sleep at some point then because the next thing I know I heard someone coming in my room. I turned and saw it was Kyra. I tried to sit up but she just lightly pushed me to stay laying down and got in bed next to me, kissing my forehead lightly. She was whispering which made me laugh as normal she's so loud.
"I just wanted to come see how you were. I probably won't be able to come tomorrow because it's our travel day and the next day is the game. Didn't want to go that long without seeing my roomie."
"Thanks for coming Ky. I missed you too. Go kill it in the game for me yeah?"
"I never congratulated you on your goal! It was sick. When you get better I'm taking you out to celebrate."
"That's a deal! Hey would you mind seeing if anyone has been texting me? I can't read on my phone without it hurting."
"Yeah sure. Let's see. About 1000 texts and calls from your mom. A few from your dad. I think every sibling messaged at least once. The team group chat asking how you are and -"
"And who?"
"Abby. She texted you."
" she did?! What did she say?"
"Hi Lauryn. I know we haven't talked but I saw your goal and then saw you get injured. I just wanted to check in. We should talk too. I miss you."
"She said that? She misses me?"
"Uh yeah. Are you going to respond?"
"Maybe. I'm not sure she really hurt me.  But maybe she wants to get back together."
I heard Kyra sigh before standing up, "I should probably go and let you rest. Get better soon Lauryn."
I was left confused with her sudden change in mood and even more confused why Abby texted me. Making my head hurt all over again.

A few hours later Katie came in with some food and I was starving so I happily invited her in. She sat with me as I ate slowly and didn't say a word. Probably nervous to say the wrong thing.
"Yeah?" she whispered
"I forgive you. We need to talk. Not right now my brain hurts too much. But I forgive you and this wasn't your fault."
I wasn't met with a response instead just heard small sniffles as I realized she was crying.
I leaned over onto her chest and quickly fell asleep but not before I heard her whisper "thank you" as she ran her fingers through my hair.

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