Chapter 12

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Kyra and I avoided Caitlin and Katie like the plague over the next few days partly to mess with them. Partly to avoid any all questions. We did our best too to try and avoid any flirting at practice but still act normal. I thought we were doing a decent job but I doubt we were really pulling it off as well as I thought.
I was so happy to finally be back into the swing of practice after being fully recovered and had eventually fallen into quite the routine with Kyra. We would wake up and take turns making breakfast and then driving each other to practice. After practice we would either hang out with some of the other players, go shopping, or just watch some movies. Kyra stuck to her word and still hasn't taken me on a date yet, which actually was helping me have time to actually get over Abby for good. She would always listen to me when I needed to rant. And besides our occasional flirting we didn't go any steps further. I knew Kyra was waiting for me to tell her I was ready but I just needed to make sure for myself. I could tell she was a good one I didn't want to mess it up.

It was the day before our next game and I would finally be playing again. I was so excited. Kyra and I were talking all about the upcoming game as we headed back to her car when out of the corner of my eye I see Katie come and snag my keys out of my hands and toss them to Caitlin. Before I can even yell at her she throws me in an headlock and drags me to her car.
"Kyra go with Caitlin or she will drag you off the same way. See you girlies later!"

I could only glance to see Caitlin smirking and Kyra looking stunned but quickly getting in the passenger seat of my car.
"Katie!! Let me go!" I knew it was no use fighting. As the younger sister I may or may not have been in this position a million times and I swear Katie is the strongest person in the world when I try to escape I still haven't figured out how to. So instead I just try to punch and pinch her wherever I can until she eventually pushed me to her car.
"Get in." She said in her scary voice
"As if I had a choice. You just threw my keys. I mean god if you really want to hang out with me so bad just ask."
"Hmm well did you get a new phone Laur cause last I checked I've called and texted you a million times and you keep ignoring me."
I just huffed in response knowing she was right and stayed silent until she reached her destination. Which surprisingly wasn't her place but an large park. She grabbed a blanket from the backseat and gave me the side eye telling me to get out and follow.

She walked down a path for a bit and then laid out the blanket. Say down and patted the spot next to her before laying back and staring at the sky.
"Talk to me. It's not healthy to keep everything in."
"I talk to Kyra"
"Okay that's good but I'm not going to judge you. I'm your sister. I've been in your shoes. It helps talking to someone you don't see everyday who has an outsiders perspective sometimes."
I stayed silent for a little while knowing Katie was giving me time to think.
"I already told you Abby and I are done again"
"For good this time? Or have you still been texting her?"
Before I answered I realized there was pure curiosity and full intent on wanting to help me out in her tone of voice. No judgement or 'I told you so' sarcasm. Which definitely helped lighten my tension.
"No for good. I haven't talked to her since that day. Don't even look at her Instagram anymore. You were right she only wanted to get back together for 'perks' as she called it."
"I'm sorry to hear that Laur. Now what's going on with you and kyra?"
"Nothing" I tried my best not to stutter.
"Don't lie to me"
"We both told each other we like one another. We kissed once. But she said she's not taking me on a date until I'm completely over Abby"
"Well how do you feel about that? Do you think you're ready?"
"I can't wait to go on a date with her. But it feels to soon. I don't want to blow it. Part of me doesn't want Abby to feel hurt if she sees in already going on another date."
"I don't think you would blow it if you went on a date with her but take all the time you need. Sounds like Kyra is going to wait for you. Which she better. And not wanting to hurt Abby is a normal feeling right now. But don't let it hold you back forever. You'll know when it's right to move forward. Now how's everything at Arsenal going? Not getting overworked or feeling tired are you?"
"Wait wait wait. Who are you? You aren't going to hound me about kyra and my crush. You just give advice and move on???"
Katie finally smirked and looked towards me instead of the sky.
"There a million other times in your life time I have and will continue to joke around and mess with you. But every once in a while it's good to just let some of your feelings out without feeling like you have to hide anything. Now how's football?"
"Uh yeah good. I think I've gotten better at eating healthier and I feel like I can last longer in games now. I really enjoy being here."
"Good that's great. You tell me if something ever just doesn't feel right okay?"
"Yeah okay. Just don't get red cards every time someone touches me out on the field"
"Yeah yeah no promises," she says nudging me, " I'll always protect ya"
"I know you will Katie " I said laughing back.
"So is Kyra getting this chat too from Caitlin?"
"Well. Kinda. Caitlin is actually getting every little detail out about what has happened between you two so far because I knew you wouldn't go into detail and kyra is a blabber mouth when Caitlin pries hard enough."
"KATIE! What the hell so you said all that nice stuff knowing you were going to get all the details anyway."
"Well I did mean everything I said but yeah Caitlin and I had a plan all along."
"I don't like you two ganging up on me."
"We'll get used to it. I don't see her going anywhere soon"
"Ha what she gonna put a ring on it or something?" I laughed jokingly just to egg Katie on but when I didn't get a response I whipped my head so fast in Katie's direction that I almost gave myself another concussion.
"We've discussed it. But I don't think it will be soon"
Neither one of us could hold in our giggles after that. Watching Katie blush was enough to make me double over in laughter.
"I would 1000% approve if it means anything"
"Of course your approval means a lot to me. I want everyone in the families approval really. "Well take her home when we go home for Christmas."
"Yeah that's another thing I needed to tell you today. I'm actually going with her. To Australia. I'm going to miss all of Christmas."
"Oh? That's it?"
"No uh I mean it's just going to be weird without you. But go! You'll have fun and you'll get to meet her whole family. Maybe you guys can come to Ireland a different time!"
"You're not mad?"
"No I'm not mad. You're clearly very happy with her.  Might give her a talking to now that I know it's really serious."
"Oh yeah I'm sure you'll really scare her off" she
said rolling her eyes.

After a bit more time just talking about nothing we got up and Katie dropped me off at home as I passed Caitlin walking out and into the car. I gave her the stink eye just to pretend I was mad about Katie going to Australia. Because why not mess with my future sister in law. And she gave me the I know every little detail about kyra and you relationship look.
As soon as I entered the house kyra looked at me with big round eyes that looked like she knew she was in trouble.
"I spilled everything."
I just laughed at her and pulled her into a hug. "Not your fault Ky. Those two are dangerous when they work together."

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